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Everything posted by AsensioWillemsen

  1. Some graphic showing the start orders in terms of gender would really help. But we all know that's not going to happen. I still don't understand why the Medley Relay and not the Freestyle Relay is included on the Olympic program..
  2. I don’t think this was a silent ban. She seemed to have issues with the fact that she was not on the level she used to be. The prize of her early and sudden success. I’m happy to see her back here, also happy to see Italian swimming totally shine. Obviously the edge over Australia and GB can also be contributed to them having the commonwealths as their main goal this year.
  3. If Modern Pentathlon will not be on the program for 2028, it's basically only downhill from there and curtains closed. I can understand the problems that Equestrian have given in general - the Schleu/Raisner incident was just a culmination of already existing problems (although there was also some incident in the Cross Country competition, right? WIll something be revised there?) Honestly, I even can accept that Equestrian is dropped from Modern Pentathlon. But it gives me a little bit of a bitter taste that one of the (for me) most iconic sports is at the end of the life cycle. I know it doesn't have that much general appeal and that it has much problems within different countries to settle itself as a proper sport, but I'm a total sucker for combined events and this is the most true combined event, although the current laser run already does have less appeal than shooting and a run afterwards. But they always need to destroy these kind of things to get the 'appeal of the youth', which you won't get anyway with the Break dance events, by the way.
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