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[PREDICTION CONTEST] Paris 2024 Olympic Games - Miscellaneous 2


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Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

You don't need to be an expert to take part in a Prediction Contest. 

If a mistake penalizes you, always keep in mind that everyone is in good faith.


Competition Details
City :FRA Paris :FRA
Start Date July 27th, 2024
End Date August 11th, 2024
Participants TBA
Silver :WHT TBA :WHT
Bronze :WHT TBA :WHT





In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

  • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
  • Copy the selected content
  • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
  • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
  • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
  • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





For this Prediction Contest you are predicting medal winners for each event of the Prediction Design.

For Athlete/Nation you are predicting to win Gold Medal, write X in the Cell which belongs to the Gold Medal Column. For Athlete/Nation you are predicting to win Silver Medal, write X in the appropriate Cell and do the same for a Bronze Medal winner/winners. 

Do the same for each Event of the Prediction Design.





Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Mixed Shooting 10m Rifle Team

Day 1

July 27th


:CHN China x    
:CZE Czechia      
:FRA France   x  
:GER Germany      
:IND India     x
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland      
:KOR South Korea      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Points will be awarded as follows:

- For right predicted Gold Medal Winner - 4 points.
- For right predicted Silver Medal Winner - 3 points.
- For right predicted Bronze Medal Winner/s - 2 points.
- For right predicted Athlete/Nation but wrong place/medal - 1 point.
- Bonus points: 1 bonus point will be awarded to predictor who predicted all medalists correctly, regardless of the order (1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-2-1, 3-1-2).

In Boxing, Judo, Taekwondo and Wrestling events you have four picks as you pick two bronze medallists. You will get 2 points if any of the two athletes you picked for bronze will win this medal. You will only get 1 point if any of the two bronze medallist picks will get silver and/or gold. Example: If you pick Athlete A and Athlete B to win bronze medals in a boxing event, and both athletes instead end up with gold and silver, you will get one point for each right predicted athlete, but wrong medal place. You will in this case get 2 points in total. In short you, you can't earn more than 2 points for one or more right predicted bronze medallists. If you (by mistake or on purpose) picked two or more Athletes/Nations for the same place in one event (except the sports mentioned earlier), and if the total number of picked Athletes (options) for that event isn't over three, you'll get exactly 1 Point for each of them NO MATTER WHICH POSITION (and one bonus Point if you predicted all top 3 Athletes/Nations). If the total number of picked Athletes/Nations in one event is over three, you'll not get any Points for Athletes/Nations picked for the same position. 

The first physical medal presentation is binding. If, for some reason no medals are presented for an event during the Games, this event will be eliminated in this contest.





Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Mixed Shooting 10m Rifle Team

Day 1

July 27th


:CHN China x    
:CZE Czechia      
:FRA France   x  
:GER Germany      
:IND India     x
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland      
:KOR South Korea      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      



1. China - 4 Points

2. France - 3 Points

3. India - 2 Points

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 10 Points


1. China - 4 Points

2. India - 1 Point

3. France - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 7 Points


1. China - 4 Points

2. Poland - 0 Points

3. France - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 5 Points


1. China - 4 Points

2. Any Other Nation - 0 Points

3. Poland - 0 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 4 Points



"Captain"-points - Explained: Each user can select up to 10 "captains" for this contest. Each "captain" will double its' points for his, her's or the team's event.


Each user will have to mark their "captains" for each event with an "*".





Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Mixed Shooting 10m Rifle Team

Day 1

July 27th


:CHN China x*    
:CZE Czechia      
:FRA France   x  
:GER Germany      
:IND India     x
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland      
:KOR South Korea      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      



1. China - 8 Points

2. France - 3 Points

3. India - 2 Points

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 14 Points


1. China - 8 Points

2. India - 1 Point

3. France - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 1 Point

Your Total: 11 Points


1. China - 8 Points

2. Poland - 0 Points

3. France - 1 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 9 Points


1. China - 8 Points

2. Any Other Nation - 0 Points

3. Poland - 0 Point

Bonus Points: - 0 Points

Your Total: 8 Points


TB Rules

If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of correct Gold Medal Winners will be compared, then number of Silver Medal Winners and at the end number of Bronze Medal Winners.



Contestant 1: 6x10, 12x4, 10x3, 7x2

Contestant 2: 6x10, 12x4, 8x3, 8x2

Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


Contestant with most points wins the competition.


The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Events.


You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the Events you predicted AND which haven't started. 

In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first Event of this contest - July 27th, h. 08:30 (GMT +2).


You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first event of the Prediction Contest. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished events and the events that have started (heats included). Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread only.


If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, 1 - CHN, 2 - FRA, 3 - IND, means China wins gold medal, France silver and India bronze.


Every contestant can hide their own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:


You cannot see this


If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.


