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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. I am still impressed how much my musical tastes are far from everyone else, whenever I give a thing that is not exactly from my taste , it ends up often very well but as soon as I enter something that I like it always finish very badly
  2. So Thank you @dezbee2008 and @Olympian1010 a lot for the nice points. Kraljevica ! Kraljevica ! Go ! Go !
  3. I guess thi may depend also by your votes, if you´ll decide everything, the last jury will no longer matters.
  4. well, we still have to get at least one point, otherwise it will "de facto" still be just a tie...and you know for non-english songs this risk is still possible
  5. well done @dcro. Impressive work, I really Loved the country presentation.
  6. my lifelong task still remain to find out how you guys in the former Yugoslavia have come to call our country "Slovatchka" ?
  7. The count of Monte Cristo the 4 episodes mini-series with Gerard Depardieu, because it is a sort of annual easter tradition
  8. St. Elizabeth Cathedral. (Dóm svätej Alžbety) From 1:15
  9. Cool, so now when you are warned, the first 2 minutes of the video should not hurt you then btw the nation´s chief hygienist is the guy speaking from 2:15. Enjoy.
  10. 14 New Confirmed cases yesterday (2301 Tests yesterday - New NR) So we have now 715 Confirmed cases in Slovakia (+14 Yesterday), 2301 Tests yesterday (23658 in Total) 2 Deaths (+0), 23 Healed (+0) 147 Hospitalized, 5 in serious condition (Ventilators), 2 in Very critical (ICU) Today is Good Friday and first total day-off in the special Easter curfew. All shops are closed (except pharmacies). And since thankfully the country closed also all churches in the country the streets and roads are empty Košice today
  11. TV News video about the Roma settlements quarantine (beginning of the video followed by the press conference of the PM and nations chief hygienist, @heywoodu for your own security and wish to avoid heart attack, cut the video before the next shot )
  12. Thanks, Let me know if you´ll have still some issue with the replays. Good watching.
  13. 19 new Confirmed Cases yesterday, 1671 Tests. By this we surpassed the 700 confirmed infected mark, 7 new fully recovered patients. The curfew continue with much less traffic problems today (since it is the last working day, Friday, Sunday and Monday all shops will be closed except pharmacies), So 701 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+19 Yesterday), 1671 Tests yesterday (21371 in total) 2 Deaths (+0), 23 Healed (+7 Yesterday) 157 Hospitalized, 5 in serious conditions (under ventilators), 2 in very critical (ICU) "Special Easter" Restrictons of movement continue the second day, less traffic troubles than during yesterdays total chaos 5 Roma slums quarantined meanwhile new Roma slums are tested gradually, yesterday in the peripheries of the cities of Humenne and Medzilaborce
  14. Better explanation in English
  15. Not the largest, but quite large yes. and yes, partially I can agree that it is true that many roma people are segregated in the country and have to live in enormous poverty in slums. yes, they are often discriminated, certainly, but in this case it has really nothing to do with that.
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