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Totallympics Medallist
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kungshamra71 last won the day on January 30

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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Swimming, Archery, Football, Table Tennis
  • Favourite Athletes
    Ian Thorpe, Katie Ledecky, Cristiano Ronaldo
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  1. Besides the incredible sport result by finishing 4th at the World Championship, national team managed to do the unthinkable: to gather portuguese people's attention to a sport other than football, so much that the semi final against Denmark was the most viewed tv show of the day in Portugal. In fact, to be able to make the Prime Minister and the President of the country to go to the bronze medal match of a sport that is not football truly reveals how this guys made this event popular in our country. Yesterday they landed back in and this was the reception: Yes of course this looks like a joke next to Croatia celebrations, but you need to understand this is a 100% football-only country so having someone besides the players families waiting for them in the airport is already big enough for , so this one was really nice
  2. Really proud of this guys, gave a big fight this afternoon against the mighty France. Top 4 in a World Cup, who would imagine! Amazing this Portugal
  3. No newspaper main page for handball today of course, but still what this guys did was incredible, to end up at the top 4 at the World Cup! And another good thing is the visibility for handball in Portugal: besides the headlines in newspaper and tv news, the interest has been so big that the prime minister will be there Sunday in Oslo for the bronze medal match.
  4. well, here you have it. this time is extra especial because this happened at the same night as champion league matches of two main Portuguese football clubs, so was not expecting this cover at all. and they even made it to the national general newspapers:
  5. What a match! Didn’t expect the win after the superb performance from the German gk, but they actually did it!!
  6. finally some proper media attention to what’s happening in this World Cup! (From just one of the three big sports newspaper, but heh, it’s something )
  7. Incredible match today, for the first time ever Portugal is qualified for a world cup quarterfinals, with group opponents such as Norway, Sweden and Spain (did we ever won Spain before? Don’t think so) and still undefeated! whatever happens this has been the most incredible tournament ever for Portugal. And they still are not headlines in the sporting news at home!!! Let’s hope for tomorrow’s newspapers because today’s win was historical! Im also double happy for the jointed qualification of the Portuguese speaking nations: vamos Brazil! has small hope for Cape Verde against Argentina but I knew it would be super difficult
  8. The evolution of Portuguese handball in the past 10 years of so has been really incredible. being able to win to Norway, at a world championship, in their own venue, and finishing the first round in first place… incredible… I feel only sad for the lack of headline news those guys deserve in Portuguese media…
  9. yeah in the meantime i also got my answer viaplay in NL shows all the matches so i'm happy with it
  10. Does anyone here knows where will the World Cup be transmitted as a whole? Or is it just gonna be “Dutch tv will show the Dutch games, Portuguese tv will show the Portuguese games, etc”?
  11. This is incredible. Amazing San Marino! 🇸🇲
  12. That mf’er, I want him to retire and he just keeps scoring goals after goals just to prove what I already know anyway 🐐 Oh well, what can I do but just say
  13. Yes yes, a lasting impact indeed haha I still got a 12 and exported good Portuguese music to New Zealand (I think?) so my job here is done 😁 Btw fun fact, all first three in this year TISC were at the very bottom of my classification (either because I didn’t like it, or because they were too famous and I usually do not pick them :-) )
  14. Sad to see that my top 3 didn’t win, but at least know that they have a fix place in my Spotify playlist now hehe (Hungary, France and Greece. The Dutch one I hear it every now and then in the radio and at new years anyway) nice contest with some good music, and congrats for all the huge effort from the organiser in making this happen, it really is a fun tradition even if we’re not that many anymore
  15. BUT those are the most appreciated 12 points in the whole contest! And if you follow TISC for the last 10 years you should know already that i aim for sharing portuguese culture no matter how appealing (or not :D) it might be. So if one liked it, i'm quite happy! I suggest you to explore more of his songs if you liked it
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