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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. MEXICO Russia 12 Colombia 11 Brazil 10 Algeria 9 United States 8 Portugal 7 Poland 6 Denmark 5 Malta 4 Bulgaria 3 Indonesia 2 France 1 Así concluye la participación del jurado de México. De nueva cuenta, felicitamos a todos los participantes en este concurso. ¡Gracias y hasta la próxima edición!. This concludes the participation of Mexico's jury. Once again, we congratulate all participants in this contest. Thank you and until next edition!
  2. MEXICO Colombia 11 Brazil 10 Algeria 9 United States 8 Portugal 7 Poland 6 Denmark 5 Malta 4 Bulgaria 3 Indonesia 2 France 1
  3. MEXICO Jury Spokesperson: mrv86 ¡Buenos días Orlando. Saludos al resto del mundo. México llamando!. El jurado mexicano quiere agradecer a nuestro anfitrión por su excelente trabajo, así como al resto de los participantes por darnos a conocer su música. Sin más que agregar, éstos son nuestros votos. Good morning Orlando! Greetings to the rest of the World! Mexico calling. The Mexican jury wants to thank our guest for its excellent work and also the rest of the participants for showing us their music.Without further introduction, here are our votes: Brazil 10 Algeria 9 United States 8 Portugal 7 Poland 6 Denmark 5 Malta 4 Bulgaria 3 Poland 2 France 1
  4. It's a 4-way tie for 2nd as USA extends the lead. Next is our southern neighbors Mexico and @mrv86 . May we have your votes, please?  Number of Juries Voted So Far: 5 / 35 Argentina 14 Colombia 8 Chile 13 Great Britain 8 Spain 6 Tunisia 0 Romania 13 Croatia 3 France 9 Malta 5 Indonesia 7 Mexico 12 Denmark 18 Serbia 1 Poland 10 United States 46 Italy 15 New Zealand 23 Slovenia 5 Ireland 23 Portugal 23 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 8 Netherlands 23 Egypt 9 Turkey 10 Greece 0 Algeria 21 Bulgaria 16 Canada 2 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 21 Russia 9 Current Top 5 Positions 1 United States ▶︎ 46 2 Portugal ▲ 23 3 Netherlands ▼ 23 4 New Zealand ▼ 23 5 Ireland ▲ 23
  5. Thank you Malta  Jury Voting: Malta Argentina 3 14 Colombia 8 Chile 13 Great Britain 8 8 Spain 6 6 Tunisia 0 Romania 5 13 Croatia 3 France 9 Malta 5 Indonesia 7 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 18 Serbia 1 1 Poland 2 10 United States 11 46 Italy 10 15 New Zealand 23 Slovenia 5 Ireland 12 23 Portugal 4 23 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 8 Netherlands 23 Egypt 9 Turkey 10 Greece 0 Algeria 7 21 Bulgaria 16 Canada 2 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 21 Russia 9
  6. MALTA Ireland 12 United States 11 Italy 10 Denmark 9 Great Britain 8 Algeria 7 Spain 6 Romania 5 Portugal 4 Argentina 3 Poland 2 Serbia 1 And that completes our votes. We wish all the contestants well and thank our hosts for a fabulous show. Goodbye!
  7. MALTA United States 11 Italy 10 Denmark 9 Great Britain 8 Algeria 7 Spain 6 Romania 5 Portugal 4 Argentina 3 Poland 2 Serbia 1
  8. MALTA Jury Spokesperson: Glen Greetings from Malta. We hope everyone is enjoying the show. And now, the votes of the Maltese jury. Italy 10 Denmark 9 Great Britain 8 Algeria 7 Spain 6 Romania 5 Portugal 4 Argentina 3 Poland 2 Serbia 1
  9. Glen is online and following the contest on a cell phone, so I will post on his behalf
  10. Bulgaria and Mexico fall off the radar, replaced with New Zealand and Austria. Up next is Malta and @Glen . May we have your votes?  Number of Juries Voted So Far: 4 / 35 Argentina 11 Colombia 8 Chile 13 Great Britain 0 Spain 0 Tunisia 0 Romania 8 Croatia 3 France 9 Malta 5 Indonesia 7 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 Serbia 0 Poland 8 United States 35 Italy 5 New Zealand 23 Slovenia 5 Ireland 11 Portugal 19 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 8 Netherlands 23 Egypt 9 Turkey 10 Greece 0 Algeria 14 Bulgaria 16 Canada 2 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 21 Russia 9 Current Top 5 Positions 1 United States ▶︎ 35 2 Netherlands ▶︎ 23 3 New Zealand ▲ 23 4 Austria ▲ 21 5 Portugal ▼ 19
