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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Nah, she's just a typical shot putter
  2. On the good side, at least Dereli actually won a Turkish medal
  3. Well yes, like most Turkish athletes He is Jamaican-born.
  4. I heard somehere he's not in a good place to be in the team and surely this doesn't help him I'm not sure though, but I'm praying with you that he won't be there
  5. I know it's only Euro and Rio is the only thing that counts this year, but I must honestly say Churandy's gold made me a little emotional
  6. Churandy Oh my this is the best 100m final I have ever seen The most sympathetic Dutch athlete we ever had
  7. Yes, I believe they said something similar here. But yeah, as said before, most decathletes of course don't care so much about the decathlon here with Rio coming up soon
  8. If I get odds of 2, I would bet half of my money that those 8 events won't give 8 gold medals for Germany here
  9. Yes that is allowed, but come on....with Talay standing right next to her?! Well no complaints here, I'll help in making Talay feel better then
  10. Great race by the way from all top-3
  11. The weakest score in European championships history if I'm not mistaken, but that doesn't matter so much. Of course the much bigger thing is Van der Plaetsen's story and for most athletes all that mattered was getting above 8100 points if they hadn't do so yet to qualify for the Olympics.
  12. I don't know if the video works, but you gotta see Ruther Smith's reaction today after qualifying for the discus final in his last throw Before you think "what an idiot", it's an 'explosion of happiness' after such an incredibly long time with bad, bad injuries, threatening to end his career and so on, so it's understandably emotional for him Now if he qualifies for Rio, that would be the ultimate beauty.
  13. Van der Plaetsen, European athletics king Very much deserved after hard years with losing his father, getting cancer and now qualifying for the Olympics
  14. Every year we have one field event that's really awesome it seems We had a year of Bondarenko vs Barshim with amazing heights, a year of Pichardo vs Taylor with fantastic jumps and now?
  15. Jamile Samuel qualifies for the Olympics in the very, very last chance with 22.83
  16. It's saying Taha Akgul might still be injured? That's a pretty big deal if he indeed is injured, since he is apparently the big favourite in 125..
  17. Lebedev? So him saying he wouldn't go because he won the Russian champs unfairly was just a load of crap... Btw, what do you think about Ramonov's chances? I won't ask about Sadulaev, I think it's clear he's the huge favourite.
  18. Here it's crashing all the time during the day. As in, in the past hour I've gotten at least 10 screens saying that it can't load the site. (my internet works fine and every other website works fine)
  19. Is it me or is the forum experiencing a ton of problems with connectivity in the past days?
  20. CBDN has announced the "critérios técnicos" for participating at the 2018 Winter Olympics....but for some reason I really don't understand, they didn't add the things for biathlon there..
  21. A couple of Australian sailors already went to CAS to appeal against the national standards, but that didn't work out for them since CAS decided against them, so I doubt Hatuel will have any different result (although maybe a national thing thinks otherwise...if they select her, I guess they'd have to select a whole ton of other athletes in other sports as well).
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