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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Detti wins an international gold for the 1st time, next step is Rio
  2. Mi servirebbe un informazione, qualcuno sa se il tempo limite per rio deve essere ottenuto in finale o vale anche quello nelle batterie e semifinali?
  3. @hckosice i spend a lot of my times for work today, can i have a "bonus time" of 12-24 hours?
  4. Verstappen and 2 Ferrari on the podium! Amazing day
  5. ORO! TANIA NON SI FERMA PIU'! Magnifiche Tania e Francesca, superiori rispetto le altre dall'inizio alla fine!
  6. I'm ready to support Italy and Slovakia! Go Marek!
  7. Concluse le qualifiche del Triathlon, l'Italia a Rio con 4 atleti
  8. E anche il C2 saluta le Olimpiadi. La canoa slalom in Brasile con 2 atleti
  9. Buona vittoria dell'Italia contro la Thailandia e pass sempre piú vicino!
  10. Whit this sistem the last year we win the contest, why they add it only now
  11. Well, i voted for Cyprus. Good song and they are italian
  12. The look of the Croatian singer was amazing
  13. I hope that in next years a lots of non-European will join in Eurovision
  14. I know but see they clothes, and they win
  15. Germany song was great! This year the ESC is very close
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