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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Speaking of Obergs - and the days when Kamila Zuk was the hottest junior instead of Davidova
  2. @Agger The Nobel Prizes are political for some time, dare I say awarding Obama one stands out as a complete nonsense and obviously left-wing writers are pretty much favored to win one for literature as well.
  3. It's not stupid, the Western world wants to show Russians who is the boss. In response I expect more leaks about doping cases among the Western athletes and of course the Russian hackers will be behind it. They've exposed the NOP scandal before already when everyone and their mother was ready to suck on Salazar's kneecaps.
  4. Sounds like a rip-off from a quote about Leonhard Stock tbh
  5. You're in a complete minority. America cares more about Trump's tweets than anything else. History repeats itself since forever. Nobody and I mean nobidy cares about the Srebrenica massacre anymore. Stop fooling yourself. Sweden is viewed as the progressive leader of the world, they have this gender equality and Greta Thunberg. This is what the world cares about now so of course the Noble committee will give an award to someone who denies the Srebrenica massacre. Greta Thunberg is more important than those Bosnian families. It's really that simple
  6. No drama here. They awarded him the Nobel Prize despite all the knowledge so it's obvious they don't give a damn. Plus Sweden is such a nice & liberal country. How dare you question their integrity? They support the Muslim immigrant movement and all that. Truly, who gives a damn about the Srebrenica genocide anymore? Nobody. There's a War in Donbas going on right now and nobody gives a damn either. It's called global politics and the Nobel committe fits right in. These awards have been nothing but politics for a long while now
  7. Some late juice here. Kajsa Vickhoff Lie threw away Top 6 right at the end but Marsaglia pushes Ledecka off the podium.
  8. Schmidhofer, Shiffrin, Ledecka Top 3 after the elite group Lara Gut dead last 2,60 secs behind.
  9. That's the thing, Molina is a has-been and has been (sic!) used as well known name put on Hrgovic's resume. Hrgovic will go nowhere stopping the punches with his face. He can bully old timers like Molina but that's a suicidal tactics against the top fighters. He's got a long way to go but of course hype will be relentless anyway.
  10. So much for your theory that the big bad West isn't actually worse than Russia. Told ya, they will throw the Russians out and your Bolshunov cheering will go down the drain
  11. Norway has symbicort approved as legal. Give me a call when at least one Norwegian who doesn't have asthma wins a World Cup race. Just one! I won't watch it myself since like I've said before, I have zero interest in the Norwegian national champs presented by Symbicort.
  12. The most bitching about the Norwegians is probably up in Sweden which isn't East but North We haven't gone through the "Tour de Ski favors freestyle" mess yet There is zero chance FIS allows any kind of variety that threatens the Norwegian dominance IMO.
  13. Yeah, you probably missed the anti-Russian hoopla over the last few years? The further West the bigger it gets. Every single Russian athlete is suspicious these days. I bet there are thousands of Nordic sports fans who only wait until Bolshunov gets caught and banned too
  14. Russia has some fans outside of Russia? Like where? People want them permabanned from the Olympics for the next 20 years and you tell me Bolshunov brings excitement? No way, Jose
  15. You need two courses for this though. And then watch the bitching about the classic speciallists being screwed due to the course being too easy. Just too much trouble for the organizers while at the end of the day those poor sick Norwegians will still dominate. Why bother? Bolshunov represents the wrong country for anyone to get excited about him
  16. Bullshit. Liberals in the USA just love playing the race card, everyone who makes an "error of judgement" is automatically dismissed as racist and should be erased from people's memory. It's the right of way in the American society right now. It's somewhat unfortunate that two MVP front runners right now are black. Russell Wilson is the most underrated QB in the league but the liberals are silent because they can't belittle a black QB as opposite to Jackson's hype. If Jackson was duelling with the likes of Brady or Bress then all bets would be off. Then again, Wilson can be shipped out the same way Jay Z was when he was accused by Kaepernick of selling out the black cause. Every God damn thing in America is political these days, guess the minorities are getting back for Jim Crow laws and whatever else. I'm just waiting until "Wendy's" brand gets shut down as "sexist" or "misogynist" or whatever else. That would put the icing on the cake
  17. Yukiya Sato wins in Nizhny Tagil! Old man Schlierenzauer missed the podium by just 0,4!
  18. Thank God no water polo shit in the predictions next year Rowing & BMX? Blah!
  19. I've basically stopped watching cross country events two years ago. I have zero interest in watching the Norwegian national champs week in & week out
  20. I specifically excluded California from the list due to state taxes. Nobody would want to live in Sacramento when you get zero SoCal beaches and 100% of their taxes. Texas & Florida have zero income state tax - instant winner. For someone so glued to climate change excluding weather from rating people's happiness is a criminal mistake You could pay the entire population of Canada millions to move to Yukon full-time and they would still reject it IMO
  21. You forgot one thing - warm weather. Suicide rate & economic satisfation feel slightly less important when your butt freezes cold 99% of the time and reindeers could be your pet animals at home. I'm sure as hell Texas & Florida are more friendly to live in than Wyoming or North Dakota too
  22. [hide] Main RoundDecember 8th - December 11th, 2019 12 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Semifinals Group 1 Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 December 8th 2019, h. 15:00 Norway 1 Denmark December 8th 2019, h. 18:00 Serbia 1 South Korea December 8th 2019, h. 20:30 Netherlands 2 Germany December 9th 2019, h. 15:00 South Korea 5 Norway December 9th 2019, h. 18:00 Germany 3 Serbia December 9th 2019, h. 20:30 Denmark 1 Netherlands December 11th 2019, h. 15:00 Serbia 4 Denmark December 11th 2019, h. 18:00 Norway 5 Germany December 11th 2019, h. 20:30 Netherlands 3 South Korea Group 2 Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 December 8th 2019, h. 15:00 Montenegro 7 Japan December 8th 2019, h. 18:00 Romania 6 Russia December 8th 2019, h. 20:30 Spain 2 Sweden December 10th 2019, h. 15:00 Russia 6 Montenegro December 10th 2019, h. 18:00 Sweden 5 Romania December 10th 2019, h. 20:30 Japan 8 Spain December 11th 2019, h. 16:00 Romania 7 Japan December 11th 2019, h. 18:00 Montenegro 2 Sweden December 11th 2019, h. 20:30 Spain 3 Russia [/hide]
  23. So what is Trump's message then? USA Rules and everyone can #### off?
  24. Every politician is a liar. It doesn't matter if he's a world class at it. Look at the UK which is supposedly one of the most established democracies in the world. Boris Johnson is a world class liar too yet Tory will probably win the next elections anyway. Nobody expects the politicians to say the truth, nobody.
  25. Authoritarianism is better than democracy. Sadly it's being viewed as a communism spin-off while it can be very different.
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