Link to comment
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You CAN hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




[ hide]


Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Mixed Shooting 10m Rifle Team

Day 1

July 27th


:CHN China      
:CZE Czechia      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:IND India      
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland      
:KOR South Korea      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Women's Cycling Road

Time Trial

Day 1

July 27th


:AUS Grace Brown      
:AUT Christina Schweinberger      
:BEL Lotte Kopecky      
:DEN Emma Norsgaard      
:FRA Any French Athlete      
:GER Lisa Klein      
:GER Antonia Niedermaier      
:GBR Anna Henderson      
:NED Ellen Van Dijk      
:NED Demi Vollering      
:POL Agnieszka Skalniak-Sojka      
:USA Chloe Dygert      
:USA Taylor Knibb      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol

Day 2

July 28th


:AZE Ruslan Lunev      
:BUL Kiril Kirov      
:CHN Xie Yu      
:CHN Zhang Bowen      
:GER Robin Walter      
:IND Sarabjot Singh      
:IND Arjun Singh Cheema      
:ITA Federico Maldini      
:ITA Paolo Monna      
:LAT Lauris Strautmanis      
:SRB Damir Mikec      
:SVK Juraj Tuzinsky      
:KOR Lee Wonho      
:SUI Jason Solari      
:TUR Any Turkish Athlete      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Judo -52kg 

Day 2

July 28th


:BRA Larissa Pimenta      
:FRA Amandine Buchard      
:GER Mascha Ballhaus      
:GBR Chelsie Giles      
:HUN Reka Pupp      
:ISR Gefen Primo      
:ITA Odette Giuffrida       
:JPN Uta Abe      
:KOS Distria Krasniqi      
:MGL Sosorbaram Lkhagvasuren      
:ESP Ariane Toro Soler      
:UAE Khorloodoi Bishrelt      
:UZB Diyora Keldiyorova      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Archery Team 

Day 3

July 29th


:CHN China      
COL.gif Colombia      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IND India      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:MEX Mexico      
:KOR South Korea      
:TPE Chinese Taipei      
:TUR Turkey      

Men's Canoe Slalom C-1 

Day 3

July 29th


:CRO Matija Marinic      
:CZE Lukas Rohan      
:FRA Nicolas Gestin      
:GER Sideris Tasiadis      
:GBR Adam Burgess      
:IRL Robert Hendrick      
:ITA Paolo Ceccon      
:POL Grzegorz Hedwig      
:SVK Matej Benus      
:SLO Benjamin Savsek      
:ESP Luis Fernandez      
:USA Casey Eichfeld      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Fencing Individual Foil

Day 3

July 29th


:CHN Mo Ziwei      
:CZE Alexander Choupenitch      
:EGY Mohamed Hamza      
:FRA Enzo Lefort      
:HKG Cheung Ka Long      
:HUN Daniel Dosa      
:ITA Guillaume Bianchi      
:ITA Filippo Macchi      
:ITA Tommaso Marini      
:JPN Kazuki Iimura      
:JPN Kyosuke Matsuyama      
:ESP Carlos Llavador      
:USA Nick Itkin      
:USA Alexander Massialas      
:USA Gerek Meinhardt      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Mixed Table Tennis Doubles

Day 4

July 30th


:BRA Ishiy/Takahashi      
:CHN Wang/Sun      
:CUB Campos/Fonseca      
:FRA Lebrun/Yuan      
:GER Qiu/Mittelham      
.HKG Wong/Doo      
:JPN Hayata/Harimoto      
:PRK Ri/Kim      
:ROU Ionescu/Szocs      
:KOR Lim/Shin      
:ESP Robles/Xiao      
:TPE Chen/Lin      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Triathlon

Day 5

July 31th


:BER Flora Duffy      
:FRA Cassandre Beaugrand      
:FRA Emma Lombardi      
:GER Nina Eim      
:GER Laura Lindemann      
:GER Lisa Tertsch      
:GBR Beth Potter      
:GBR Georgia Taylor-Brown      
:GBR Kate Waugh      
:LUX Jeanne Lehair      
:SUI Julie Derron      
:USA Taylor Knibb      
:USA Taylor Spivey      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's BMX Freestyle

Day 5

July 31th


:ARG Jose Torres      
:AUS Logan Martin      
:BRA Gustavo Oliveira      
:CAN Jeffrey Whaley      
:CRO Marin Rantes      
:FRA Anthony Jeanjean      
:GBR Kieran Reilly      
:JPN Rim Nakamura      
:LAT Ernests Zebolds      
:RSA Vincent Leygonie      
:USA Marcus Christopher      
:USA Justin Dowell      

Men's Judo -90kg

Day 5

July 31th


:AZE Murad Fatiyev      
:BRA Rafael Macedo      
:BUL Ivaylo Ivanov      
:CUB Ivan Silva Morales      
:GEO Lasha Bekauri      
:HUN Krisztian Toth      
:ITA Christian Parlati      
:JPN Sanshiro Murao      
:KGZ Erlan Sherov      
:SRB Nemanja Majdov      
:TUR Mihael Zgank      
:UZB Davlat Bobonov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Rowing

Doubles Sculls

Day 6

August 1st


:AUS Australia      
:CHN China      
:CZE Czechia      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IRL Ireland      
:ITA Italy      
:LTU Lithuania      
:NED Netherlands      
:NZL New Zealand      
:NOR Norway      
:ROU Romania      
:USA United States      

Women's Sailing Skiff 49erFX

Day 6

August 1st


:AUS Price/Haseldine      
:BEL Maenhaut/Geurts      
:DEN Schmidt/Schmidt      
:FRA Picon/Steyaert      
:GBR Black/Tidey      
:ITA Germani/Bertuzzi      
:NED Van Aanholt/Duetz      
:NZL Aleh/Meech      
:NOR Naess/Ronningen      
:ESP Echegoyen/Barcelo      
:SWE Bobeck/Netzler      
:USA Roble/Shea      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Men's Diving 3m Synchro

