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Everything posted by Wumo

  1. I'm looking so much forward to follow my first TISC open final . Last night's opening ceremony was brilliant, and it gave me some good laughs throughout the night during my drunk rampage through my city...
  2. I'm at a bar, so hopefully I don't get too drunk during the opening ceremony.
  3. Spain allows the athletes from Kosovo to compete, but under WKF-flag, instead of Kosovo flag.
  4. Well on our 24/7 news channel, a panel discussed this, and they jokingly said that they wished they could legally be 65, so they could retire form the job market.
  5. The sad part is that the real story would fit perfectly on this website...
  6. Spain hosting major karate events in the future is under serious threat after the country's Government refused to allow Kosovo to compete under their own flag at the World Championships here, World Karate Federation (WKF) President Antonio Espinós has warned.
  7. Quite interesting article. The so-called "European sports model" has been under pressure in decades. International sport and sport athletes are commercial products. We are far from Coubertin's vision/idea about sport being a competition between pure amateurs. IOC and NOC's have already adapted many free-market mechanisms in their organisations, and professional sport will probably become more and more commercially over the next decades.
  8. It's also every Polish ski jumping fan's favourite supermarket.
  9. Which I believe is Mexico's first medal at a WCH.
  10. Trailer for the new World Cup season. So excited for the new season.
  11. I have read more about Kowalczyk at a Polish sport site, According to the website, Kowalczyk competes in Olos as an assistant coach who role is "to prepare the athletes for the season. They are: Urszula Łętocha, Weronika Kaleta, Magdalena Kobielusz, Eliza Rucka, Monika Skinder, Agata Warło and Izabela Marcisz".
  12. Me too . Maybe she is doing a protest again the new FIS website. #Bringbacktheoldfis
  13. Maybe I'm not following cross-country close enough, because I have never heard of a "fist FIS race".
  14. Here's an interview with him. He says he retired in 2016 due to many injuries. He started to train again in 2017. From the interview: After your victory in Beijing you only competed twice Internationally before announcing your retirement in 2016. Why did you compete so infrequently? I was ready to to break my records after Beijing. I trained to set records and compete only when one of my records was in jeopardy of being broken. My main goal was to set World records that no man could ever break. In chase of these records I got injured. First it was my left hip, then other injuries started to pile up. I realized that the way I was training would lead to consistent injuries and made adjustments but the injuries to my hip kept bothering me. I had to continue training to stay on the Belarus national team. In 2010 I was in a competition, in the warmup room I did 180 in the snatch, then something happened to my hip, and I was again injured. After that you all know that the Belarusian team did not extend my contract with me and that conflict is well known. Why did you decide to comeback and compete for the 2020 games? I have two answers, yes, I am preparing for 2020, to do that need I need to compete twice Internationally. No one will just put me on the Olympic team. I hope to compete again Internationally at the 2019 European Championships. The Belarusian team has had some issues with doping so it might not be until Autumn of 2019. Due to these reasons I am considering lifting for another country as Belarus does not support me. If this were to happen I hope it will be sooner than later. I need to provide for my family.
  15. China is the best China... or China's para ice hockey team is better than China's ice hockey team.
  16. China won their second match, 5-0, against host nation, Finland. China is promoted to next year's Pool B of World Para Ice Hockey.
  17. So people from Netherlands' "bible belt" do the same.
  18. Noted. He's not even from Amsterdam, but what I read, he sounds like someone who has smoked something at a coffeeshop.
  19. Well the two municipalities are part of Hovedstaden, and the two municipalities still exist. Hovedstaden is also the name of 1 of our 5 five regions, and Region Hovedstaden is MUCH bigger.
  20. @heywoodu It's some "interesting" people living in the Netherlands? A 69-year-old entrepreneur in the Netherlands wants to legally change his age to 49 so he can go back to work and meet more women on Tinder, according to his lawsuit. The self-proclaimed positivity guru argued that he feels 20 years younger, and compared the age difference to being transgender, despite the concepts being completely different. "You can change your name. You can change your gender. Why not your age? Nowhere are you so discriminated against as with your age," he told De Telegraaf. Ratelband argued that he is a "young god" and said changing his age would allow him to "live differently," saying he would get more matches on Tinder if he could use a younger age.
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