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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. It's gonna be a Norwegian day I guess, because Norwegian men would need to have a colossal failure to lose it.
  2. At least Oeberg missed out on being fourth again She not only lost her medal, but my prediction medal as well probably with that last shoot
  3. Poland can win. That way everybody loses four points
  4. Wow France I really put in effort into research to predict that it should be a successful relay for France, but never in my wildest dreams I imagined that they'd be running with a 50-60% hitrate on all three legs
  5. Well, my predictions at the moment are highly not paying off
  6. now that the contest is Ireland approved, the registration floodgates are open
  7. It wouldn't be a TISC without boycotting an edition. As is tradition
  8. I like how @OlympicIRL was present for the eligibility of Croatia's song before even registering to the contest
  9. Usually it's the other way around, singles are pushed and then they land into the album Although there are post-album single pushes, but they do tend to be pushed during the hype (as in a week later of the album release). Was the album released in December perhaps? Edit: nevermind the last one
  10. I'm not sure if I'm a legal expert, but I don't think it's eligible since it was released in a 2018 album Unless the 2019 version is somehow overhauled, perhaps a collab with another artist, which would make it a different version of the same song that came out in 2019?
  11. Just tagging some regular users to take notice of the contest as well: @intoronto @LDOG @vinipereira @titicow @uk12points @Finnator123 @tuniscof @catgamer @stefanbg and trying my luck with: @Gigs @ChandlerMne @NearPup @Ustatsch @MHSN Would love to get countries like Estonia, Czech Republic back
  12. Honestly, one of the hardest translations that I ever had to do for TISC. This song has a lot of poetic epithets that are really difficult to melodically translate into English. for example lyrics like 'aš pasiryžus dovanoti' would be I'm ready/determined to gift myself to you, which would sound a bit off or the 'nes tavo žodžiais aš kvėpuoju' because your words I breathe would sound stale, but in Lithuanian it would mean that my life and existence is reliant on every word that you say to me and that is why she's asking for him not to lie to her Anyways, I tried my best, hope that someone reads it when listening to this song
  13. I had to really really think about it this year, because there was a lot to choose from. As you may know, TISC winner Leon Somov & Jazzu has split up three years ago, but we've continued singing with Jazzu and I have emotional connections to most of her songs, that's why choosing was not even easy after I decided to go with Jazzu There are a lot of really good songs in her 2019 album, like "Karolis" (sounds better live to be honest), I adore "Ghost" and "Basi", but there is a hidden gem in the album that we haven't performed live EVER and I decided to share that one with you. LITHUANIA Jazzu - Pradžia (Beginning) Lyrics Paleisk mintis - Free your thoughts Papasakok apie rytojų - Talk to me about tomorrow Tik nemeluok - Just don't lie Nes tavo žodžiais aš kvėpuoju - Because my breathing is reliant on your words Tavas akis - I see your eyes Matau ir skrenda mano siela - And my soul starts flying Save palik - Remain here Ir dar nors vieną mėnesieną - At least for another moonlight Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning Paskolink širdį - Lend me your heart Ne, nepaskolink – atiduoki - No, borrowing is not enough, give it to me Save aš visą visą visą - Myself, everything, everything, everything Tau pasiryžus dovanoti - I'm determined to give to you Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning Man silpna, aš alpstu - I'm feeling weak, I'm fainting Nuo tobulų minčių - From perfect thoughts Esi man viskas - You're everything to me Aš noriu būti Tu - I want to be your everything Aš tikėjau būsi tu, šalia - I believed that you would be, close to me Tada kai jau ateis, pabaiga - When the end finally comes Žinojau, kad tai tu, šalia - I knew that it was you, close to me Dabar tave jaučiu - And now I feel you're here Ir tai tiktai pradžia - And it's only the beginning Netobula - Imperfect Bet ypatinga mūsų meilė - But really special is our love Mane lieti - You're touching me O tolumoj vėl gęsta saulė - And in the distance the sun is slowly setting
  14. Can't agree with you on this one. If we only had mixed relays, it would be the same four people running in every single one of them most of the time. I wonder how many years will pass until someone other than the Boe brothers run for Norway. These four people relays at least give a chance to people like Dale, Christiansen to perhaps come away with a medal from the championships. There are not a lot of opportunities to win medals and when 50% of them go to Fourcade, JTB, Roeiseland and Wierer, then there is not much chance for other athletes to come away with a medal, so at least they have a shot to feel like champions for once even if it is a team setting and not an individual victory. For example, cases like Franziska Hildebrand, has been in biathlon forever, has a fourth place in the World Championships, would end her career without a single medal, but she was competent enough to get two relay golds with Germany so she won't end her career empty handed.
  15. It is difficult to lose relays when you have Boes for days. And seeing that sprint, pursuit and individual wins all had less than 10 second margins from the second place, I'd say that it's still pretty competitive. Especially for a season after Dahlmeier's and Kuzmina's retirement and adding the fact that Eckhoff + Makarainen are completely flopping and Vittozzi looks like a shadow of her former self this season. It is fairly easy for Roeiseland and Wierer to sweep the medals, when only Herrmann and Oeberg are consistently challenging them from the top dogs. Names like Tandrevold and Braisaz are also fairly irrelevant in these championships.
  16. I have good hopes for the Swedish women's relay, although Persson is not looking too good.
  17. Well, sad. I had Norway, Sweden and Austria as my picks for the prediction and it ended with a Norway - Germany - France so I'm probably losing a bunch of points today unless someone blew their hopes on Italy today.
  18. 30 nations going to start tomorrow. That's cool, but also starting to wonder what they would do in a case with 32 countries wanting to participate.
  19. Oeberg + Samuelsson is also full gold mode, both can easily match up against Italy.
  20. Honestly, this year the Lithuanian selection is so difficult, that I could host an entire show where Totallympics members pick the representative for me If only that was allowed. We have a beautiful 2019 album from Jazzu (and another one is gonna hit the international shelves) An amazing album from GJan Monique's newest song Rūta Loop's Eurovision selection song. Vaidas Baumila collab with Saulės Kliošas A cool song from my good friends Sisters On Wire and many more. Although I have a feeling what I'm going to pick, it's a shame that I won't be able to show you the other goodies.
  21. Oh My God. I have 9 gigs on April and your final date managed to avoid them all, I'm extremely happy Lithuania is in!
  22. OMG, I entered a loophole in time and space Now I pressed on Domink Landertinger to see who was on the podium with him when he won a 3rd place in an individual and landed on the Olympic Games and the top 6 in Korea are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 10th today, just in a different order.
  23. Woah, got a little bit mindfucked when I looked up Karol Dombrovski's best result, the 18/19 individual in Pokljuka TODAY ---> 18/19 Pokljuka Fourcade 1st ---> Fourcade 1st Landertinger 3rd ---> Eder 3rd Fak 4th ---> Fak 4th Samuelsson 10th ---> Samuelsson 9th and fairly similar placements for Christian Gow, Ponsiluoma, Dombrovski, Leitner, JTB
  24. It was a disaster in biathlon terms, because it was both the 1st and the 5th shot. Second shoot was also the 5th shot. Technical mistakes that could have been avoided added more patience.
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