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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. and our eventual return to the Olympics in a combat sport received another blow. Our only guy we were looking for here, Randl lost already his opening bout...well, once again it will be all about canoeing
  2. So it looks Italy want travell to Slovakia for the next match then, not really surprising, easiest opponent for them, but the travel in our roads can cost them some forces at the end of the tournament
  3. too late 10 for Mikec. Tužinský is out. lol tell this guy about luck, missing every single opportunity to qualify by always the most painful way, if he´ll somehow succeed to qualify the only Karma possible is to win gold
  4. the only hope now remains one of Pang Wei or Mikec miss their last shot pliz call Damir and help us
  5. so looks like Tužinský missed quota by this... only 3 spots remains for Europe in this event, right ? 2 at the next years Europeans and 1 in next years European qualifier ?
  6. Right, I was wrong, we would have played ITA in Bratislava only if SVK finished 3rd and POL 2nd. atleast it´s what our federaton and medias said. source in svk saying this already before the svk-ger game
  7. well, thankfully not. for a country where school kids voted 75% extremist politicians as the worst possible neighbors. and this flag is forbidden in Slovakia. you will finish in jail having just a tatoo with this shit Many foreign football fans are in our prisons because of that
  8. No if SVK would have won over Russia today we would have to play against the Lodz group winner Italy in Bratislava, so losing to Russia means match against Belgium in Bratislava on Sunday, if nothing obscure happen tonight and Italy somehow will not top your group.
  9. well, thanks, I was trying to tactfully not mention this
  10. Well the difference between both teams is galactic, we didn´t have a chance even for one minute in this match, but lol the celebrations after the match with the fans were amazing to watch even after such debacle everyone in the arena fans and our players seemed really happy and smiling. Again a huge aftermatch clapping, jumping and dancing celebrations session occured, the Russian grls didn´t understand what the hell is happening
  11. The mayor of the capital Bratislava today ordered to rise this flag in the Primate´sl palace (the official seat of the mayor of Bratislava) in the middle of the city main square In fact today is the 75th anniversary of the National Uprising against the clerico-fascist state we sadly was during the WWII. In this occassion our army (LOL) had a military parade in the "unofficial capital" of the 1944 National Uprising Banská Bystrica, if anyone interested here the military parade,
  12. Doesn´t look good for to repeat the Rio participation in Tokyo. as they lost 5-0 in Zambia in the 1st leg today. Also withdrawal means is already in the Quarterfinals by walkover
  13. Stage 1 in Cardrona (NZL) Men´s Big Air: 1. Chris Corning 176.25 2. Redmond Gerard 161.25 3. Kalle Jarvilehto 160.25 Full Final Result HERE
  14. Stage 1 in Cardrona (NZL) Women´s Big Air: 1. Enni Rukajarvi 86.00 2. Katie Ormerod 83.75 3. Silje Norendal 83.00 Full Final Result HERE
  15. Dude, in 10 years you´ll have to start training the young "heyw-una" for the Winter YOG
  16. well, mine certainly not. and again. 28% of the U19 generation is really a promising amount. Things are hopefully changing a lot, some years ago this number would be much much higher. you must look also from this side, we are speaking about Slovakia, such things were absolutely taboo decades ago. we are completely open to the world only some 30 years now, even the west countries needed much longer time to be open-minded
  17. well, you always must search for the bad side in everything, right ?
  18. well, it depend, I have many slovak neighbors myself and some are fine, but some are really...yeah turning me mad, especially the young lady with her dogs and the young couple with their incredibly noisy and ultra-active child
  19. Gabriela Gajanová will compete for team Europe in the Europe-USA match in Minsk 9th and 10th Septemeber as one of the 4 European athletes in the W 800m
  20. A interesting research was done by our Institute for Public Affairs in our high schools. The kids between the ages of 15 and 19 were asked to anonymously answer who they would not want to have as their neighbors. positively, most have chosen extremist politicians. also is quite encouraging that our youngs have no problems with Jews and Peoples of different skin color. 75% extremist politicians 61% Roma peoples (Gypsies) 59% Muslims 45% Refugees from countries affected by war and hunger 32% Long-term unemployed peoples 28% People of different sexual orientation 28% Foreigners from neighboring countries working in Slovakia 17% Jews 17% People of different skin color
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