Day 7

August 2nd


:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:ITA Italy      
:MEX Mexico      
:ESP Spain      
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Equestrian Jumping Team

Day 7

August 2nd


:AUT Austria      
:BEL Belgium      
:BRA Brazil      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IRL Ireland      
:NED Netherlands      
:ESP Spain      
:SWE Sweden      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Women's Sailing Windsurfer


Day 7

August 2nd


:CHN Yan Zheng      
:CRO Palma Cargo      
:FRA Helene Noesmoen      
:GER Theresa Steinlein      
:GBR Emma Wilson      
:ISR Sharon Kantor      
:ITA Marta Maggetti      
:MEX Mariana Aguilar      
:NED Sara Wennekes      
:NZL Veerle Ten Have      
:NOR Mina Mobekk      
:POL Maja Dziarnowska      
:ESP Pilar Lamadrid      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Rowing Singles Sculls

Day 8

August 3rd


:AIN Yauheni Zalaty      
:BEL Tim Brys      
:BUL Kristian Vasilev      
:CRO Damir Martin      
:DEN Sverri Nielsen      
:GER Oliver Zeidler      
:GRE Stefanos Ntouskos      
:JPN Ryuta Arakawa      
.LTU Giedrius Bieliauskas      
:NED Simon Van Dorp      
:NZL Thomas Macintosh      
:ROU Mihai Chiruta      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Tennis Doubles

Day 8

August 3rd


:ARG Gonzalez/Molteni      
:AUS Ebden/Peers      
:BEL Gille/Vliegen      
:CRO Mektic/Pavic      
:CZE Machac/Pavlasek      
:FRA Reboul/Roger-Vasselin      
:GER Krawietz/Putz      
:GBR Salisbury/Skopski      
:IND Balaji/Bopanna      
:ITA Bolelli/Vavassori      
:NED Griekspoor/Koolhoff      
:POL Hurkacz/Zielinski      
:ESP Alcaraz/Nadal      
:ESP Granollers/Carreno Busta      
:USA Krajicek/Ram      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Fencing Sabre Team

Day 8

August 3rd


:ALG Algeria      
:FRA France      
:HUN Hungary      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:KOR South Korea      
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Rings

Day 9

August 4th


:ARM Artur Davtyan      
:ARM Vahagn Davtyan      
:CHN Sun Wei      
:CHN Zou Jingyuan      
:FRA Samir Ait Said      
:GBR Harry Hepworth      
:GRE Eleftherios Petrounias      
:TUR Adem Asil      
:TUR Ibrahim Colak      
:UKR Igor Radivilov      
:USA Asher Hong      
:USA Brody Malone      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Vault

Day 9

August 4th


:ARM Artur Davtyan      
:CRO Aurel Benovic      
:DOM Audrys Nin Reyes      
:GBR Harry Hepworth      
:GBR Jake Jarman      
:HKG Shek Wai Hung      
:IRI Mahdi Olfati      
:NED Casimir Schmidt      
:PHI Carlos Yulo      
:UKR Nazar Chepurnyi      
:UKR Igor Radivilov      
:USA Asher Hong      
:USA Brody Malone      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Badminton Singles

Day 10

August 5th


:CHN Li Shi Feng      
:CHN Shi Yu Qi      
:DEN Anders Antonsen      
:DEN Viktor Axelsen      
:IND Lakshya Sen      
:IND H. S. Prannoy      
:INA Jonathan Christie      
:INA Anthony Sinisuka Ginting      
:JPN Kodai Naraoka      
:JPN Kenta Nishimoto      
:MAS Lee Zii Jia      
:THA Kunlavut Vitidsarn      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Diving 10m Individual

Day 11

August 6th


:AUS Any Australian Athlete      
:CAN Caeli McKay      
:CHN Chen Yuxi      
:CHN Quan Hongchan      
:GER Pauline Pfeif      
:GER Christina Wassen      
:GBR Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix      
:GBR Lois Toulson      
:ITA Sara Jodoin Di Maria      
:JPN Matsuri Arai      
:MEX Gabriela Agundez      
:MEX Alejandra Orozco      
:PRK Kim Mi-rae      
:USA Delaney Schnell      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Track Cycling Team Sprint

Day 11

August 6th


:AUS Australia      
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:JPN Japan      
:NED Netherlands      

Women's Weightlifting -49kg 

Day 12

August 7th


:BEL Nina Sterckx      
:CHN Hou Zhihui      
:DOM Beatriz Piron Candelario      
:GUM Nicola Velasco Lagatao      
:IND Chanu Saikhom Mirabai      
:JPN Rira Suzuki      
:MAD Rosina Randafiarison      
:ROU Mihaela-Valentina Cambei      
:TPE Fang Wan Ling      
:THA Surodchana Khambao      
:USA Jourdan Elizabeth Delacruz      
:VEN Katherin Echandia Zarate      

