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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Change for a change ain't the way to go. Since the Camden residents still raise the racial issues - despite Camden hiring more black policemen than white - what is there to follow? Racism is the problem Minnesota tries to solve after all and the Camden example shows they might have solved the corruption problem but racial tensions still remain. So it won't solve anything in Minnesota.
  2. Read about this the other day, they still re-rehired over 100 officers from the "dissolved" police and some black people living there still bitch about the chief of the "new" police being white and most of the captains likewise. It's hardly a solution to follow. Moreover the issue in Minnesota is not corruption but the alleged racism and brutality so something completely different.
  3. Yeah, that's the WTA I know too. It has to be said Schmiedlova had some loud supporters when she won Katowice Open few years back However her mental toughness equals to a resistance of a wet paper bag for a while now.
  4. I find it strange you'd support oil countries like Qatar and Azerbaijan while dismissing Iran or Saudi Arabia who make profit from the very same source as well. It's not like Azerbaijan and Qatar are models of democracy either. It's lucky Azerbaijan is busy counting their petrol dollars or else we'd have another war with Armenia going on forever.
  5. Did Schmiedlova choke in the third set? I wouldn't be surprised if she led like 5-2 and still lost
  6. IOC and their sponsors make money from the Olympics, the athletes make profit too, big stars get big contracts and in most cases Top 8 finish or something gets you national funding for the next Olympic cycle. The only entity of the Olympics that doesn't make profit is actually the hosting city itself. I fully expect Baku and Doha hosting the Summer Games within the next 30 years. These are two venues that don't care about the financial loss and would go places to show themselves off to the world. Hell, Baku has hosted the European Games back in 2016 already so they're moving up the ladder to bid for the SOG sooner than you think. Doha has hosted or will host senior World Championships in football, athletics, swimming, handball, cycyling, gymnastics, weight-lifting so just about any traditional Olympic sport there is. Their only goal left is to host the Summer Olympics and it's only a matter of time when they do.
  7. I've told you what's the best short-term fix. Strike down the Second Amendment and move on from there. If you want to have institutional changes then it should start from the top where the institution is. And that's the Congress. If those morons in Congress stick to outdated bills of law from 18th century, you're not getting any institutional changes ever. Days of street movements, even like Spring of Nations from 1848 can happen in modern age in Second or Third world countries where democracy is weak but USA is not a country like that, Democracy in USA has been institutionalized decades ago and the two-party system is the biggest proof of all. Disbanding police and replacing it with a modern Night Watch is a change for a change that will not make matters better. Hell, it will make matters worse as the crime will run rampant. Hell, even RoboCop movies made a mockery of a "private police" system run by big companies. This is your progressive solution? Or a world without crime Wesley Snipes wrecks havoc in Demolition Man. The Minority Report and another "better world with a different police" that ultimately comes crashing down. Hollywood and Philip K. Dick have shown you that people are people and different doesn't always mean better. I understand everyone's in tunnel vision after Floyd's death but Minnesota city council is trying to revive an idea from 18th century that has no business some 200 years later. Then again US politicians want to uphold these outdated bills of law from 18th century as well so I'm not surprised you have such "creative" ideas to fix the police
  8. I actually want this to happen just for the lulz of seeing shit hit the fan. These morons are obviously unaware of the fact days of Night Watch are long, long gone. I expect a major rise in cime of all sorts, murder, rape & burglary if this goes ahead. The idea of a "private police" or "self-policing citizens" is such a flaw in modern age it's beyond belief. These are not some rural villages with a population of 750 when everyone knows who the troublemaker is. Thugs will bring out semi-automatic weapons on the street and that's the end of it. These city councilmen wanting changes will be the first to run away and hide IF they can run fast enough. But again, I want this to happen only for wheels to come off sooner rather than later. And then people will beg for the municipal police to return Btw, do they want Sheriff's office to be abandoned too?
  9. I think it was cool to see Summer Games in South America. I understand Europe and North America thinks they would do everything better themselves but it was a nice change of scenery.
  10. 12 coal mines in southern Poland will be locked until the end of June. COVID cases among miners & their families accounts for over 50% of active cases in the Silesian Voivodeship where the mines are mostly located.
  11. Everyone knows you're losing money by hosting the Olympics. Montreal paid off the 1976 debt after, what, 30 years? That's why Olympics will be hosted by countries who can afford spending public money without much control - like China, Qatar or Azerbaijan. If you told me 20 years ago that China will be hosting Winter Games I'd never believe it. And now it's reality. Raubichi could be the next big thing in biathlon. Tyumen & Khanty-Mansiysk could be on IBU black-list for a while yet plus their location is very distant compared to Minsk. @RobtheAggie Garmisch-Partenkirchen also rejected the WOG hosting bid in a referendum recently (co-host with Munich).
  12. Azerbaijan has oil money to spend just like Qatar and they don't care what they spend it for as long as it brings global sporting events. This is a luxury most of Europe can't afford. Meanwhile Switzerland doesn't even want to host Winter Olympics as the Sion bid was rejected in local referendum. So much for their winter traditions being any useful
  13. There's one problem about Lenzerheide, alpine skiing is still more popular than biathlon in Switzerland
  14. Yeah, it's funny. NBA players have jumped on the 'load management' stuff since few years and want to play as few games as possible while baseball players want to play more. Of course baseball is full of 30+ vets who don't really show much pure physical shape anymore, hell, Albert Pujols is still playing despite being years removed from his prime He reached the RBI milestone last season so he could just about fuck off already.
  15. VeeKay had himself a bad day and took out Palou as well. Dixon won, Rosenqvist would have finished 2nd but crashed with 10 to go.
  16. Yes, they will be played starting in two weeks time. 7 rounds in a round-robin format for two groups (1-8, 9-16).
  17. Then why Americans lose their mind when Iranians burn their flags?
  18. He'd be better off sitting quiet in first place, that's obvious When there are riots in the streets, nobody gives a fuck about "disrespecting the flag"
  19. Whatever. Kaepernick is done in the NFL and everyone knows it. He got himself a nice pay-off from Nike and the case is closed
  20. Pro sports is about performance, some people keep forgetting about it. Kaepernick is finished in the NFL, this is a guy who got benched for Blane fuckin' Gabbert. Game over. Since, what, 70% of the NFL players are black, they can't advocate for a racial injustice to begin with. NFL is one of the most pro-black sports in the USA.
  21. 24 cars entered for the IndyCar opener at Texas:
  22. Yeah, it seems like Mercedes vetoed this crap
  23. Yeah, CNN has removed the banner about COVID deaths & cases which covered half of the screen for the last month or so. COVID is officially old news
  24. Wrong. There is no money like war money. Every war generates money for the suppliers. Just ask the Brits how long they paid off "Lend & Lease" Act
  25. Wearing a "Press" shirt doesn't make you immune to rubber bullets. If you want to cover a story in the line of fire you have to account for damages. Street riots are hazardous to everyone's health
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