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1 hour ago, Olympian1010 said:

Wish I could participate in the climate strike today. I have midterms though... (currently in one). 


Good that you're at least making exams instead of striking. I read that in Belgium children of certain schools are obligated to go to a climate march, which I think is not good at all...give them the choice if it's for one day, fine, but obligating it? No way.


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44 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


Good that you're at least making exams instead of striking. I read that in Belgium children of certain schools are obligated to go to a climate march, which I think is not good at all...give them the choice if it's for one day, fine, but obligating it? No way.

Right, people shouldn’t be forced into a protest. The point of the protest is to show solidarity and the amount of people who actually care about climate change. 

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1 hour ago started the presidential elections.


4.450.000 peoples are alowed to vote in their respective 5940 Elections districts, which are open from 07:00 to 22:00 today (yes in freaking Slovakia we votes only during the weekend, because yes, you know during work days, you work...), for the first round, if no candidate succeed to gain absolute majority, there will be a 2nd round between the top 2 ranked of this opening round in 2 weeks the 30th March.


13 candidates are competing for the 5th ever Slovak presidents spot (3rd time by popular voting)


Favorites (Hopefully) Zuzana Čaputová, Liberal, environmental cases lawyer and activist.  if win will became the first ever female president of Slovakia


Danger !!I our naziboy. a weirdo who dreams with his other sick team mates to build once again a faschist puppet state, without anyone else than "pure and hetero, catho, you know "right" white" slovaks...




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11 minutes ago, hckosice said:

(yes in freaking Slovakia we votes only during the weekend, because yes, you know during work days, you work...)

I wish we had the same here instead of basically always voting on a Wednesday :p 


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I would choose Saturday if it was up to me: free day for the majority of the population and you can watch the election shows and results and broadcasts all night long without worrying about waking up early the next day :cheer: 


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Halfway in the elections, right now...Enormous attendance and interest are the main surprises of this ballot so far. Experts saying they are expecting the biggest voting attendance in many many years.


Really uncommon in a country where for example in the European elections the participation was around 16 % and generally the peoples elections interest is traditionally one of the if not the lowest in Europe.


Some pics from the elections so far :p













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5 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Musical shows at voting stations, reminds me of last week's elections in North Korea :d 


Thankfully those times are far far away now and will never return. ;)


also some freestyle football or however it is called world champion Lucia Kevická has voted with her ball ofc :p




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