Women's Taekwondo -49kg 

Day 12

August 7th


:AUS Saffron Tambyrajah      
:CHN Guo Qing      
:CRO Lena Stojkovic      
:IRI Mobina Nematzadeh      
:ISR Avishag Semberg      
:ITA Ilenia Matoni      
:LES Michelle Tau      
:MEX Daniela Souza      
:KSA Dunya Abutaleb      
:ESP Adriana Carezo      
:THA Panipak Wongpattanakit      
:TUR Merve Kavurat      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Boxing -80kg

Day 12

August 7th


:AZE Murad Allahverdiyev      
:BRA Wanderley Pereira      
:CHN Toqtarbek Tanatqan      
:CRO Gabrijel Veocic      
:CUB Arlen Lopez      
:DOM Cristian Pinales      
:JOR Hussein Ishaish      
:KAZ Nurbek Oralbay      
:PHI Eumir Marcial      
:THA Weerapon Jongjoho      
:UKR Oleksandr Khyzhniak      
:UZB Turabek Khabibullaev      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Canoe Sprint K-4

Day 13

August 8th


:AUS Australia      
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:GER Germany      
:HUN Hungary      
:NZL New Zealand      
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland      
:SRB Serbia      
:ESP Spain      

Men's Sailing Kite Formula

Day 13

August 8th


:AUT Valentin Bontus      
:BRA Bruno Lobo      
:CHN Huang Qibin      
:CRO Martin Dolenc      
:CYP Denis Taradin      
:FRA Axel Mazella      
:GER Jannis Maus      
:GBR Connor Bainbridge      
:ITA Riccardo Pianosi      
:POL Maksymilian Zakowski      
:SGP Maximilian Maeder      
:SLO Toni Vodisek      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Wrestling 



Day 13

August 8th


:ARM Slavik Galstyan      
:AZE Hasrat Jafarov      
:CUB Luis Orta      
:EGY Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed      
:FRA Mamadassa Sylla      
:GEO Ramaz Zoidze      
:IRI Saeid Esmaeili      
:JPN Kyotaro Sogabe      
:KGZ Amantur Ismailov      
:MDA Valentin Petic      
:SRB Mate Nemes      
:UKR Parviz Nasibov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Boxing -54kg

Day 13

August 8th


:BUL Stanimira Petrova      
:CHN Chang Yuan      
:COL Yeni Arias      
:GBR Charley Davison      
:IND Preeti Pawar      
:IRL Jennifer Lehane      
:ITA Sirine Charaabi      
:PRK Pang Chol-mi      
:ROU Lenuta Perijoc      
:TPE Huang Hsiao Wen      
:THA Jutamas Jitpong      
:TUR Hatice Akbas      
:UZB Nigina Uktamova      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Canoe Sprint K-2

Day 14

August 9th


:BEL Belgium      
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:DEN Denmark      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain      
:ITA Italy      
:NZL New Zealand      
:POL Poland      
:ESP Spain      
:SWE Sweden      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Breakdancing 

Day 14

August 9th


:CHN 671 - Liu Qingyi      

:CHN Ying Zi - Yingzi

:FRA Senorita Carlota - Carlota Dudek      
:FRA Sissy - Sya Dembele      
:JPN Ami - Ami Yuasa      
:JPN Ayumi - Ayumi Fukushima      
:ITA Anti - Antilai Sandrini      
.LTU Nicka - Dominika Banevic      
:NED India - India Dewi Sardjoe      
:POR Vanessa - Vanessa Cartaxo      
:UKR Any Ukrainian Athlete      
:USA Logistx - Logan Elanna Edra      
:USA Sunny - Grace Choi      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Weightlifting -102kg

Day 15

August 10th


:AIN Yauheni Tsikhantsou      
:ARM Garik Karapetyan      
:BRN Lesman Paredes Montano      
:CHN Liu Huanhua      
:GEO Irakli Chkheidze      
:LBN Ahmed Abuzriba      
:QAT Fares Elbakh      
:IOC Ramiro Mora      
:SAM Don Opeloge      
:KOR Jang Yeonhak      
:TKM Davranbek Hasanbayev      
:UZB Akbar Djuraev      
:USA Wesley Brian Kitts      

Women's Artistic Swimming Duet

Day 15

August 10th


:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:GRE Greece      
:ISR Israel      
:ITA Italy      
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:NED Netherlands      
:POR Portugal      
:KOR South Korea      
:ESP Spain      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Men's Wrestiling



Day 15

August 10th


:AZE Giorgi Meshvildishvili      
:CHN Deng Zhiwei      
:GEO Geno Petriashvili      
:HUN Daniel Ligeti      
.IRI Amir Hossein Zare      
:KAZ Yusup Batirmurzaev      
:KGZ Aiaal Lazarev      
:NGR Ashton Mutuwa      
:POL Kamil Kosciolek      
:PUR Jonathan Smith      
:TUR Taha Akgul      
:UKR Yuriy Idzinskyi      
:USA Mason Parris      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Boxing -75kg

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Caitlin Parker      
:CAN Tammara Thibeault      
:CHN Li Qian      
:IOC Cindy Ngamba      
:FRA Davina Michel      
:GBR Chantelle Reid      
:IND Lovlina Borgohain      
:IRL Aoife O'Rourke      
:MEX Citlalli Ortiz      
:MAR Khadija El-Mardi      
:NOR Sunniva Hofstad      
:PAN Atheyna Bylon      
:POL Elzbieta Wojcik      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Beach Volley

