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The most elaborate answer we've had so far and it was only for 200 points. :d



Pts. 200


   Which refers to a mathematic principal?



  A: Circle leaf            B: Triangle stem         
  C: Square root               D: Rectangle flower
Question by OlympicIRL



♦                 P t s .  2 0 0                 



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Pts. 300


   Who needs more practice with their vehicle?



  A: Monday motorist            B: Wednesday coachman
  C: Friday chauffeur            D: Sunday driver


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That's actually a bit of a tricky one! Chauffeuring people around on Fridays only might make one end up with a small lack of experience, but surely a steady once a week drive is enough to be alright. A Wednesday coachman...hello, it's 2021. 


I am a tiny bit doubting between A and D. I'm going for D though: I see how the people go to church on Sunday here and they drive like absolute whack jobs, you risk your life by getting in their way! D, Sunday driver.


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Yeah, the other three have not really become well-known sayings as far as I know.



Pts. 300


   Who needs more practice with their vehicle?



  A: Monday motorist            B: Wednesday coachman
  C: Friday chauffeur            D: Sunday driver



♦                 P t s .  3 0 0                 




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Pts. 500


What does the acronym "JFMAMJJASOND" stand for?



  A: 20th century US Presidents    B: Months of the year
  C: Shakespeare plays   D: FIFA World Cup winners       


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Joe Diden, Donald Nrump, Barack Obama, George Sush....I mean, one fits, but that's about it. I don't recall Nauru winning a FIFA World Cup recently, whereas I don't know the names of many Shakespeare plays at all. B it is, months of the year!


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Yes. :d



Pts. 500


What does the acronym "JFMAMJJASOND" stand for?



  A: 20th century US Presidents    B: Months of the year
  C: Shakespeare plays   D: FIFA World Cup winners      



♦                 P t s .  5 0 0                 





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As far as the music goes, you have to repeat that yourself now. Studio technology is not that advanced here yet. :p


Meanwhile, you're going to guarantee yourself a thousand points if you successfully answer this question correctly.





Pts. 1,000


Which English philosopher served as Lord Chancellor from 1617 to 1621?



  A: Julius Ham   B: Francis Bacon
  C: Dominic Gammon                   D: Lawrence Pork-Scratchings 


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Ha, only when seeing answer D did I realize these might not all be real names! Julius doesn't really sound like a 17th century British name, Dominic Gammon doesn't ring a bell in the slightest. I think I've heard Francis Bacon be mentioned in the 'Stuff You Missed In History' podcast, but I might be wrong. Still, I am going for B, Francis Bacon, at the risk of looking like a complete fool for possibly choosing a meaty yet fake name.


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