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Wrestling 2018 Discussion Thread


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26 minutes ago, Gianlu33 said:



How they became italian?


good question...

I know that both have been living here for quite a while now, so I guess they can try to get our passport because of that...

but it could well be that they are engaged to Italian women, so with marriage it would be easier...

and finally, the last option is our federation asking our President to give them our passport for special merit (in sports activity, in this case...but I guess that only Kudiamagomedov can qualify for that because his past success, even if not with our team)...

we can only wait and see...

however, as I wrote, it would be nice to have them both with us...

Edited by phelps
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8 minutes ago, thepharoah said:

There's an Egyptian wrestler named Ibrahim Ghanem , he plays in Greco Roman -71 kg and he escaped in November after world U23 championship and went to Italy but i don't know anything about him since that , i know my question can be weired , but didn't u hear about him anything in Italy ? 


unfortunately not...

those 2 guys mentioned above have already taken part (and won) in our National Champs (since they are under contract with Italian club teams, which gives also to foreign athletes the permission to paticipate at our champs)...

and so have done many other foreign wrestlers, but I don't remember the name of Ghanem among the participants at those said Italian champs...

maybe he's still trying to find a club and we'll hear of him in the next future...:mumble:

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On 2/23/2018 at 23:58, phelps said:


we also have in this team wrestling in Ukraine another Cuban, Abraham Conyedo (who's been living here for a while and won the 97kg class at the recent Italian champs)...

but both Kudiamagomedov and Conyedo do not have the Italian passport yet...and it could take a very long time before they get it, so probably this season they will only be able to wrestle in the international "minor" tournaments under a provisional authorization (like it happened for Frank Chamizo in 2014), but they won't represent Italy in any major event like Europeans and/or Worlds...

still, I hope they'll get the Italian passport before the 2019 European would be a nice improvement for our starving team (it looks here it's impossibe to raise any good Italian born wrestler anymore :cry::facepalm:)...


I just read in the news that an Italian team was training in Iran national wrestling camp (they call it "Wrestling House") and that Cuban guy was among them. apparently he had few tough training sessions with one of our best guys in this weight and made him pissed off :d the expert analyst  considers him "someone very tough but still not a treat since he doesn't know pure wrestling techniques yet. but when he learns more he will be a medal contender"


I assume this is him , in "Wrestling House"



he just won a silver in Ukraine but had to say he didn't face a qualify wrestler and got teched in the final, so our expert is probably right about him. on other hand Kudiamagomedov also finished 3rd after losing to one of our guys Ghasempour  but Kudiamagomedov is a very good wrestler, Sadulaev at peak of his career (when he was eating everybody alive) had a tough match vs him in Russian nationals before the Olympics. for whatever reason he always had problems with Iranian wrestlers (unlike Chamizo) so I'm fine with him wrestling for another country :d but Kudi will be a medal contender for sure but I always thought he is a bit overestimated in international wrestling.

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4 hours ago, MHSN said:

Sadulaev at peak of his career (when he was eating everybody alive) 

Wait, does this mean Sadulaev is not ripping everybody apart anymore? :yikes:


Edit: Wait, I remember he moved up a weight class and lost against Snyder in the world champs final last year.. 

Edited by heywoodu


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10 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Wait, does this mean Sadulaev is not ripping everybody apart anymore? :yikes:


Edit: Wait, I remember he moved up a weight class and lost against Snyder in the world champs final last year.. 


He got married after Rio and since then he is a bit "softer" on his opponents :lol:


yes he moved up to 97kg for the worlds and lost the final to Snyder but even before that he almost lost the Russian Championship final. but refs saved him. with UWW adding two more non-Olympic weight classes. he moved back to 92kg. which is more fit for him, he is still the best wrestler in the world but he is not as dominant as he used to be.


the question is which weight he will pick for Tokyo 2020. 86 or 97 ?!

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5 hours ago, Gianlu33 said:

I watch the Asian wrestling championship and I'm very surprise that we haven't an Iranian domination in freestyles. 

Till now only Greco-Roman have taken place. Freestyle will be held after Women's wrestling

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6 hours ago, Gianlu33 said:

I watch the Asian wrestling championship and I'm very surprise that we haven't an Iranian domination in freestyles. 



but yeah Iran was also TERRIBLE in Greco-Roman, winning only and only 4 medals out of 10 weights and finishing 5th in team ranking ! :facepalm::facepalm: even though we missed some of our top wrestlers but still that was almost our A team in Greco-Roman (in freestyle only 2-3 from the A team) not long ago we won Olympic title in 55 and 60, lightest weights in wrestling but now our lightweight wrestlers can't even pass the first round in Asia !!


but Iran won't also dominate the freestyle competition, Iran wrestling is in turmoil right now, our federation president (who is also the freestyle team head coach) just resigned as well as half of the coaching staff and other federation members. we don't even know who will manage the team in the tournament here. :cry:  not sure if you guys remember that "Karimi-Russia" match in World U23 Champs when he lost intentionally to avoid Israel, that was very obvious with Iranian coaches screaming "Ali you should lose, you have to lose"


that match created so much controversy here UWW eventually banned him only for 6 months but our wrestling federation president asked for a change in this policy. he said if we really want to avoid them we have to scream that loud. not acting like a coward , creating funny excuses if not we better compete with them. he wasn't happy with the response he got from the government, that's why he resigned.

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Apparently Aleksandr Chekhirkin who won silver in last year World Championship failed a doping test,15700002,15700023,15700105,15700124,15700149,15700168,15700173,15700201&usg=ALkJrhi2Bx9oA70cMd2GvEG7dprRk37u2w


with this, Tamas Lorincz of Hungary will receive the silver medal and Fatih Cengiz from Turkey will get the bronze.


UWW already updated its database


by my calculation Turkey will get 2 extra points and will tie Iran in team ranking in 2nd place and they win the tiebreaker with having better medals. which means Iran goes to the 3rd place ! Russia still wins the team title by 1 point ! Ranking is, Russia 37, Turkey 36 and Iran 36

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