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Clancy/Mariafe      
:BRA Duda/Ana Patricia      
:BRA Carol/Barbara      
:CAN Melissa/Brandie      
:CHN Xia/Xue      
:FRA Placette/Richard      
:GER Any German Pair      
:ITA Gottardi/Menegatti      
.LAT Tina/Anastasija      
:NED Stam/Schoon      
:SUI Huberli/Brunner      
:SUI Esmee/Zoe      
:ESP Alvarez/Moreno      
:USA Hughes/Cheng      
:USA Nuss/Kloth      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Track Cycling

Individual Sprint

Day 16

August 11th


:AUS Kristina Clonan      
:BEL Nicky Degrendele      
:CAN Lauriane Genest      
:CHN Any Chines Athlete      
:COL Martha Bayona Pineda      
:FRA Mathilde Gros      
:GER Lea Sophie Friedrich      
:GER Emma Hinze      
:GBR Sophie Capewell      
:GBR Emma Finucane      
:ITA Miriam Vece      
:JPN Mina Sato      
:MEX Luz Gaxiola Gonzalez      
:NED Hetty Van De Wouw      
:NZL Elise Andrews      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Wrestling



Day 16

August 11th


:BUL Yuliana Yaneva      
:CAN Justina Di Stasio      
:CHN Wang Juan      
:COL Tatiana Renteria      
:CUB Milaimys Marin      
:HUN Bernadett Nagy      
:JPN Yuka Kagami      
:KGZ Aiperi Medet Kyzy      
:NGR Hannah Reuben      
:ROU Catalina Axente      
:TUR Yasemin Adar Yigit      
:USA Kennedy Blades      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      


[ /hide]



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Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze

Mixed Shooting 10m Rifle Team

Day 1

July 27th


:CHN China     X
:CZE Czechia   X  
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:IND India X    
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland      
:KOR South Korea      
:SUI Switzerland      
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Women's Cycling Road

Time Trial

Day 1

July 27th


:AUS Grace Brown      
:AUT Christina Schweinberger      
:BEL Lotte Kopecky   X  
:DEN Emma Norsgaard      
:FRA Any French Athlete      
:GER Lisa Klein      
:GER Antonia Niedermaier      
:GBR Anna Henderson      
:NED Ellen Van Dijk      
:NED Demi Vollering X    
:POL Agnieszka Skalniak-Sojka      
:USA Chloe Dygert     X
:USA Taylor Knibb      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol

Day 2

July 28th


:AZE Ruslan Lunev      
:BUL Kiril Kirov      
:CHN Xie Yu      
:CHN Zhang Bowen      
:GER Robin Walter X    
:IND Sarabjot Singh      
:IND Arjun Singh Cheema      
:ITA Federico Maldini      
:ITA Paolo Monna      
:LAT Lauris Strautmanis      
:SRB Damir Mikec   X  
:SVK Juraj Tuzinsky      
:KOR Lee Wonho      
:SUI Jason Solari      
:TUR Any Turkish Athlete     X
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Judo -52kg 

Day 2

July 28th


:BRA Larissa Pimenta      
:FRA Amandine Buchard   X  
:GER Mascha Ballhaus      
:GBR Chelsie Giles      
:HUN Reka Pupp      
:ISR Gefen Primo      
:ITA Odette Giuffrida       
:JPN Uta Abe      
:KOS Distria Krasniqi      
:MGL Sosorbaram Lkhagvasuren      
:ESP Ariane Toro Soler     X
:UAE Khorloodoi Bishrelt      
:UZB Diyora Keldiyorova X    
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Archery Team 

Day 3

July 29th


:CHN China      
COL.gif Colombia      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:IND India      
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan     X
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:MEX Mexico      
:KOR South Korea X    
:TPE Chinese Taipei   X  
:TUR Turkey      

Men's Canoe Slalom C-1 

Day 3

July 29th


:CRO Matija Marinic   X  
:CZE Lukas Rohan      
:FRA Nicolas Gestin      
:GER Sideris Tasiadis X    
:GBR Adam Burgess     X
:IRL Robert Hendrick      
:ITA Paolo Ceccon      
:POL Grzegorz Hedwig      
:SVK Matej Benus      
:SLO Benjamin Savsek      
:ESP Luis Fernandez      
:USA Casey Eichfeld      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Fencing Individual Foil

Day 3

July 29th


:CHN Mo Ziwei      
:CZE Alexander Choupenitch     X
:EGY Mohamed Hamza      
:FRA Enzo Lefort   X  
:HKG Cheung Ka Long      
:HUN Daniel Dosa      
:ITA Guillaume Bianchi      
:ITA Filippo Macchi      
:ITA Tommaso Marini      
:JPN Kazuki Iimura      
:JPN Kyosuke Matsuyama      
:ESP Carlos Llavador      
:USA Nick Itkin      
:USA Alexander Massialas X    
:USA Gerek Meinhardt      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Mixed Table Tennis Doubles

