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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Be glad they're not carrying guns, because 'Murica
  2. In almost every international outdoor sports event in the US, from the Tour of California (cycling) to marathons to skiing, there's someone running around in a big T-Rex suit
  3. Lægreid is utterly destroying Viktor Brandt though (you know, in the fight for 17th or so)
  4. Understandably, the view from the track onto the mountains is absolutely fantastic, who wouldn't want to do an extra 450m?
  5. A few more listens and I am now absolutely hooked on Europapa Even my Eurovision hating colleague is wild about the song, since it's such an immense throwback to the 90's with all the gabber music and even one of the Gods of the 90's, Paul Elstak, featuring in it. Also very much enjoy Croatia's song by the way
  6. And confirmed, Norwegian media is picking it up quite a lot of course, here's one including some comments from our very own @brunamoura who got asked about it this week
  7. This is about said boyfriends using banned substances though, so they should probably dump those boyfriends
  8. To be fair, it is simply not unthinkable. And it might get proven for example by hair analysis, where in this case it might be possible that Thibus is shown to not have been a user of this substance and Imboden has been, in which case the defense has quite a good point.
  9. And in today's news: she's going with the 'it came from sex' defense. So they're throwing her partner Race Imboden under the bus, but considering he is retired anyway, I'm sure he doesn't care Dutch media for some reason seems to have a weird focus on specifically mentioning oral sex. Like they want to make it more, you know, juicy
  10. True, although that came afterwards. He reached his goals, but of course didn't just stop running then, and then also ran the standard because he performed quite a lot better than he had expected Still, it's cool he scripted his own functioning program to select the smartest races to race (where a lot of athletes told him it's just a matter of racing the highly labled races to get more points, but that's of course not exactly how it works).
  11. We can by now definitely say it's absolutely going to happen Brazilian media noticing it as well.
  12. John Heymans has been talking about how he wrote a computer script to qualify for the Olympics in only 4 races Basically, he expected he'd run around 13:15, and he was going entirely for the world ranking qualification pathway instead of the time limits. He entered all athletes who ran 13:15 in the past 5-6 years, ran their results through his script to basically see how many points they got in which races. Some more statistical analysis and stuff was done on the data, and in the end the script gave him a handful of races as best options to score an optimal amount of points...which is what he did, and so he rose on the world ranking all the way to a qualifying spot with only 4 races
  13. Any individual sport where only one athlete per nation can compete in an event is terrible, indeed I kind of understand it when the entire field of participants is only 16 athletes (which is of course not the case in swimming for example), but then the solution would be to simply have a more grown up tournament instead of only 16 participants...but then we get to the athlete limit which apparently can't be touched. It's all not great, of course we all want to see at least the entire world's top-15 or so compete....are there many countries with multiple athletes in the top-15 in taekwondo? I would assume South Korea and Iran, but that's really not more than a guess Edit: oh wait, it's not even '1 athlete per weight class', but 'X athletes in total, where X is lower than the number of weight classes'?
  14. It'd be something...missing one Olympics by choice, missing another due to injury...and then actually going to one because of escaping a significant doping ban
  15. Yeah, that was bound to happen, given that Norwegian journalists had already been fishing for contacts within the Brazilian federation for at least a few days Interesting though, not that long ago the rule within the Brazilian snow sports federation was that people who had competed for another country already could absolutely under no circumstances compete for Brazil. I guess the sudden marketing opportunity did change that I just mostly really, really hope this isn't going to make the Brazilian snow sports federation take away even more of their money (which is quite a lot) from other sports so they can spend every cent on Braathen...personally I find this really cool news, but I do also fear the effect it will have on the other sports, specifically cross-country skiing of course.
  16. But on what basis can a judge campaign? A judge needs to uphold laws, not have a certain political (even if officially they're unaffiliated) standpoint on said laws... Do they all campaign "I'll sentence people according to the law"? That makes it hard to choose
  17. Oh right, judges are elected. It remains incredible how 'the system' apparently keeps thinking putting the theoretically separated branches back together is....good?
  18. One day we'll look back at the Olympic history and go "yeah kids, there were times when people got Olympic medals for stuff like literature, break dancing and painting"
  19. Yeah, I can very much understand people having this in their top-3 and understand people having this in their bottom-3, but anything in between...impossible You either really dislike it or really like it
  20. Heard Europapa for the first time is definitely...uhm...special Nice throwback to the 90's gabber music, but other than that, not entirely my thing yet, I think
  21. Oh nice, a whole back and forth about a person who prefers to be called 'they' instead of 'her'. Even the 'what is a lock?' discussion was more useful
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