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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. I believe my prediction was 5-0 so I'm behind already... either Thailand is this bad or what? Their keeper must be 5'2" or sth...
  2. 2-0 after 20 mins. The rout is ON! Btw, Hope Solo still looks pretty hot
  3. Designated poster girl Alex Morgan gets the ball rolling. USA 1 Thailand 0.
  4. More like the 20 minutes remaning will be re-played?
  5. Chile vs Sweden now suspended due to rain.
  6. Roord scores in the 92nd minute to give the win! basically parked the bus in the 2nd half, there were like four defenders on Miedema most of the time. They hit the bar in the 14th minute but were mostly toothless thereafter.
  7. Carli Lloyd will be 37 next month so I assume she's a reserve for this tournament? Hoping for a victory today
  8. If Hamilton moved the other way, he'd crash into Vettel ;)
  9. FIA stated the penalty was applied the same way Verstappen got a 5 secs. penalty for forcing Raikkonen off at Suzuka last year so they are consistent. That's a fair call then.
  10. What bad luck? Vettel cracked under pressure again. Like Hamilton said, he forced him into a mistake, nothing for free tbh. On every single Tilkedrome, he would have passed him around the astroturf. Sadly, Vettel is way too prone to mental errors. His post-race hissy fit was childish. He can grow a fancy beard but still acts like he's 6 years old.
  11. African teams are completely useless in women's football.
  12. There is no mystery, they've run into the greatest clay player ever era. Federer would have never won RG if Soderling didn't take out the dirty laundry for him in 2009.
  13. TF1 Group no longer owns Eurosport, mind you. The previous tournament's rights were secured when that was still the case. Discovery owns ES now and they're shut out by FOX in USA, TF1 in France & BBC in the UK. Case closed.
  14. [hide] Preliminary Round June 7th - June 20th, 2019 24 Nations, 6 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group and 6 best 3rd ranked Teams among all Groups will qualify for the Round of 16 Group A Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 7th 2019, h. 21:00 France 3 0 South Korea June 8th 2019, h. 21:00 Norway 3 1 Nigeria June 12th 2019, h. 15:00 Nigeria 2 1 South Korea June 12th 2019, h. 21:00 France 2 0 Norway June 17th 2019, h. 21:00 Nigeria 0 3 France June 17th 2019, h. 21:00 South Korea 1 4 Norway Group B Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 8th 2019, h. 15:00 Germany 3 1 China June 8th 2019, h. 18:00 Spain 3 0 South Africa June 12th 2019, h. 18:00 Germany 2 0 Spain June 13th 2019, h. 21:00 South Africa 1 3 China June 17th 2019, h. 18:00 South Africa 0 5 Germany June 17th 2019, h. 18:00 China 2 1 Spain Group C Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 9th 2019, h. 13:00 Australia 1 1 Italy June 9th 2019, h. 15:30 Brazil 6 0 Jamaica June 13th 2019, h. 18:00 Australia 1 3 Brazil June 14th 2019, h. 18:00 Jamaica 0 4 Italy June 18th 2019, h. 21:00 Jamaica 0 3 Australia June 18th 2019, h. 21:00 Italy 1 3 Brazil Group D Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 9th 2019, h. 18:00 England 3 1 Scotland June 10th 2019, h. 18:00 Argentina 0 5 Japan June 14th 2019, h. 15:00 Japan 3 0 Scotland June 14th 2019, h. 21:00 England 4 0 Argentina June 19th 2019, h. 21:00 Japan 2 1 England June 19th 2019, h. 21:00 Scotland 2 0 Argentina Group E Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 10th 2019, h. 21:00 Canada 4 0 Cameroon June 11th 2019, h. 15:00 New Zealand 2 3 Netherlands June 15th 2019, h. 15:00 Netherlands 4 0 Cameroon June 15th 2019, h. 21:00 Canada 3 1 New Zealand June 20th 2019, h. 18:00 Netherlands 2 2 Canada June 20th 2019, h. 18:00 Cameroon 0 3 New Zealand Group F Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 11th 2019, h. 18:00 Chile 0 4 Sweden June 11th 2019, h. 21:00 United States 4 0 Thailand June 16th 2019, h. 15:00 Sweden 3 0 Thailand June 16th 2019, h. 18:00 United States 5 0 Chile June 20th 2019, h. 21:00 Sweden 0 1 United States June 20th 2019, h. 21:00 Thailand 3 1 Chile [/hide]
  15. Most soccer games in USA are played on football-purpose stadiums though. Scientific data can be easily shifted one way or another tbh. People who play their entire career on artificial turf can argue anything and vice versa. Soccer is a sport traditionally played on grass though so US-based research is always flawed IMO.
  16. Nope. Most knee injuries occur when the foot gets stuck in the turf and the knee joint snaps the wrong way. It occurs on artificial turf more often. American football study is quite clear:
  17. Hey, it's not me who says journalism is about truth
  18. Coming from a former communist country I can definitely say sociallism is not the way to go. USA has never experienced sociallist rule hence why it's so popular. One can argue Democtratic Party should change their name already. As for journalists, the days of them simply providing information are long, long gone. It's all about influencing society and having power over people's will. From Hearst to Murdoch, it's all about power. There is no such thing as independent media anymore IMO. Everyone follows an agenda one way or another.
  19. But they won't since they dream about getting a better life. And Merkel has no moral backbone to turn them away plus she's a dead woman walking now so none of her ideas matter anymore. The damage is done.
  20. You are very naive. Religion as well as politics & journalism is all about power. About controlling any given society. These three are locked in an eternal war for power. Land ownership is a perfect way to control people. Any state holds that priviledge and so many more. You have to purchase the land first then purchase the build permit and the list goes on and on. Hell, these states even battle for ownership of some ice field in Antarctica because of what lies underneath it. Hell, they even sell land claim on the frickin' Moon of all places.
  21. Merkel is a cooked goose at this stage. Germany only needed cheap working force and she allowed the far-right to rise into significant presence again.
  22. Atle Skardal won't continue as the head of the women's tour.
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