Day 4

July 30th


:BRA Ishiy/Takahashi      
:CHN Wang/Sun X    
:CUB Campos/Fonseca      
:FRA Lebrun/Yuan      
:GER Qiu/Mittelham      
.HKG Wong/Doo      
:JPN Hayata/Harimoto   X  
:PRK Ri/Kim      
:ROU Ionescu/Szocs      
:KOR Lim/Shin     X
:ESP Robles/Xiao      
:TPE Chen/Lin     X
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Triathlon

Day 5

July 31th


:BER Flora Duffy      
:FRA Cassandre Beaugrand      
:FRA Emma Lombardi     X
:GER Nina Eim      
:GER Laura Lindemann      
:GER Lisa Tertsch      
:GBR Beth Potter      
:GBR Georgia Taylor-Brown X    
:GBR Kate Waugh      
:LUX Jeanne Lehair      
:SUI Julie Derron      
:USA Taylor Knibb   X  
:USA Taylor Spivey      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's BMX Freestyle

Day 5

July 31th


:ARG Jose Torres      
:AUS Logan Martin      
:BRA Gustavo Oliveira      
:CAN Jeffrey Whaley      
:CRO Marin Rantes      
:FRA Anthony Jeanjean X    
:GBR Kieran Reilly      
:JPN Rim Nakamura   X  
:LAT Ernests Zebolds      
:RSA Vincent Leygonie      
:USA Marcus Christopher      
:USA Justin Dowell     X

Men's Judo -90kg

Day 5

July 31th


:AZE Murad Fatiyev      
:BRA Rafael Macedo      
:BUL Ivaylo Ivanov      
:CUB Ivan Silva Morales      
:GEO Lasha Bekauri X    
:HUN Krisztian Toth     X
:ITA Christian Parlati      
:JPN Sanshiro Murao      
:KGZ Erlan Sherov      
:SRB Nemanja Majdov   X  
:TUR Mihael Zgank      
:UZB Davlat Bobonov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Rowing

Doubles Sculls

Day 6

August 1st


:AUS Australia      
:CHN China      
:CZE Czechia      
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain     X
:IRL Ireland      
:ITA Italy      
:LTU Lithuania      
:NED Netherlands X    
:NZL New Zealand      
:NOR Norway      
:ROU Romania   X  
:USA United States      

Women's Sailing Skiff 49erFX

Day 6

August 1st


:AUS Price/Haseldine      
:BEL Maenhaut/Geurts      
:DEN Schmidt/Schmidt      
:FRA Picon/Steyaert      
:GBR Black/Tidey      
:ITA Germani/Bertuzzi   X  
:NED Van Aanholt/Duetz      
:NZL Aleh/Meech      
:NOR Naess/Ronningen      
:ESP Echegoyen/Barcelo      
:SWE Bobeck/Netzler X    
:USA Roble/Shea     X
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Men's Diving 3m Synchro

Day 7

August 2nd


:CHN China X    
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain     X
:ITA Italy      
:MEX Mexico   X  
:ESP Spain      
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Equestrian Jumping Team

Day 7

August 2nd


:AUT Austria      
:BEL Belgium     X
:BRA Brazil      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany   X  
:GBR Great Britain      
:IRL Ireland      
:NED Netherlands      
:ESP Spain      
:SWE Sweden      
:SUI Switzerland X    
:USA United States      
:WHT Any Other Nation      

Women's Sailing Windsurfer


Day 7

August 2nd


:CHN Yan Zheng   X  
:CRO Palma Cargo      
:FRA Helene Noesmoen      
:GER Theresa Steinlein      
:GBR Emma Wilson      
:ISR Sharon Kantor      
:ITA Marta Maggetti      
:MEX Mariana Aguilar      
:NED Sara Wennekes     X
:NZL Veerle Ten Have      
:NOR Mina Mobekk X    
:POL Maja Dziarnowska      
:ESP Pilar Lamadrid      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Rowing Singles Sculls

Day 8

August 3rd


:AIN Yauheni Zalaty      
:BEL Tim Brys      
:BUL Kristian Vasilev      
:CRO Damir Martin      
:DEN Sverri Nielsen      
:GER Oliver Zeidler X    
:GRE Stefanos Ntouskos     X
:JPN Ryuta Arakawa      
.LTU Giedrius Bieliauskas      
:NED Simon Van Dorp      
:NZL Thomas Macintosh   X  
:ROU Mihai Chiruta      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Tennis Doubles

Day 8

August 3rd


:ARG Gonzalez/Molteni      
:AUS Ebden/Peers      
:BEL Gille/Vliegen      
:CRO Mektic/Pavic      
:CZE Machac/Pavlasek X    
:FRA Reboul/Roger-Vasselin      
:GER Krawietz/Putz      
:GBR Salisbury/Skopski      
:IND Balaji/Bopanna      
:ITA Bolelli/Vavassori      
:NED Griekspoor/Koolhoff      
:POL Hurkacz/Zielinski      
:ESP Alcaraz/Nadal   X  
:ESP Granollers/Carreno Busta     X
:USA Krajicek/Ram      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Fencing Sabre Team

Day 8

August 3rd


:ALG Algeria      
:FRA France   X  
:HUN Hungary X    
:ITA Italy      
:JPN Japan      
:KOR South Korea     X
:UKR Ukraine      
:USA United States      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Rings

