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Posts posted by RiSeGwangFan

  1. 5 hours ago, thiago_simoes said:

    Yes, she was really tired. Now she needs to focus on her preparation for the Olympics and no matter what happens there, she will be part of history forever.

    It was a long day with tons of inquiries and an overall sluggish performance by the judges, partially because of those very same inquiries. The judging panel seemed to be completely lost sometimes and most of the inquiries were accepted. Judging rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most stressful activities one could volunteer to do, but at the same time I wonder if it's not time to completely ban judges from the same continent from judging a continental competition.

    Now, about the Olympic qualification system, it was a total mess. There a lots of complaints about which judges were attributed to each function, since the D3 panel is one that could completely change the outcome of a competition depending on who is judging. I won't get into details, but there are Brazilians accusing Mexico of manipulating scores in individual competition, and there are Mexicans accusing Brazil of manipulating scores in the group competition. In special, one of the accounts I follow on Twitter is a battlefield right now with tons of nasty comments, and this really makes me sad because, in all honesty, people should be celebrating Rut Castillo's achievement instead of exchanging accusations. I'm super happy for her, she was superb, she didn't have a single bad moment during qualifications and she deserved the Olympic qualification. It was the performance of a lifetime, yet people seem to be ignoring that.

    Anyway, I want to wrap it up by congratulating Sol Fainberg too for two medals today. The last medal earned by Argentina was 20 years ago, so Sol made history here and she deserves to be praised and remembered too.

    @mrv86and my Mexican friends here, congratulations for the historic achievement and the best of luck in Tokyo. If Rut finishes 22nd or better, she will have the best performance of a Latin American gymnast in the history of the Olympic Games and I'll be cheering for her.


    Lindo demais!!! I love your objectivity and your passion for the Gymnastics!!! 


  2. On 06/04/2021 at 08:27, Vic Liu said:

    I think North Korea is definitely over reacted. I can understand that they withdrew from OQT after pandemic began. But it's unnecessary to withdraw those qualified. They are not a big team and it's easy for North Korea to ask help from China including vaccine, training and quarantine. I am pretty sure Xi is more than willing to offer assistance for Kim and prioritize their requirement. Hope some miracle will occur in the coming months and no one is left.

    I think DPRK doesn't trust China at all. 

    Looks like they aren't  that well(Ok, they never are) in economy and they have even  a really awful relationship with Japan. 

    I know the DPRK is working hard, but even Kim Jong Un is talking about a new great challenge. I, like a fan of DPRK sport, feel so terrible... you don't watch the North Korean performance so often... 

    Kim Mi-Rae was my favorite... I think she was able to achieve two Olympic medals on the platform.. 




  3. On 08/04/2021 at 22:34, mrv86 said:

    El COM ha decidido poner a votación los uniformes que portará la delegación en la inauguración de Tokio.



    El que definitivamente no me gusta es el de Tlaloc. Creo pudieron haber incorporado motivos de la cultura mexica más sútiles y sobrios en el diseño negro.


    De los otros dos, ninguno me parece tan llamativo. Si acaso el de charro podría ser más "tradicional", pero al de Oaxaca le falta algo más que la solapa.


    En cualquier caso, mejor que los uniformes horrendos que llevaron en Londres.


    Es tonatiuh, una deidad solar... Aunque a mí me gusta todo lo relacionado a las culturas prehispánicas e indígenas y considero que justamente la piedra del Sol es quizá el artefacto prehispánico por excelencia de México, tampoco me gustó el diseño, creo que los Jerseys que tenía México allá por el 99 se veían mucho más "elegantes" jajaja.

    El de charro es tan austero, para ese caso mejor que lleven trajes reales de Charro.

    El de Oaxaca también está muy pobre, hubieran funcionado mejor unas elegantes guayaberas con motivos geométricos, da igual.

    México insiste en combinar lo moderno con lo tradicional cuando ni siquiera han explotado al 100% todos los trajes típicos mexicanos habidos y por haber, o ya de plano que sigan las modas actuales solo usando los colores "patrios".



  4. Asian Championship  likely cancelled.

    Due COVID-19 protocols, Chengdu won't host the Asian Champs. Also, Universiade is postponed to 2022.

    Chengdu was the host since March, when Hangzhou gave up hosting(Covid).


