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Figure Skating ISU European Championships 2023

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  On 1/25/2023 at 6:19 PM, Monzanator said:

Tough luck for :CZE They send two guys and both are set to miss FP?


They qualified two thanks to Brezina placing Top 10 last year. I believe their second best skater retired too. These two are leftovers, effectively.


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Adam Siao Him Fa with a big lead after SP. Samoilov in 6th place so guess maybe Poland has a chance at another Top 10 finish.


Kurakova going #30 and last in SP order :coffee:

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Ladies short programme will start without :LTU 

Lithuanians are so unlucky this season, as number 1 pick Aleksandra Golovkina was heavily injured during practice in Universiade, then number 2 pick Jogailė Aglinskytė got injured too and at the last minute was replaced by number 3 Meda Variakojytė, who just had to withdraw from competition due injury as well :zip:

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A complete disaster from :FRA Lea Serna which means :CZE Nikola Rychtarikova sneaks into FP.


16 year old :SUI Kimmy Repond takes the lead with 8 skaters left.

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:POL Kurakova two-footed on rittberger and 5th place but only two points behind the podium. :GEO Gubanova in the lead, :BEL Hendrickx in 2nd after one error then Repond and Mikutina.

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  On 1/26/2023 at 7:58 PM, Monzanator said:

Gold for Conti/Macii. Ghilardi/Ambrosini with the best FP score move up three places to silver and Hocke/Kunkel take bronze.


nice success, but with tonight's score, in Beijing they would have been 9th.


the world medals are 40/45 points beyond.


that's the sad truth about this championship.


Italy will dominate the field (in absentia :RUS), but I don't think there's too much to celebrate (meanwhile here it will happen exactly that).

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