Day 9

August 4th


:ARM Artur Davtyan      
:ARM Vahagn Davtyan      
:CHN Sun Wei X    
:CHN Zou Jingyuan      
:FRA Samir Ait Said      
:GBR Harry Hepworth      
:GRE Eleftherios Petrounias   X  
:TUR Adem Asil      
:TUR Ibrahim Colak      
:UKR Igor Radivilov      
:USA Asher Hong     X
:USA Brody Malone      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Artistic Gymnastics Vault

Day 9

August 4th


:ARM Artur Davtyan   X  
:CRO Aurel Benovic      
:DOM Audrys Nin Reyes      
:GBR Harry Hepworth      
:GBR Jake Jarman     X
:HKG Shek Wai Hung      
:IRI Mahdi Olfati      
:NED Casimir Schmidt      
:PHI Carlos Yulo      
:UKR Nazar Chepurnyi      
:UKR Igor Radivilov X    
:USA Asher Hong      
:USA Brody Malone      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Badminton Singles

Day 10

August 5th


:CHN Li Shi Feng      
:CHN Shi Yu Qi X    
:DEN Anders Antonsen      
:DEN Viktor Axelsen   X  
:IND Lakshya Sen      
:IND H. S. Prannoy      
:INA Jonathan Christie     X
:INA Anthony Sinisuka Ginting      
:JPN Kodai Naraoka      
:JPN Kenta Nishimoto      
:MAS Lee Zii Jia      
:THA Kunlavut Vitidsarn      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Diving 10m Individual

Day 11

August 6th


:AUS Any Australian Athlete      
:CAN Caeli McKay      
:CHN Chen Yuxi X    
:CHN Quan Hongchan   X  
:GER Pauline Pfeif      
:GER Christina Wassen      
:GBR Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix      
:GBR Lois Toulson     X
:ITA Sara Jodoin Di Maria      
:JPN Matsuri Arai      
:MEX Gabriela Agundez      
:MEX Alejandra Orozco      
:PRK Kim Mi-rae      
:USA Delaney Schnell      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Track Cycling Team Sprint

Day 11

August 6th


:AUS Australia X    
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:FRA France      
:GER Germany      
:GBR Great Britain     X
:JPN Japan      
:NED Netherlands   X  

Women's Weightlifting -49kg 

Day 12

August 7th


:BEL Nina Sterckx      
:CHN Hou Zhihui X    
:DOM Beatriz Piron Candelario      
:GUM Nicola Velasco Lagatao      
:IND Chanu Saikhom Mirabai      
:JPN Rira Suzuki      
:MAD Rosina Randafiarison      
:ROU Mihaela-Valentina Cambei      
:TPE Fang Wan Ling   X  
:THA Surodchana Khambao      
:USA Jourdan Elizabeth Delacruz     X
:VEN Katherin Echandia Zarate      

Women's Taekwondo -49kg 

Day 12

August 7th


:AUS Saffron Tambyrajah      
:CHN Guo Qing      
:CRO Lena Stojkovic     X
:IRI Mobina Nematzadeh      
:ISR Avishag Semberg      
:ITA Ilenia Matoni      
:LES Michelle Tau      
:MEX Daniela Souza      
:KSA Dunya Abutaleb      
:ESP Adriana Carezo   X  
:THA Panipak Wongpattanakit X    
:TUR Merve Kavurat      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Boxing -80kg

Day 12

August 7th


:AZE Murad Allahverdiyev   X  
:BRA Wanderley Pereira      
:CHN Toqtarbek Tanatqan      
:CRO Gabrijel Veocic      
:CUB Arlen Lopez     X
:DOM Cristian Pinales      
:JOR Hussein Ishaish      
:KAZ Nurbek Oralbay      
:PHI Eumir Marcial      
:THA Weerapon Jongjoho      
:UKR Oleksandr Khyzhniak      
:UZB Turabek Khabibullaev X    
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Canoe Sprint K-4

Day 13

August 8th


:AUS Australia      
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:GER Germany      
:HUN Hungary      
:NZL New Zealand X    
:NOR Norway      
:POL Poland   X  
:SRB Serbia      
:ESP Spain     X

Men's Sailing Kite Formula

Day 13

August 8th


:AUT Valentin Bontus      
:BRA Bruno Lobo      
:CHN Huang Qibin      
:CRO Martin Dolenc     X
:CYP Denis Taradin      
:FRA Axel Mazella      
:GER Jannis Maus      
:GBR Connor Bainbridge      
:ITA Riccardo Pianosi   X  
:POL Maksymilian Zakowski      
:SGP Maximilian Maeder X    
:SLO Toni Vodisek      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Wrestling 



Day 13

August 8th


:ARM Slavik Galstyan   X  
:AZE Hasrat Jafarov      
:CUB Luis Orta      
:EGY Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed      
:FRA Mamadassa Sylla      
:GEO Ramaz Zoidze      
:IRI Saeid Esmaeili     X
:JPN Kyotaro Sogabe      
:KGZ Amantur Ismailov      
:MDA Valentin Petic      
:SRB Mate Nemes X    
:UKR Parviz Nasibov      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Boxing -54kg

