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Totallympics Grand Master
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    hckošice reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018   
    The Gala red carpet event is being held right now in front of the Municipal Theatre. The streets have been closed and the carpet extends itself to the Marechal Floriano square, giving the general public a close look of the celebrations.
    It's a big festivity for all the artists, musicians and delegations that arrived in Brazil for the Totallympics International Song Contest 2018, celebrating the 10th edition of music contests.
    And now, the moment we're all be waiting for: the arrival of the competing teams in Brazil 2018! One by one, the teams will dazzle the red carpert. First, we will start with the group that stayed at the national capital!
  2. Like
    hckošice reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018   
    Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro
    Located in Cinelândia at the Marechal Floriano square, the Municipal Theatre of Rio de Janeiro it's considered to be one of the most beautiful and important theatres in the country.
    With a seating capacity of more than 2,000, it was built in the beginning of the twentieth century. The building is designed in an eclectic style inspired by Paris Opéra of Charles Garnier.
    The interior of the theater is as luxurious as the facade - with sculptures by Henrique Bernardelli and paintings by Rodolfo Amoedo and Eliseu Visconti, also responsible for its majestic drop curtain, the frieze on the proscenium, the nave ceiling and the decorations of the foyer ceiling.
    A restaurant located in the basement brings a very peculiar style thanks to its impressive Assyrian decor - where is clear the reference to the Xerxes Palace in Persepolis. It was here that the first masquerade balls of Rio were hosted.


  3. Haha
    hckošice reacted to dcro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018   
    Nope, these suits.

  4. Like
    hckošice reacted to vinipereira in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018   
    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!
    The Organizing Committee for the Totallympics International Song Contest 2018 is honoured to host the Jubilee Gala Event in celebration of the 10 editions of our music contests.
    We're delighted you've been able to join us for tonight's Gala, the first of many events that Brazil is hosting this weekend. But, before the start of this evening's proceedings, let's find out details of the venue that is hosting this landmark event!
  5. Like
    hckošice reacted to phelps in Ice Hockey 2017 - 2018 Discussion Thread   
    and today it's time to...
    also in Germany and Finland...
    In the Finnish Liiga, infact, Kärpät Oulu just won another title thanks to a goal scored with only 4:28 minutes still to be played in regulation of the 6th game of the series. 1-0 the score of today's match in Tampere and 4-2 the final score of the final series for Kärpät.
    On the other side, in the German DEL a sprint start (4-1 after the 1st period, 6-3 the final score) in the decisive game #7 secured Red Bull Munich the second success in a row. Nothing could do all the efforts of the Eisbären Berlin to try and comeback also in today's match.
    And tomorrow (20.15 CET) in Lugano there will be another decisive game #7, this time in the Swiss NLA, which is (unusually for them) the last of the main European leagues to come to a close this year...
    I just can't wait for my personal 5th game #7 in just over 3 days...
  6. Like
    hckošice reacted to phelps in Boxing 2018 Discussion Thread   
    it should be, but I also read that Italy only had La Piana qualified fro this tournament and not both our god medallists...
