I had to really really think about it this year, because there was a lot to choose from. As you may know, TISC winner Leon Somov & Jazzu has split up three years ago, but we've continued singing with Jazzu and I have emotional connections to most of her songs, that's why choosing was not even easy after I decided to go with Jazzu There are a lot of really good songs in her 2019 album, like "Karolis" (sounds better live to be honest), I adore "Ghost" and "Basi", but there is a hidden gem in the album that we haven't performed live EVER and I decided to share that one with you.
Jazzu - Pradžia (Beginning)
Paleisk mintis - Free your thoughts
Papasakok apie rytojų - Talk to me about tomorrow
Tik nemeluok - Just don't lie
Nes tavo žodžiais aš kvėpuoju - Because my breathing is reliant on your words
Tavas akis - I see your eyes
Matau ir skrenda mano siela - And my soul starts flying
Save palik - Remain here
Ir dar nors vieną mėnesieną - At least for another moonlight
Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me
Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes
Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me
Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here
Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning
Paskolink širdį - Lend me your heart
Ne, nepaskolink – atiduoki - No, borrowing is not enough, give it to me
Save aš visą visą visą - Myself, everything, everything, everything
Tau pasiryžus dovanoti - I'm determined to give to you
Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me
Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes
Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me
Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here
Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning
Man silpna, aš alpstu - I'm feeling weak, I'm fainting
Nuo tobulų minčių - From perfect thoughts
Esi man viskas - You're everything to me
Aš noriu būti Tu - I want to be your everything
Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me
Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes
Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me
Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here
Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning
Netobula - Imperfect
Bet ypatinga mūsų meilė - But really special is our love
Mane lieti - You're touching me
O tolumoj vėl gęsta saulė - And in the distance the sun is slowly setting