  11. Thank you, Croatia  Jury Voting: Croatia Argentina 11 Colombia 8 Chile 10 13 Great Britain 0 Spain 0 Tunisia 0 Romania 8 Croatia 3 France 5 9 Malta 5 Indonesia 7 7 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 Serbia 0 Poland 1 8 United States 6 35 Italy 5 New Zealand 12 23 Slovenia 5 Ireland 11 Portugal 19 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 8 Netherlands 23 Egypt 3 9 Turkey 10 Greece 0 Algeria 8 14 Bulgaria 4 16 Canada 2 2 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 11 21 Russia 9 9
  12. The United States and the Netherlands are holding steady while Portugal and Bulgaria rise to the occasion. Next up is the Midwest regional captains Croatia. @dcro , what do you have for us?  Number of Juries Voted So Far: 3 / 35 Argentina 11 Colombia 8 Chile 3 Great Britain 0 Spain 0 Tunisia 0 Romania 8 Croatia 3 France 4 Malta 5 Indonesia 0 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 Serbia 0 Poland 7 United States 29 Italy 5 New Zealand 11 Slovenia 5 Ireland 11 Portugal 19 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 8 Netherlands 23 Egypt 6 Turkey 10 Greece 0 Algeria 6 Bulgaria 12 Canada 0 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 10 Russia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1 United States ▶︎ 29 2 Netherlands ▶︎ 23 3 Portugal ▲ 19 4 Mexico ▼ 12 5 Bulgaria ▲ 12
  13. Thank you, Tunisia.  Jury Voting: Tunisia Argentina 11 Colombia 8 Chile 3 Great Britain 0 Spain 0 Tunisia 0 Romania 8 Croatia 3 France 4 Malta 5 Indonesia 0 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 Serbia 0 Poland 1 7 United States 7 29 Italy 5 New Zealand 11 11 Slovenia 5 5 Ireland 11 Portugal 9 19 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 4 8 Netherlands 8 23 Egypt 6 6 Turkey 10 10 Greece 0 Algeria 2 6 Bulgaria 12 12 Canada 0 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 3 10 Russia 0
  14. TUNISIA Bulgaria 12 New Zealand 11 Turkey 10 Portugal 9 Netherlands 8 United States 7 Egypt 6 Slovenia 5 Finland 4 Austria 3 Algeria 2 Poland 1 We would like to thank our hosts for a wonderful show and see you all again in the next contest.
  15. TUNISIA New Zealand 11 Turkey 10 Portugal 9 Netherlands 8 United States 7 Egypt 6 Slovenia 5 Finland 4 Austria 3 Algeria 2 Poland 1
  16. TUNISIA Jury Spokesperson: amen09 Hello, this is Tunisia calling. These are the results of the votes of the Tunisian National Jury. Turkey 10 Portugal 9 Netherlands 8 United States 7 Egypt 6 Slovenia 5 Finland 4 Austria 3 Algeria 2 Poland 1
  17. USA gets the lead, which has become a normal territory, don't you think? Next up is Tunisia and jurors @amen09 and @tuniscof , who by the way, hosted last year's TOISC. Guys, what do you have for us?  Number of Juries Voted So Far: 2 / 35 Argentina 11 Colombia 8 Chile 3 Great Britain 0 Spain 0 Tunisia 0 Romania 8 Croatia 3 France 4 Malta 5 Indonesia 0 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 Serbia 0 Poland 6 United States 22 Italy 5 New Zealand 0 Slovenia 0 Ireland 11 Portugal 10 India 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 4 Netherlands 15 Egypt 0 Turkey 0 Greece 0 Algeria 4 Bulgaria 0 Canada 0 Lithuania 0 Brazil 8 Austria 7 Russia 0 Current Top 5 Positions 1 United States ▲ 22 2 Netherlands ▲ 15 3 Mexico ▼ 12 4 Ireland ▲ 11 5 Argentina ▼ 11
  18. Thank you, Great Britain  Jury Voting: Great Britain Argentina 11 Colombia 8 8 Chile 3 3 Great Britain 0 Spain 0 Tunisia 0 Romania 8 Croatia 3 France 4 4 Malta 5 Indonesia 0 Mexico 12 Denmark 9 9 Serbia 0 Poland 6 United States 12 22 Italy 5 5 New Zealand 0 Slovenia 0 Ireland 11 11 Portugal 10 10 India 1 1 Slovakia 0 Finland 4 Netherlands 6 15 Egypt 0 Turkey 0 Greece 0 Algeria 2 4 Bulgaria 0 Canada 0 Lithuania 0 Brazil 7 8 Austria 7 Russia 0
  19. GREAT BRITAIN United States 12 Ireland 11 Portugal 10 Denmark 9 Colombia 8 Brazil 7 Netherlands 6 Italy 5 France 4 Chile 3 Algeria 2 India 1 That completes the votes of Great Britain. Thank you and goodbye!
  20. GREAT BRITAIN Ireland 11 Portugal 10 Denmark 9 Colombia 8 Brazil 7 Netherlands 6 Italy 5 France 4 Chile 3 Algeria 2 India 1
  21. GREAT BRITAIN Jury Spokesperson: uk12points Good afternoon! Great to be with you all for another TISC event. Here follows the results of the votes of the GB National Jury. Portugal 10 Denmark 9 Colombia 8 Brazil 7 Netherlands 6 Italy 5 France 4 Chile 3 Algeria 2 India 1
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