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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Laws are written by those in charge, surely they can be changed
  2. I’m sorry, but I disagree with you. We elected Clinton by a 3 million vote majority. Trump won because of an antiquated system that favors the right. Trump certainly doesn’t represent my interests. His America, is not my America. He’s made it clear that refugees are not welcome in America, so we refuse to welcome in my state.
  3. That was or our original strategy to combat him and what he stands for, but it hasn’t worked, the same appeasement didn’t work with Hitler. I’m telling you that the far-right has activated a motivated left, which these elections will be brutal. I do agree though, that the best way to fight Trump is with facts, science, compassion, but also strong demonstrations against his “ideals”.
  4. And it will completed while skydiving into the Olympic stadium, and open to only youth competition
  5. I’m calling it, Turks and Caicos 2022 World Cup champions
  6. Well for a president that’s only divided his country, caged children, increased racial violence, and been endorsed by the American far-right (KKK); I think it’s perfectly fine. The elections this year are going to be messy, and probably leave us more divided.
  7. Thier live-streaming “service” is about as good as an amateur home video. It’s run by volunteers who are working with almost nothing to create something, so kudos to them. I do intend to save and list the livestreams, just like I did with the Med. Games. I’m kind of hoping they show the spear fishing tomorrow.
  8. It looks like livestreams might only be available on their Facebook page.
  9. Yo, where are my fellow Americans at, we can’t hold our ranking if I’m the only participating. I’m literally the worst at these things, send help.
  10. No, I think Individual sports like rowing are fine, but definitely no more continental events
  11. There are 10 teams participating, from 6 countries (4 are the states of Micronesia). I try to find more links, once it starts. If I don’t find any, I’ll try to keep people informed on what’s happening.
  12. Here is the link to the offical website: Offical Website
  13. Who’s ready for 2018 Micronesian Games . Streaming appears like it will be available on their website: here. Honestly, their website is better than the Mediterranean Games and CAC Games.
  14. I actually had a Danish classmate who was awesome, so if the rest of the Danish population is like her it should be a great environment. I also really love the culture of Denmark and the Scandinavian regions. I contemplated looking for a university to attend in Denmark because the schooling is apparently cheap or beneficial for foreigners. My family is ancestrally Danish (German, Norwegian, Irish), hence the spelling of my last name.
  15. Ok, so maybe I would’ve gotten second, or I’ll be like Croatia and snipe the contest from your grasp
  16. We definitely should have done this as a prediction contest, I would’ve won for once. On on a different note, I love sailing and I can’t wait to watch this years Championships. I’m glad to see a lot of nations participating.
  17. Im in love with the British public and their reception of Trump
  18. Click the link at the bottom the article. Should take you to the links for detailed and overall schedules
  19. I really think that if Sagan wanted to he could a top 20, or even top 10 overall contender. I mean this honestly when I say this, Peter Sagan is the best all around cyclist currently. P.S Also, shoutout to another of my California bros, Toms, coming in clutch with that climb today. All good riders, seem to want to ride in my state. I think the Tour of California should become the fourth Grand Tour
  20. @Wanderer Do you remember my additional prediction in the Round of 16? Bonus points maybe
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