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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2017

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3 minuty temu, uk12points napisał:

Try holding down Control, then clicking on Poland so that it highlights it all, and then copy and paste! That's been working fine for me!


It doesn't work sadly :cry: Sorry for this mess :(

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So it is a bit clearer:


Jury Scorecard:

   OO8kjUQ.png  Brazil 12
   NxaOxT7.png  Italy 11
   Bd5eiJ2.png  Tunisia 10
   yX9eNzR.png  Iran 9
   hTrrslQ.png  Lithuania 8
   597ngjG.png  Germany 7
   C0xSb88.png  Algeria 6
   9apF3d9.png  Serbia 5
   qDX7mqH.png  Morocco 4
   Zl45CKh.png  India 3
   6nNWYty.png  New Zealand 2
   t7vnFRY.png  Denmark 1
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17 / 35 Juries Voted  

speaker-icon-27.png  Jury Voting: POL   Animated waving Dutch flags  Netherlands 64 
Animated waving Indonesian flags  Indonesia 49  Animated waving Finnish flags  Finland 4 
Animated waving Romanian flags  Romania 43  Animated waving Argentine flags  Argentina 40 
Animated waving Slovenian flags  Slovenia 46  Animated waving British flags  Great Britain 87 
Animated waving Irish flags  Ireland 28  Animated waving Moroccan flags  Morocco 58 
Animated waving Russian flags  Russia 1  Animated waving Mexican flags  Mexico 30 
Animated waving Croatian flags  Croatia 34  Animated waving American flags  United States 42 
Animated waving Slovak flags  Slovakia


Animated waving Tunisian flags  Tunisia 49 
Animated waving Algerian flags  Algeria 30  Animated waving Portuguese flags  Portugal 50 
Animated waving Lithuanian flags  Lithuania 57  Animated waving Canadian flags  Canada 21 
Animated waving Maltese flags  Malta 53  Animated waving French flags  France 30 
iran-flag-animation.gif  Iran 55  Animated waving Greek flags  Greece 15 
Animated waving Moldovan flags  Moldova 34  Animated waving New Zealand flags  New Zealand 63 
Animated waving Bulgarian flags  Bulgaria 20  Animated waving Azerbaijani flags  Azerbaijan 5 
Animated waving Kazakhstani flags  Kazakhstan 13  Animated waving German flags  Germany 32 
Animated waving Indian flags  India 8  Animated waving Brazilian flags  Brazil 73 
Animated waving Danish flags  Denmark 21  Animated waving Serbian flags  Serbia 82 
Animated waving Polish flags  Poland 11  Animated waving Italian flags  Italy 58 





1 Animated waving British flags Great Britain 87
2 Animated waving Serbian flags Serbia 82
3 Animated waving Brazilian flags Brazil 73
4 Animated waving Dutch flags Netherlands 64
5 Animated waving New Zealand flags New Zealand 63





Thank you Poland, for nothing! Only kidding, Poland's vote have thrown the pack back together and New Zealand seem to be closing in on the Netherlands with every second


Next up we are heading to the Netherlands and as the Dutch vote we will reach halfway through the epic, all day marathon that is TISC,

So heywoodu can you send us over halfway?



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3 minuty temu, konig napisał:

I dont see points for i dont watch you series :p

I said that I will give many points to an South American country, not that exactly to Argentina :p

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I'll just screenshot it instead of copy-paste the votes because I've tried and all I get is the messed up one where it only shows big flags and no points :p 



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