    This is just an  unofficial rumor on the Chinese Gymternet(Although, in Kazakhstan some Coaches was claiming "Our main competition will be the Asian Championship which will take place in Chengdu, China on May 29Th-June 1St. We hope to in one of the two Olympic Spots available in the All Around. Source:




  5. En 15/3/2020 a las 9:41, thiago_simoes dijo:


    This might sound crazy, but I would love to see an event where every sport depends on music or songs. I have no idea how to call it. The sports I can think of are:


    • Acrobatic gymnastics (FIG)
    • Aerobic gymnastics (FIG)
    • Aesthetic group gymnastics (IFAGG)
    • Artistic cycling (UCI)
    • Artistic gymnastics (even if it's just women's floor) (FIG)
    • Artistic roller skating (FIRS)
    • Artistic swimming (FINA)
    • Dancesport (WDSF)
    • Equestrian (Dressage and Vaulting) (FEI)
    • Figure skating (why not?) (ISU)
    • Rhythmic gymnastics (FIG)
    • Wheel gymnastics (IRV)


    Only 8 (edit: 9) international sports federations involved. It could work out just fine.



    FIG's games, Nellie Kim is proud. 

  6. hace 28 minutos, Jan Linha dijo:


    Sorry, went to sleep. Well, when you speak to people who work and some spheres. And they tell u what is really happening but nobody can talk about it. If somebody found out, you might ... Ehm..... Let's say .... dissapear.... Typical example of a case is the manipulation with birth dates of chinese gymnasts during Beijing 2008. Many people know nobody can talk about it and outsiders will never find a proof because access everything in English is nearly impossible and many official systems are big mess. And if G-ment corrects some stuff, nobody ever finds out. I also heard that some "doping doctors" are giving under "high supervision" to the athletes some stuff based on chinese medicine//treatmemt ways. That is supposed to be the "grey zone" ...... I don't have any paper proofs, just what I hear from people who work at some certain positions. 


    China is a dictatorship.... I'm not even surprised with this. 



  7. hace 12 horas, Olympian1010 dijo:

    All the subjectively judged sports need to leave the Olympics. Or they need to have a much more strict judging system than “artistic impression”


    I agree. :yes 

    Mainly RG. It's a beautiful sport for watch but it's so confusing... The judge system is so.... chaotic. I think in this sport there is an awful favoritism for Russia. :( 

    FIG is indeed a corrupted organization. I think the gymnastics need a new scoring system, transparent judges, tecnology, motion sensors or zero human judges for D and E score. Choreo judges could be helpful too, people with knowledge in dance, body expression so on... 





  8. hace 1 hora, thiago_simoes dijo:

    I understand why you support Yamilet Peña. I also cheered for her and I always cheer for India and even Iran (even though I have a million reasons to dislike their government) whenever gymnasts from these nations compete. But Paseka comes from Russia, which in my opinion is THE place for gymnastics in the world, and she's clearly a favorite of Rodionenko, so I'm not really impressed when she throws huge difficulty (and when she's forgiven by Rodionenko when she doesn't perform too well). I know nothing about her story, though.

    Now, we have a long way until the World Championships but I really hope gymnasts start throwing more difficult vaults, or else Paseka is going to get away with poor execution every single time she performs the Cheng. As far as I know, Andrade is not training a second vault and she probably will not upgrade her first vault to an Amanar this year. I hope I'm proven wrong, though, but I'm hopeless for anything but an all-around medal for her (and, even so, not that hopeful, lol).

    Valentina is a bad person. I want her to retire soon. She always has a hurtful statement for every occasion. She doesn't respect the rivals, not even the Russian gymnasts.
    I don't think Masha is ValRo's favorite, she's only there because of the difficulty of her vaults, when even throwing the TTY is no longer a guarantee of a medal,
    then she's going to take it away from the Russian team forever. As happened with gymnasts like Nabieva (Just to give an example).
    I also think that the Russian team should do better, well with good infrastructure, good coaches ... but as long as ValRo exists, none of that will do much good. She causes a lot of psychological violence in Russian girls. 
    I also hope to see more difficulty. Although I understand that many girls and their coaches don't want to take risks and eventually get injured because the goal is qualification to the Olympic Games. I want Yeo to be performed, SeoJeong has a lot of chances with that new Vault.
    Really? I thought that Barbosa's triumph in Cottbus would give his coaches a lot of confidence so that he already competes as a specialist, she's really better than almost all the VT specialists I've seen on the entire quad. On YouTube I read a comment where they claimed that she would be even increasing her difficulty in VT.
    I saw her very strong in her last international competition, she no longer has a weak event. Rebeca has everything to shine like a Super Star in Stuttgart.
  9. hace 41 minutos, thiago_simoes dijo:

    I got it. All I wanted to say is that I'm not emotionally invested in her story and she does not impress me, even though she goes for high difficulty when nobody else is really messing with huge D vaults. Even so, compared to what the other girls presented, Paseka's first vault should not have scored so high. My rant is more about how biased judges allow this to happen and how the code of points is so bad when it comes to scoring vaults that an atrocity like this could be seen as passable and everybody just kind of played along. Same thing with Chusovitina winning the European vault title in 2008 after counting a fall. Terrible. We should not allow things like this to happen.

    I know it!  These things aren't new in artistic gymnastics.  the COP is really a disaster for years, the judges are human and make mistakes. That in the history of the sport has been present and while there aren't more strict parameters to judge the sport and specialized technology.  The sport is really quite subjective, humans should only judge the artistic part,  I think some motion sensors are more efficient for the whole technical aspect.


    I really understand you in part, although I have always valued the risk factor much more, for example I loved watching Yamilet Peña  and I  confess that I supported her much more than Alexa Moreno when they were competing in EF, just for the fact of Produnova vault. 

    I know that it shouldn't matter the story of the gymnast, but see someone from a nation with poor sports infrastructure, who really suffered  to attend the competitions, risking and presenting a very complicated  Vault, risking their own health. It is for me the most beautiful thing.... breaking barriers. That's why I'm always going to be supporting Yami or Paseka. Obviusly it's better to see someone like Rebeca Andrade with beautiful vaults (I think she'll get Silver medal in World Championships and  the Gold in PAN AM games). 

  10. hace 8 minutos, thiago_simoes dijo:

    There's a difference between "it's fair" and "she can get away with this vault only because she's Russian". With all due respect, when she vaults, I don't care about whether she almost died or not. She should be judged on what she presents, and what she did present was something pathetic that should never EVER have received 8.5 in execution. This is everything but fair.


    You're completely changing the meaning of my message.  If you think she won her gold medal just because she's Russian, perfect. I can't change your perspective I'm not even interested in changing it, I just talked about how impressive is she to me.  


  11. hace 5 minutos, thiago_simoes dijo:

    The fact that Paseka won the gold medal with the ugliest first vault I have seen in my life speaks a lot about how poor the state of women's artistic gymnastics in Europe is right now. I know it's all about difficulty with her, but her first vault is beyond ugly. It was pathetic. 


    It isn't the fault of Paseka or the judges that the other gymnasts do not take the risk of competing more difficult  vaults. Masha is a warrior, she almost died  during her operation. I think the fact that she's showing those very hard vaults is really cool. Yeah her Cheng is really ugly, In the last World Cups it was really bad too, she's really working so har for fixing her mistakes when she blocks the table vault, if she can land her vaults it's fair she shows them. 


  12. WAG Ukrainian team has a great day today.... Two girls in the top 8. 

    The new Italian team is amazing. Alice D' Amato did excellent, the best new Senior in the AA... I read Georgia Villa had a fever when she was competing in the Qualifications, poor I hope she gets better.  She has the most beautiful routine in the Beam Final.. I'm praying for her...

  13. hace 10 minutos, Gianlu33 dijo:

    Women's AA:


    1. Melanie De Jesus Dos Santos :FRA 55.443

    2. Elissa Downie :GBR 55.365

    3. Angelina Melnikova :RUS 55.065

    So sad for Gelya, she has a lot of difficulty, but she needs work  hard in VT, her DTY is really so mediocre(ugly), she did well in UB yesterday, but she is so inconsistent, On BB is the same thing..... she's so nervous....On  FX she has a world class routine, but poorly executed. I love Gelya but What happen with her???? I'm so angry/sad/hapy for her medal... I feel like  Valentina Rodionenko  :bones: :cry::water:

    Congrats to Dos Santos(In the last European Championship she had the best AA score too)  :champion: and Ellie Downie who had a great competition after her foot injury..... :bowdown:

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