    so, probably it's only 1 per NOC (we already another qualified girl from previous events), even in case of gold...
  7. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from phelps in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 World Championship 2018   
    Well every fairytale (and this year it really was a fairy tale) has to end at a certain moment but still this years result is very valuable and successful, since we had absolutely no expectations from this year, instead of the last years team, that had a lot of huge prospects and played some fantastic hockey, this year we were scared if the kids will even avoid the relegation, but they proved us that they are also quite talented and great fighters 
  8. Thanks
    hckošice got a reaction from phelps in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2018   
    @phelps some good news, Slovak TV revealed the schedule for the World Championships. All 64 matches will be covered, 31 in live and remaining 33 on delayed replays. 10 games in STV 1 (including all 7 games of SVK in the preliminary round, then 1 QF, 1 SF and the Gold medal game.) all remaining matches will be on STV 2. + every evening after the last live match there will be "MS v Kocke" a 30 minutes daily recap with highlights of all todays games. + all matches will be streamed live on the TV website
    the program can be found here
  9. Like
    hckošice reacted to phelps in Ice Hockey 2017 - 2018 Discussion Thread   
    as promised, let's write a couple of words about the Swiss NLA Finals, game #6...
    first of all, we have to say that it was a really exciting game...very tight...and we have to say also that we're going to have a wonderful (in perspective, at least) game #7, since yesterday Lugano won it on the road by a score of 3-2 and tied the series, which means that any decision is posponed to tomorrow night in Lugano (puck drop @ 20.15 CET).
    Last night's game did see Lugano  taking the lead once...and twice...but Zurich always came back...
    finally, with a bit more than 3 minutes to play, a relentless action by Lugano's checking line put Maxime Lapierre (who was double shifting through most of the game) in condition to strike the game winner with a diabolic deflection in front of Flueler's cage...
    the last 3 minutes were a pure demonstration of pride and bravery by Lugano players  (those stil able to play, since the team is heavily plagued by injuries), who were able to stop Zurich's desperate final assault with empty net...
    to be mentioned, because it could have a lot of reflections on game #7, the horrendous and infamous check to the head and neck area suffered by HCL top scorer of the playoffs and absolute locker room leader, Maxime Lapierre, by the Swedish star and top goal scorer of the Zurich Lions, Fredrik Pettersson...
    should Lapierre miss the decisive game of the season and the Swedish guy still be allowed to play, it would be one of the major scandals in the Swiss hockey history...
    I really hope that Mad Max can play tomorrow and Pettersson gets disqualified, because hockey is a rude sport, but those coward attempts to deliberately get the best player of the opposing team injured can't be accepted at any level, anywhere and at any time...
  10. Sad
    hckošice reacted to VolleyRuller96 in Totallympics Suggestions and Problems Thread   
    It's been a while since I last logged on  to Totallympics  - 2 weeks actually. I must apologize for leaving  the volleyball topics without updates and of course generally being not even logged in.
    In those days I actually barely used the internet at all, as I was dealing with heavy personal struggles after my grandmother passed away due to leukemia 13.04
    This was of course kind of expected, but still shocking and unbevielable for me, as she was a very close person to me. and still will be missed.