Day 13

August 8th


:BUL Stanimira Petrova      
:CHN Chang Yuan      
:COL Yeni Arias      
:GBR Charley Davison X    
:IND Preeti Pawar      
:IRL Jennifer Lehane   X  
:ITA Sirine Charaabi      
:PRK Pang Chol-mi      
:ROU Lenuta Perijoc     X
:TPE Huang Hsiao Wen      
:THA Jutamas Jitpong      
:TUR Hatice Akbas      
:UZB Nigina Uktamova      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Canoe Sprint K-2

Day 14

August 9th


:BEL Belgium      
:CAN Canada      
:CHN China      
:DEN Denmark   X  
:FRA France      
:GER Germany     X
:GBR Great Britain      
:ITA Italy      
:NZL New Zealand      
:POL Poland X    
:ESP Spain      
:SWE Sweden      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Breakdancing 

Day 14

August 9th


:CHN 671 - Liu Qingyi      

:CHN Ying Zi - Yingzi

:FRA Senorita Carlota - Carlota Dudek      
:FRA Sissy - Sya Dembele      
:JPN Ami - Ami Yuasa   X  
:JPN Ayumi - Ayumi Fukushima X    
:ITA Anti - Antilai Sandrini      
.LTU Nicka - Dominika Banevic      
:NED India - India Dewi Sardjoe      
:POR Vanessa - Vanessa Cartaxo      
:UKR Any Ukrainian Athlete      
:USA Logistx - Logan Elanna Edra      
:USA Sunny - Grace Choi     X
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Men's Weightlifting -102kg

Day 15

August 10th


:AIN Yauheni Tsikhantsou      
:ARM Garik Karapetyan   X  
:BRN Lesman Paredes Montano      
:CHN Liu Huanhua      
:GEO Irakli Chkheidze X    
:LBN Ahmed Abuzriba      
:QAT Fares Elbakh      
:IOC Ramiro Mora      
:SAM Don Opeloge      
:KOR Jang Yeonhak      
:TKM Davranbek Hasanbayev      
:UZB Akbar Djuraev     X
:USA Wesley Brian Kitts      

Women's Artistic Swimming Duet

Day 15

August 10th


:CAN Canada      
:CHN China X    
:FRA France      
:GBR Great Britain      
:GRE Greece      
:ISR Israel      
:ITA Italy      
:KAZ Kazakhstan      
:NED Netherlands     X
:POR Portugal      
:KOR South Korea      
:ESP Spain      
:WHT Any Other Pair   X  

Men's Wrestiling



Day 15

August 10th


:AZE Giorgi Meshvildishvili X    
:CHN Deng Zhiwei     X
:GEO Geno Petriashvili      
:HUN Daniel Ligeti      
.IRI Amir Hossein Zare      
:KAZ Yusup Batirmurzaev      
:KGZ Aiaal Lazarev      
:NGR Ashton Mutuwa      
:POL Kamil Kosciolek      
:PUR Jonathan Smith      
:TUR Taha Akgul   X  
:UKR Yuriy Idzinskyi      
:USA Mason Parris      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Boxing -75kg

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Caitlin Parker      
:CAN Tammara Thibeault      
:CHN Li Qian      
:IOC Cindy Ngamba     X
:FRA Davina Michel      
:GBR Chantelle Reid   X  
:IND Lovlina Borgohain      
:IRL Aoife O'Rourke X    
:MEX Citlalli Ortiz      
:MAR Khadija El-Mardi      
:NOR Sunniva Hofstad      
:PAN Atheyna Bylon      
:POL Elzbieta Wojcik      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Beach Volley

Day 15

August 10th


:AUS Clancy/Mariafe      
:BRA Duda/Ana Patricia      
:BRA Carol/Barbara      
:CAN Melissa/Brandie      
:CHN Xia/Xue      
:FRA Placette/Richard      
:GER Any German Pair      
:ITA Gottardi/Menegatti      
.LAT Tina/Anastasija      
:NED Stam/Schoon X    
:SUI Huberli/Brunner   X  
:SUI Esmee/Zoe      
:ESP Alvarez/Moreno     X
:USA Hughes/Cheng      
:USA Nuss/Kloth      
:WHT Any Other Pair      

Women's Track Cycling

Individual Sprint

Day 16

August 11th


:AUS Kristina Clonan      
:BEL Nicky Degrendele      
:CAN Lauriane Genest      
:CHN Any Chines Athlete      
:COL Martha Bayona Pineda      
:FRA Mathilde Gros      
:GER Lea Sophie Friedrich X    
:GER Emma Hinze     X
:GBR Sophie Capewell      
:GBR Emma Finucane   X  
:ITA Miriam Vece      
:JPN Mina Sato      
:MEX Luz Gaxiola Gonzalez      
:NED Hetty Van De Wouw      
:NZL Elise Andrews      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      

Women's Wrestling



Day 16

August 11th


:BUL Yuliana Yaneva      
:CAN Justina Di Stasio      
:CHN Wang Juan      
:COL Tatiana Renteria      
:CUB Milaimys Marin     X
:HUN Bernadett Nagy      
:JPN Yuka Kagami   X  
:KGZ Aiperi Medet Kyzy      
:NGR Hannah Reuben      
:ROU Catalina Axente      
:TUR Yasemin Adar Yigit X    
:USA Kennedy Blades      
:WHT Any Other Athlete      





Edited  by Wumo

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