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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Do I understand correctly Nigeria will have two female flag bearers ? thats a new ! Bach will be hyper happy World and Commonwealth wrestling medalist Odunayo Adekuoroye was chosen as the flag bearer while she will be assisted by African record holder in the long jump Ese Brume
  2. GAME 2 Tampa Bay Lightning – Montreal Canadiens 3:1 (0:0, 2:1, 1:0) Goals: 27. Cirelli (T. Johnson, Rutta) 1:0, 40. Coleman (Goodrow, McDonagh) 2:1, 56. Palát (Unassisted) 3:1 – 31. Suzuki (Unassisted) 1:1 /Series Standing: 2:0/ Officials: Sutherland, Furlatt – Murray, Brisebois, Penalties: 3:4 all for 2 min, Powerplay Goals 0:1, Shorthanded Goals: 0:0, Shots on Goal: 23:43, Attendance: 17.166 Line-up: Tampa Bay: Vasilevski - Rutta, Hedman, ČERNÁK, McDonagh, Savard, Sergachyov - Kucherov, Point, Palát - Stamkos, Cirelli, Killorn - Coleman, Gourde, Goodrow - Maroon, Johnson, Colton. Montreal: Price - Weber, Chiarot, Petry, Edmundson, Merrill, Gustafsson - Gallagher, Danault, Lehkonen - Caufield, Suzuki, Toffoli - Anderson, Kotkaniemi, Byron - Perry, Staal, Evans.
  3. Tie miestenky na pozvánku sa nerátajú do rebríčkov len na 100m M & Ž. Pre všetky ostatné disciplíny, sa universality pozvánky rátajú ako kvóty v danej disciplíne, čiže de facto "kvázi" ako postupujúcich cez rebríček z najvyššich miest. Nespravodlivé a blbé to rozhodne je, ale koniec koncov celý tento rankingový systém kvalifikácie je úplny blud, viacero atlétov aj horších sa dostane na OH na úkor povedzme aj lepších len z dôvodu že majú schopnejších agentov čo ich dokážu postaviť na štart niektorého vyššie hodoteného mítingu. Je úplne zcestne že borec skončí 8 niekde na diamantovej lige s otrasným výkonom a má viac bodov ako niekto kto zabehne o 3-4 sekundy lepší čas a zvíťazí no na nižšie hodnotenom mítingu.
  4. yeah, but I was not asking about your team size calculations, I know you not count swimmers now I asked generally, it looks like and are the only remaining uqualified countries so far and in threat to not paricipate at the games
  5. Stage 6 Thursday - July 1st, 2021 h. 14:05 (GMT +2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tours - Chateauroux 160.6km - Flat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. lol right when Špotáková learnt she will going to the Olympics, she suddenly delivered her best careers race
  7. Stage 5 Wednesday - June 30th, 2021 h. 12:15 (GMT +2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changé - Laval (Espace Mayenne) 27.2km - Individual Time Trial STAGE CLASSIFICATION Tadej POGACAR 32:00 Stefan KUNG +19 Jonas VINGEGAARD +27 Complete Standing HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL CLASSIFICATION Mathieu VAN DER POEL 16:51:41 Tadej POGACAR +8 Wout VAN AERT +30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINTS CLASSIFICATION Mark CAVENDISH 89 Julian ALAPHILIPPE 84 Mathieu VAN DER POEL 78 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIMBER CLASSIFICATION Ide SCHELLING 5 Mathieu VAN DER POEL 4 Anthony PEREZ 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUTH CLASSIFICATION Tadej POGACAR 16:51:49 Jonas VINGEGAARD +1:35 David GAUDU +2:27
  8. Still 29 countries in the Mixed event just Malaysia replace Chad
  9. yeah, imagine for a second the Team Time Trial being still at the Olympics program, your coaches would have headache to pick the 4 chosen for Tokyo
  10. I am not sure about anything at all but if it is really in the official document, then everything is clear and we will know tomorrow the qualified
  11. so Barbora can grab with some luck some autograph from American ladies then
  12. yep, would be great to be part of a +/- 100 athletes team and actually with medal chances at the Olympics for once
  13. Yeah, that would be great, but you know, still nothing official, so lets wait and not start to celebrate too early, that never bring anything good Ledecká is out for sure, just like Veszelka (sadly the surgery destroyed his Olympic dream this time, but lets hope for everything good for Paris) and Škvarková. According to his counts also Volko lost the 200m quota but should qualify at least in 100m, + we will have 3 more (and Gajanová if confirmed will make it at the very last minute, hopefully)
  14. Alfons Juck, our athletics madman, the guy I linked the tweet earlier said it in a comment in our athletics fb. I believe, he has extreme knowledge about athletics and everything in the backstage of this sport the last sentence : Dúfajme, že sa to potvrdí vo štvrtok (Gabriela moved to the the qualifying positions after the NCh and Luzerne meeting. Let s hope it will be confirmed Thursday) he posted it last night, so It looks he knew something we dont as usual The guy is a true encyclpodia of Athletics
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