    But well, life goes on... I took last few days to reflect and still am sad, but now I feel is slowly the time to return to usual activities.

    Well,I'm back and better than before  You can again expect the home page to be spammed with volleyball posts 
  11. Haha
    hckošice reacted to OlympicIRL in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018   
    The Antarctic delegation visited Copacabana beach today on the latest leg of their tour. Many traveling Antarctic fans descended on the Copacabana today also. Here is just a quick selection of some of pics that were captured showing them enjoying the beach. Someone will surely be jealous.....
    Antarctic fans enjoying their first TISC experience

    Antarctic delegation enjoying Copacabana

    Antarctic fans posing for a selfie

  12. Like
    hckošice reacted to phelps in Ice Hockey 2017 - 2018 Discussion Thread   
    I watched that game...and it was quite obvious from the early stages that it was going into BB's direction...
    the first period was very tactical, but BB did control the pace and did have the most shots on goal...
    in the second period, DT did have a flashy start and even took the lead with a quick counter by Bezuch, but BB's line with the French-Canadian duo Faille/Asselin (with the participation of local big boy Hrnka) immediately tied the game and in a few seconds Pavol Skalicky turned things around...
    in the 3rd period DT tried to give their best, but they never got very close to the 2nd goal and when Asselin scored BB's 3rd goal it was all over for the red and yellow guys...
    the final 2 scores by Faille and Skalicky (nice double for both guys) were just cosmetics...
    to be honest, I expected a lot more from DT...but it was clear from the beginning of the match that they haven't been able to set down their nerves before this decider on one side and that they were physically empty after the great comeback from 0-3 to 3-3 in the final series on the other side...
    and after the well deserved celebration of Banskà Bystrica's success, we also have to remember the other 2 games played yesterday in the Finnish and German leagues' finals.
    in both cases, anyway, the title wasn't won by the teams that could have closed the series...
    in the 5th game of the Liiga finals, infact, Tappara Tampere won a crazy match on the ice of Kärpät Oulu by a score of 5-4 and shortened the distance in the series to 2-3. Now they will play game #6 at home tomorrow, with a good chance to send the finals to the decisive game #7 (if needed, next Saturday in Oulu).
    meanwhile in Germany, Eisbären Berlin did take advantage of the home building and won game #6 of the DEL finals against Red Bull Munich (5-3 the score from yesterday night), thus forcing another potentially spectacular game #7, which is scheduled for tomorrow (h.19.00 CET) in Munich.
    as they say, "not to be missed"...
    Finally, I also have to mention tonight's game #6 of the Swiss NLA Finals between Zurich Lions and HC Lugano. Puck drop at 20.15 CET, with the Lions leading the series 3-2, just one win short of the title.
    We'll write about it tomorrow...
  13. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from Dmitry in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Tests done. Guys, I am proud to announce you that I got my certificate and From today I am officially a Volunteer Firefighter
  14. Like
    hckošice reacted to ChandlerMne in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Serbia has new coach,Canadian one,he already changed some weak points of the team. But as you said,it will be close battle between Netherland and Serbia. Lower divisions are always hard to predict
  15. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from ChandlerMne in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Well, the opening matches are never easy, never. There too many factors that can easily happens in the first games, all teams are still at full forces and ambitions and the small teams are able to always make the life hard to the favs, just look at Slovenia in Div I A, 1-2 conceded easy goals from GB and today Poland and there huge sudden unexpected troubles to even fight for the stay in this division instead of fighting for the expected promotion. 
    so for me very important and good start for now just keep the pace guys and go finally for this Division I, so deserved after many many close failures
  16. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from DaniSRB in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    There definitely a chance this year for sure. On paper it may appear for a battle between Serbia and the Netherlands with a slim advantage for the dutch because of home ice and eventually larger experiences, but yeah, this is hockey, so everything can happen on that specific day
  17. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from Jesse_Pinkman) in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    now time for the beautiful anthem of Serbia after the 4-1 opening victory over BEL Ajde Orlovi !
  18. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from ChandlerMne in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    now time for the beautiful anthem of Serbia after the 4-1 opening victory over BEL Ajde Orlovi !
  19. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from NikolaB in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Livestreams of Division II A added, courtesy of Ijshockey Nederland
    @heywoodu and  @DaniSRB @dareza and our Serbian friends in the forum you can follow the matches here
  20. Like
    hckošice reacted to Dragon in Athletes Retirements Thread   
  21. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from dareza in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Livestreams of Division II A added, courtesy of Ijshockey Nederland
    @heywoodu and  @DaniSRB @dareza and our Serbian friends in the forum you can follow the matches here
  22. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from nenad in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Livestreams of Division II A added, courtesy of Ijshockey Nederland
    @heywoodu and  @DaniSRB @dareza and our Serbian friends in the forum you can follow the matches here
  23. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from heywoodu in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Livestreams of Division II A added, courtesy of Ijshockey Nederland
    @heywoodu and  @DaniSRB @dareza and our Serbian friends in the forum you can follow the matches here
  24. Like
    hckošice got a reaction from DaniSRB in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Lower Divisions World Championships 2018   
    Livestreams of Division II A added, courtesy of Ijshockey Nederland
    @heywoodu and  @DaniSRB @dareza and our Serbian friends in the forum you can follow the matches here
  25. Thanks
    hckošice reacted to FC Mezhgorye in Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 World Championship 2018   
    @hckosice congrats! your guys are really strong 
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