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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Wellington Prague and Bratislava (Actually Hradec Králové and Košice )
  2. wow Moldova only 5. we live an era not like before guys ! I say you !
  3. I think SVK has not moved from its position and points since the Rio Pecos river drying ... however let´s go for this insane final between my favorite song of the contest and second favorite song of the contest...yeah, that is something to think of, ha ?
  4. who else feel that votes will be presented one by one ? well at least until 2nd place, since 12 points will go to Moldova obviously
  5. I am asking USA to RECOUNT THE VOTES. because of...becase of... yeah, because of Wrong French flag
  6. and the Lucky unlucky reserves in dyiz order R1 France R2 Israel R3 United States R4 Kazakhstan
  7. SLOVAKIA New Zealand 12 Czech Republic 11 Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Canada 8 Spain 7 Croatia 6 Mexico 5 Serbia 4 Brazil 3 Indonesia 2 Ireland 1 Concluding Comment in Native Language: Tak to bolo hlasovanie slovenskej poroty. Prajeme príjemný zvyšok večera. English Translation: That was the Slovak Jury votes. Wish you all a great rest of the show and let the best Czech win
  8. So thats all for this year guys, Thanks to everybody, see you next year
  9. SLOVAKIA Czech Republic 11 Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Canada 8 Spain 7 Croatia 6 Mexico 5 Serbia 4 Brazil 3 Indonesia 2 Ireland 1
  10. SLOVAKIA Greetings in Native Language: Dobrý deň Totallympics. Hlásia sa Košice, hlási sa Slovensko. Sme radi že sme opäť súčasťou tejto skvelej šou a je pre nás poctou že sme nevynechali žiadnú edíciu. Tu sú hlasy slovenskej poroty: English Translation: Hello Totallympians Košice Calling ! Slovakia Calling ! We are really glad to be once again part of this superrb show, Slovakia is one of the nations which never missed a single edition of this amazing contest. Here are the votes of Slovak Jury: Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Canada 8 Spain 7 Croatia 6 Mexico 5 Serbia 4 Brazil 3 Indonesia 2 Ireland 1
  11. SLOVAKIA Greetings in Native Language: Dobrý deň Totallympics. Hlásia sa Košice, hlási sa Slovensko. Sme radi že sme opäť súčasťou tejto skvelej šou a je pre nás poctou že sme nevynechali žiadnú edíciu. Tu sú hlasy slovenskej poroty: English Translation: Hello Totallympians Košice Calling ! Slovakia Calling ! We are really glad to be once again part of this superrb show, Slovakia is one of the nations which never missed a single edition of this amazing contest. Here are the votes of Slovak Jury: Ireland 1
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