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Ros reacted to heywoodu in Doping Cases and Bans in 2024
Massage guy had a wound on his finger. Treated it with a legal spray, which included clostebol. Then massaged Sinner, and that's how it ended up in Sinner's body.
I mean, I guess it's theoretically possible
Ros reacted to stefanbg in Българските спортисти в Париж - очаквания и представяне
Да, обратно в България и ежедневието. Преживяването беше неповторимо! Париж и Олимпийските игри бяха сляти в едно по един специален начин. От градините на Тюлери и Лувъра, през Айфеловата кула, та чак до Дефанс.
Посетих плажен волейбол под Айфеловата кула, борба в Шамп де Мар, атлетика на Стад де Франс, водна топка в Дефанс арена и колоезденето в центъра на града. Всяко състезание си имаше чара, трибуните бяха пълни, а "купонът" беше неповторим. Трудно се описва с думи атмосферата на съораженията. Ще изпратя снимки на лично съобщение за интересуващите се
Относно българското участие, купих билети за "грешните" сесии в борбата. Айк не стигна до битка за медал, но пък видях поредната и последна Олимпийска титла на Михайн Лопес.
За щастие пътувах в един полет с борците към Париж и имах честта да им пожелая успех лично, а и чрез националния превозвач Стюардесите след моя молба им пожелаха успех след кацане, а всички пътници аплодираха бурно.
Изживяването остава спомен за цял живот и очаквам ЛА с нетърпение. Пожелавам на всеки във форума да усети същата тръпка, която усетих аз.
Ros got a reaction from Bulgaria87 in Потенциални български участници за игрите в Лос Анджелис 2028
Още от сега предполагам, че в художествената гимнастика ще сме със 7 квоти, в плуването с 6, във фехтовката с 4, а в спортната гимнастикас 3. Надявам се на поне 10 квоти в борбата. Ако боксът е в програмата - 4 или 5 квоти. За атлетиката ми е трудно да предположа, но 7-8 човека ще е добре. И във вдигането на тежести ще сме с 3 мъжки квоти, като очаквам и една женска. В стрелбата предполагам още общо 2-3 квоти ще вземем. В "ракетните" спортове (бадминктон, тенис на маса и на корт) не повече от 3-4 общо. Не повече от тези бройки ще имаме в гребните спортове. И ако в останалите спортове вземем 4-5 това ще е. За волейболът ми е болка но ще пропуснем и тази олимпиада. Така като ги броя - при делегация от около 60 човека ще е супер.
Да видим колко ще съм близо
Ros reacted to Federer91 in How many medals do you expect from your Nation at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024?
Bulgaria and medals, not really hand to hand this century. I was very pessimistic for Tokyo and somehow we got 6 medals. If we get the same, or even more this time, then it would be another success.
And speaking of potential medalists
Boxing - Javier Ibanez , who is actually Cuban;
Taekwondo - Kimia Alizadeh , who is actually Iranian;
Wrestling - Magomed Ramazanov, who is actually Russian;
Wrestling - Semen Novikov , who is actually Ukrainian;
Wrestling - Aik Mnatsakanian, who is actually / Georgiо-Armenian
Anyone else wanting international participation can apply in their local BG consulate
As for the medals:
Rhythmic Gymnastics - probably 2
Weightlifting - 1 is almost certain, with a chance for a second;
Boxing - this could go from 1 to 4, very much depending on draws, referees etc.;
Taekwondo - good chance for 1;
Wrestling - not confident here, 1-2 if lucky;
Very outside chances in fencing and shooting. Kostadinova hasn't been steady in the past year or so, and shooting has one of the tightest competitions, so getting a medal like in Tokyo is going to be a miracle.
I'd say a final tally of 6, with 8 if we have a positive outcome in some sports.
Ros reacted to Book in How many medals do you expect from your Nation at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024?
: 118 medals, 41 golds.
I think Paris will have to be slightly better for medals then Tokyo, but not crazy.
Really does come down to the swimming team. Track I’m thinking we could see +2-3 golds from Tokyo but I don’t have a sense of where the swimming team is now that the legends of the late 2010s are out of their prime. If the newer swimmers can keep the ball rolling then breaking 120 is very likely considering the new sports since Rio are all US medal chances. Climbing’s split events could lead to 4 medals with gold possible in men’s speed.
Ros reacted to Pavlo in How many medals do you expect from your Nation at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024?
We don't seem to have this momentum, today i'd say...11. But i really think we can have terrible olympic games.
Ros reacted to hckošice in How many medals do you expect from your Nation at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024?
Praying for 4
Dreaming for 3
Hoping for 2
Expecting 1
Ros reacted to Bulgaria87 in Потенциални български участници за игрите в Лос Анджелис 2028
Здравейте български любители на Олимпийските игри,
Тук предлагам да коментираме потенциалните български участници за Олимпийските игри след 4 години. Да все още е рано да правим прогнози, но ще е хубаво да видим какви са били настроенията ни през годините, като това ще стане като сме активни тук и описваме успехите в спортните събития с наши преставители през този период.
