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On 11/18/2022 at 10:42 AM, bestmen said:

This morning i bought 1 jersey made in north Korea :lol:



PRC = People’s Republic of China.

DPRK = Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

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A macaroni and cheese meal takes longer to prepare than the 3,5 minutes a woman believes it advertises (which it doesn't, the 3,5 minutes is clearly inside a microwave logo and so doesn't count the things like adding the sauce), so she sues them for 5 million dollars :lol: 'Murica at it's very finest.


Also, preparing your macaroni in the microwave. Yuck, nasty lady.


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The news we are waiting for every year is out.


The 2022 Slovak born babies names rankings.


And we have a new leader among girls, we like Bulgaria more than we thought it appears :p







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Interesting information was released today.


Since the removal of the most stupid law in Slovak history (Ban of dual citizenship) People who had previously Slovak citizenship but lost it after they became citizens of other country, could finally ask for the Slovak citizenship again.


And we have already apparently 1280 person who received their Slovak passport back and are dual-citizens now again


Slovak citizenship was regained by people with this foreign citizenship


Slovenské občianstvo získali späť ľudia s českým občianstvom (425), britským (231), nemeckým (199), americkým (124), austrálskym (98), švajčiarskym (61), kanadským (43), maďarským (18), talianskym (16), švédskym a luxemburským (po 11), dánskym (8), nórskym (7) holandským (6), írskym a francúzskym (po 4), rakúskym a belgickým (po 3), bulharským a izraelským (po 2), afganským, fínskym, poľským a srbským (po 1).


425 Czechs

231 UK

199 German

124 USA

98 Australia

61 Switzerland

43 Canada (Probably future hockey reinforcement...:p)

18 Hungary

16 Italy

11 Sweden & Luxembourg

8 Denmark

7 Norway

6 Netherlands

4 Ireland & France

3 Austria & Belgium

2 Bulgaria & Israel

1 Afghanistan, Poland & Serbia

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