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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Murray just break Raonic and will serve to win this match and playing in final!
  2. Maybe this time will be first where USA will give points to the winner
  3. I really doubt that in second part of the final Ireland will get just few new points and either of Croatia, India, Brazil and Colombia will take 1st place
  4. It's so close atm, I hope that just American jury will decided who will be winner and we will see again voting point by point
  5. Polish delegation finally arrvied to Kaunas (by bus to save the budget for the organizing the next TISC ) and booking places in Algiro Hotel After very long trip from Warsaw to Kaunas (all by detour near in the border because highway was closed due to repair) hotel's stuff prepared this dinner for tired people. Everyone in the delegation are very excited and waiting for Opening Ceremony and Grand Final of TISC 2016.
  6. 46yo Latvian Ilmars Bricis is out of retirement and will compete in upcoming season
  7. Yes, those three skaters are better than him, but he always was first reserved skater to team pursuit races, he said after Sochi that consider change the nationality because in both Vancouver and Sochi Games he not compete in team races, despite this that coach assured him that will compete in at least few races. And he competed in just few World Cups because our federation doesn't want give him chance.
  8. So sad, we lost good skater Hopefully he will feel good among Czechs and will get more chances for competing in World Cups.
  9. I don't know if it's an mistake or true (at least no news in our media) but it looks like Sebastian Druszkiewicz changed nationality to Czech
  10. And another surprise, we lost to Romania Now it will be difficult to qualify for EC
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