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  1. Looked up a press article about the olympic prizes in this otherwise God forsaken country: Turns out the prize for gold medal this year is 140.000 euro, for the silver about 100.000 euro and the bronze about 82.000 euro. Even the 8th place is worth 8000 euro. In total about 6.25 million € was paid out as olympic remuneration. The "highest grossing" athlete was Tamara Csipes (canoeing) with 280.000 € in total. In addition to the lump sum prizes the medallists are entitled to a lifetime monthly payment from age 35. Currently this payment is 1450 euro monthly for a gold medallist. (The article states the amounts in the monopoly money otherwise known as forint, it was converted to euro at the exchange rate valid as of today)
  2. Isnt hckosice one of the most active users here? Dont know for sure did not follow golf in neither OG
  3. Isn't that in Tokyo there was a Slovak golfer who finally won a medal - so I assume hckosice commented more?
  4. I agree with this.
  5. I want to ask a question: A local Russia specialist wrote about this saga and Russia’s role in it and he says one of the two boxers in question (maybe Khalif but not remember which one) defeated a Russian boxer who was unbeaten before. After that came the DQ which conveniently erased this result thereby restoring the Russian’s unbeaten-ness. He says that there might be why the Russian influenced IBA took up this issue at that particular time. (Seemingly it did not bother them that these two athletes competed for a while in IBA events) What do you think about this? Might there be sth in his assertion?
  6. Vektor said a lot of things I agree with, but some more points Final score: 7/10 - surprisingly good after the massive, sustained bad luck we hade here. With more luck this could have been the most successful OG for for a long time. Big surprises: Taekwondo gold - I expected that Salim Omar might do something big, but in the end it came from someone else Pentathlon gold - for me it was a surprise, I believed we can have a bronze if lucky Big disappointments: Where should I begin LOL - Fencing individual all around bad luck - Judo/Wrestling - Mens pentathlon - No gold medal for canoe/kayak for the first time in decades Heartbreak: - Mens kayak 1 1000 m missing gold medal - Infuriatingly big number of 4th places where we were literally a step from the bronze 1. Cycling road women - centimeters from the medal 2. Nandor Nemeth swimming - 0.01s 3. Mens C-2 500 (If I remember correctly) - photofinish sh!tshow, 6th which could have been easily 3rd 4. Wrestilng Musukaev bronze match - questionable judging decicion at the end which cost the 3rd place 5. etc. Countrys goals: dont know what they were officially but I guess by matching Tokyo more or less it was not that bad Future preparations: I dont know what will be done, but IMO what SHOULD be done: - Review what went wrong in judo/wrestling - Review what is missing in waterpolo to step up again - Hopefully taekwondo will get more attention
  7. Max users here: does anyone know how long Max keeps the videos from Paris 2024 after the end?
  8. I have a question for people who know the eSports scene (I don't apart from that it exists) Which countries (I mean competitors of) do well at different eSports tournaments? - Big Anglophone countries like USA AUS CAN? - Japan, S Korea? - How are Europeans doing? I know that there are a ton of games these tournaments are played with but maybe there are some general trends.
  9. Oh yes I understand. Personally I would not put relationships etc at risk because of the Olympics (good example an old friend living abroad was here on visit until this week and last week one evening we went to meet up - not for a second I cared that the OG is on) Now I work in flexible time but if I had a job with 3 weeks vacation under absolutely no circumstances would take 2 weeks to watch the OG. On the other hand I probably watched more international results live than Hungarian ones (I saw live the hammer throw part of the pentathlon and the gold medal by Milak) the rest from replays.
  10. Sorry totally forgot that! We unfortunately didn't get the Mondo bonus track (WR) back in Budapest - was there in person but still it was amazing to see the Master at work IRL. The pole vault was the hottest day of the whole Budapest WCh, here in Paris maybe also the weather helped.
  11. In Rio and Tokyo I didn't watch many things in the late night timezone (by CET), only selected things I was interested in. The rest from internet replays. With regards to 1988-96 results in case of I could have stopped long ago, as we had 11 gold medals and 23-30 medals back then (Seoul and Barcelona) - everyone knows we are not going to match that maybe ever
  12. Well this was funny. Actually I liked it more than the OC (except the boat parade) The LA segment came up with music which was “in” when i was in high school (RHCP, Dr Dre, etc) and I am almost 45 LMAO.
  13. I think one solution to the eSports dilemma is to have this eSports Olympics which was launched (at least it was written here) recently like one week after the Olympics concludes. Therefore it can have media exposure related to the Games but still kept separate. It could be held in a repurposed Olympics venue (but it has to have air conditioning, hahahaha 😂 😄)
  14. Well what I now that he was criticized a lot in the media about: why he is not informing the media, he is not training enough, maybe he will be absent from the Olympics, maybe he has depression and this is the end of his career (he might have had IMO but his career has clearly not ended) , maybe he will come and he will bomb because he was not training enough etc. etc. etc. Even though there were legitimate questions to be asked the thing was a bit like UK royal family vs. UK tabloid press At least this is how I see it.
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