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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Perhaps age is a factor. He was never the speediest German to begin with and now there is a lot of young blood who are willing to prove themselves on the World Cup challenging him.
  2. Why did it never come up that a famous actor Ryan is also secretly a biathlete representing USA?
  3. Eurosport also mentioned that Kuehn has his PB in Pokljuka, so he probably won't be happy, since the tour is moving to Slovakia and that Slovenia is cancelled. I was also extremely confused, went to check the schedule and it's Pokljuka still...
  4. Yeah, of course we played it. Why am I not surprised They have a lot of gems, for example, a song completely dedicated to tangerines (mandarinai in Lithuanian) and it is called "Tangerines" with the chorus going: Tangerines are cool Tangerines are cool Tangerines are cool My head does not hurt from them
  5. Maksim Fomin and Lukas Jakeliūnas with PBs in the IBU cup. With that, we have 6 male biathletes that are able to start in the World Cup now.
  6. That was probably the best way that she could have ever honoured his memory. I'm still expecting something from Mari, she is showing improvement these past couple of races.
  7. Kaisa and winning/getting a podium during her Birthday week. Name a more iconic duo. I can't remember how many times she's done this
  8. Yeah, today's win was very spectacular. Mari Eder's 2017 double in Oslo after her coach's death is one of my most memorable moments, I remember the shivers during that emotional pursuit finish. Hard agree on Dahlmeier's relay performance, that was the moment when everybody knew that they saw a star.
  10. I still can't believe why they're so bent on ignoring Runggaldier. Sure, she is not as fast as most other Italians, but she never goes around the penalty loop, because her shooting is reliable and that's what the Italian team always lacked with 40% relay accuracy from Gontier and an often shaky performance from Sanfilippo.
  11. Well, I was working today, but I of course, managed to find a way to somewhat track the men's sprint on my phone All I can say is that IT IS AWESOME!!!!!! This is history made for Lithuanian biathlon. This is the first time that two Lithuanian biathletes end up with points in a single race, the first time that three Lithuanian biathletes have won points in a season and the highest ever placement for Lithuanian men in World Cup biathlon, because Kaukėnas only ever got inside top 20 in World Championships or Olympics. Vytautas Strolia became a father a couple of hours before the race started, there's a whole interview about that one now that I'll head to read right now. This is also the second time in Karol's career that he enters a Top 40. Also, I had this joke with my friend and I said that Lithuanian men will definitely get into points, because we always do, when there's no pursuit afterwards. It's so funny right now
  12. I wonder if the schedule would affect the users in a positive or a negative manner. For example, the users that work on Fridays are probably screwed out of chances in joining the part 1 of the Grand Final. Also, the userbase that don't want to spend both Friday and Saturday in front of the computer half a day. And the users that would perhaps benefit from it being on two days with the possibility that they could join the grand final discussions at one certain day, opposed to the times when it was only just one Saturday and someone was busy on that Saturday and missed TISC completely? This might be worth debating to see what would make more people happy, although it's too early for things like that since the schedule is probably very prone for change.
  13. I also saw in the preliminary schedule that the grand final is split into two days? Is that accounting for the GIF scoreboard loading time or?
  14. Omg, I'm happy that I missed this fiasco Anyways, the reason why one contest was in Autumn and one was in Spring is fairly logical, knowing that major sporting events are mostly scheduled on Winter and Summer. It also balances out the wait between the two contests quite well, so that people don't need to wait 9 months for the other contest to begin, rather shortening the wait to 6 months. Another funny thing is that the person that complained 57 times about how everything is always dragged out is the one that opens a 2020 contest in 2019
  15. Crazy season. To see Lithuanians with good starting numbers in a World Cup race is definitely a rare sight. But if they keep getting into points, then they won't need to start like 67th, 85th and 94th. Although, we've never had two starting in the first 40.
  16. So the only thing that can stop a Boe is yet another Boe?
  17. Well, with Hammerschmidt not starting in the IBU cup, will she be able to pull Germany back together this week? Probably not yet, but happy that she is back
  18. Oh my, we're squares now for the next decade Triangles for 2030 incoming.
  19. On the other hand, the Lithuanian future is not something that anybody wants to see
  20. What a shame, we nearly had a historical competition for Lithuania, where all three athletes would have made the pursuit. Unfortunately, Kaukėnas will fall down to 61st But, it is great that this is the second sprint and it is points again for Lithuania with Vytautas Strolia finishing 31st, exactly where Tomas finished in Ostersund. Karol Dombrovski really dug deep to finish 53rd with two mistakes even. This is the man that struggled to get into top 60 when he shot 0+0. A very honourable mention also goes to Natalija Kočergina for the 43rd in the women's sprint. THAT IS THREE WHOLE LITHUANIANS IN THE PURSUITS FOR THE WEEKEND
  21. Vytautas is flying, looks like another bundle of points for the Lithuanian team!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. As a person that supports a country that had a women's team 1 and a half years ago, I still remember the day when we started with our final women's relay, so I know how you're feeling
  23. This is going to be nice points for Nikita Romanov Linas Banys is trying too hard and then lets himself down on shooting every time.
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