Ros reacted to phelps in Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 Sports Programme
France did replace Karate with Breakdance!
that's unforgivable...it's worse than any Lacrosse/Flag Football/Rugby Legue IX might appear in the next future on the Olympic stage...it's "THE" Capital mistake
Ros reacted to El Analyzer in Post Games Analysis | How did your country perform at Paris Olympics 2024?
some quick notes why the Egyptians are disappointed with the performance:
- Sports Minister said we will get 10 medals
- Nada Hafez - Fencing Sabre competed while pregnant (7 months) and no one knows from the Egyptian Fencing federation nor the ministry (you know why? federation didn't see her for months and doesn't care) ..by the way she won in round of 32 against USA and achieved the best female place in Egyptian fencing history
- a player has been accused with sexual assault and has been released later as footage doesn't show (serious conduct)
- Hammer player Moustafa El- Gamal has no coach since Nov 2023 and when he complained after the game the president of athletic federation said he is a low class anyway! ..by the way he is the African record holder and the only Egyptian won gold medal in African athletic championship 2024
- Omar Assar - Table tennis said the federation has claimed a fund for a training camp with 100 K (Dollars or Euro don't know) and the paper said he was there but actually he was at home and no one knows where are the money ..actually every one know.
there are 6-7 more points but I feel sick continue ...other than that everything perfect and Ministry of Sport is celebration the great success !!!!!!
Ros reacted to Bulgaria87 in Post Games Analysis | How did your country perform at Paris Olympics 2024?
1. 8.5 - Paris Olympics were amazing for . We won 7 medals from which 3 gold, one silver and 3 bronze and took 26th place in overall ranking. Top sports are Wrestling, Weightlifting & Rhythmic Gymnastics. We managed to snatch good results in boxing, taekwondo from where we got bronze. Other good performances were women's single sculls, Women's vault as well in Badminton. We have a superb athlete in Karlos Nasar who made WR in weightlifting 89 category and is the star in the sport.
2. Surprise are the two golds in Wrestling which is traditional sport for the country, however in last Olympics we only managed to snatch bronze medals. Heartbreak was the Rhythmic gymnastics performance of our team which was favorite for the gold, however it made a huge error and finished 4th.
3. Yes, achieved.
4. There is for sure what can be improved. A lot of promises are given every year, let's see what happens this time. We are a sport country and expectations here are high. Sports that can be invested are swimming, where we have some positive results, women's fencing where we grow each year, taekwondo is something new for us but with good leader in the sport federation, volleyball is so famous here, however in a downfall in recent years, but now with efforts to be resurrected. Wrestling, weightlifting and Rhythmic gymnastics will continue the tradition and investment here should be guaranteed. Boxing also has a good sports federation president and we have very young stars. Hopefully it will remain in program for LA 28. However we need investment in sport infrastructure as currently is not well handled. Hopefully we will begin to work more thoroughly in this regard in next years. I also so hope for development in some untraditional sports for us like Archery and sport climbing
5. I so hope this will be women's fencing (sabre team). Weightlifting could also reach some new highs as our star Karlos Nasar might be inspiration for a lot of kids/teenagers. We also have good generation in Athletics, hopefully we could develop in there too as in the past we had so many good results, but now we had only 1 athlete in final.
Ros got a reaction from pdr4332 in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
First time ever that CC is better than OC
Ros got a reaction from maestro in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
So, we have a winner. For 41st time we had USA national anthem 😂
Ros got a reaction from Josh in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
First time ever that CC is better than OC
Ros reacted to Josh in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
“I declare the games of the 33rd Olympiad Paris 2024 closed”
The words you dread.
Ros got a reaction from orangeman in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
So, we have a winner. For 41st time we had USA national anthem 😂
Ros reacted to heywoodu in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
Did you know besides an amazing speaker, he was also a great athlete? Won Olympic gold even in fencing, 1976!
Ros reacted to Gianlu33 in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
They will sing the full playlist?
Ros reacted to Josh in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
Much better than the opening ceremony.
By a mile actually.
Ros reacted to hckošice in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
Will Griggs on fire ! Your defence is terrified !
Ros reacted to heywoodu in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
I recognised "oh Champs-Élysées" and needed to Google it to make sure I'd write it correct here....but I did recognise it!
Ros got a reaction from hckošice in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
First time ever that CC is better than OC
Ros got a reaction from Gianlu33 in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
First time ever that CC is better than OC
Ros reacted to Mkbw50 in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
The BBC commentators joked about Fencing, 1976 hahaha
Ros reacted to Epic Failure in Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 News
I mean, after Paris having the surfing in Tahiti, Oklahoma isn't that far away from LA in comparison.
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