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Fencing FIE World Cup 2023 - 2024


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  On 3/23/2024 at 2:36 PM, phelps said:

:BEL Neisser Loyola is going to fence the gold medal match vs :FRA Romain Cannone in Tbilisi (men's Epee) and therefore he gets enough points to overtake all of his opponents (especially :CZE Jiri Beran) and earn one of the two Olympic Individual spots available for the European players


meanwhile, in Budapest (men's sabre) the quarterfinals are:


:ITA Luca Curatoli vs :GER Matyas Szabo

:KOR Oh sanguk vs :IRI Alì Pakdaman

:HUN Andras Szatmari vs :FRA Sebastien Patrice

:ITA Luigi Samele vs :TUR Enver Yildirim


It was a surprising performance by Loyola. Honestly, If :CZE Beran defeated him in the first round, all would be safe because it was the tight game and Beran looked much better in the match. Anyways, the Olympic ranking seems a bit different from what I counted. @Faramir mentioned that their points are tight to 76. Which actually means that both collected less than the official counting should be. And in this case, Beran had the advantage of the victory at the Grand Prix which is also higher rated than WC. Official media source in :CZE says that Beran has qualified for the games. Now, it is a question for FIE, gotta wait for the official statement I guess. Additionally, this would be resolved if our team jumped :SUI in the Olympic ranking today. In this case, Beran would go with the team and Loyola would receive the individual quota. 

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  On 3/24/2024 at 5:22 AM, Josh said:

:USA out which means no team quota in women’s epee for Canada :nopompom::nopompom:


I don't think that Canada really needed this undeserved "free" place with weak squad, it would be not fair at all

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:CZE in the semifinal against :KAZ 💪💪💪💪 They are back to fight for the Olympic spot as :SUI is out in quarterfinals. Come one :CZE 💪💪💪💪. If they make it, we will a fencing team at the Games for the first time since 1992 

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Women’s Team Epee (:CHN Nanjing)


Gold: :ITA Italy

Silver: :CHN China

Bronze: :HUN Hungary



China b. Ukraine 45-33

Italy b. Hungary 45-39


Bronze Medal Match

Hungary b. Ukraine 45-38


Gold Medal Match

Italy b. China 43-34


Full Ranking & Results

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  On 3/24/2024 at 1:02 PM, phelps said:

men's Team Sabre in Budapest, quarterfinals (running right now):


:KOR vs :ROU 

:FRA vs :GER

:ITA vs :USA

:HUN vs :IRI 




:KOR vs :GER :yikes: :facepalm:

:USA vs :HUN 


and now we're in Koreans' hands :hairpull:

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