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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Nairo the condor Quintana attacks Nibali can lose seconds again
  2. I think that we'll see an explosive final on the Pantani's climb
  3. Fabio Fognini and Flavia Pennetta become parents few minutes ago
  4. Well, Italian media don't say nothing about Iran election, really. I need to use some specifical site that speak about election in the world Btw, what do you expect from this election?
  5. @dcro what do you think about the startlist of the 2017 Piazza di Siena? Our federation say that it's a big event whit a lot of nice name, but i'm not sure about it.. you can help me?
  6. I hope that Rouhani will win. I don't like Raisi, he was too close Sayyid Ali Khamenei's policy. Both are pro USA and have an open foreign policy (well, Raisi want close all relationships whit Israel) and they have two very different economical plan, but i don't like neither. Good luck Iran, tomorrow you will write your history!
  7. YES! Wrigh is in final whit a great comeback!
  8. Really great match between Wright and Taylor.
  9. Come prevedibile l'anno post olimpico continua a mietere vittime illustri. All’età di 37 anni lascia il mondo della marcia Elisa Rigaudo, medaglia di bronzo nella 20 km di Pechino 2008, terza anche agli Europei di Goteborg 2006 ed ai Mondiali di Daegu 2011
  10. United States eliminated in quarterfinals
  11. Murray eliminated in the doubles too
  12. Fognini ancora una volta è il salvatore della patria e salva la baracca azzurra, il tennis italiano è al palo. Speriamo almeno che Fognini possa farci gioire, oggi ha fatto un gran primo set contro Murray, nel secondo è partito bene e poi si è ripreso solo nel finale.
  13. And now Sharapova is officially retired after the injury, nice telefilm Now Fognini-Murray
  14. Well no, Sharapova back on the court
  15. Sharapova injured in Rome, she's booing from the people on the stand. I'm sad that she have some problems, but finally she's (probabily?) eliminated. We'll see if she will continue the match.
  16. No, all the tennist are already registred. You can see the full list here
  17. Pochi giorni fa l'immensa Tania Cagnotto ha vinto la sua ultima gara in carriera, l'Italia adesso deve ritrovare una nuova luce nei tuffi, sperimo bene
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