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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. The scene of day: enormous Palestinian flag in Spain
  2. But they accept what is hapenning in Palestine Russian are allowed to participate
  3. most of their athletes are Russian/eastern european , naturalized for money , they even say they are jew while they know nothing about this religion
  4. Championnats d'Afrique de Voile: titre continental et billet olympique pour Boudrouma et Berrichi Les véliplanchistes algériens Ramy Boudrouma et Amina Berrichi ont décroché la médaille d'or dans la spécialité IQ Foil des championnats d'Afrique de voile, clôturés ce vendredi matin sur les rives de la mer rouge en Egypte, arrachant par la même occasion une qualification aux prochains Jeux olympiques d'été, prévus en 2024 à Paris (France).
  5. In IQFOIL women , got the Gold+silver ... in the site of federation , they are saying she is qualified
  6. Russians don't need to be in , people will survive as medals are not edible as i know
  7. Usa used their veto today anti invasion-stop...they are helping them to kill more Palestinians
  8. Qatar becomes rich because they follow western method of robbery , they sell matchs of football 100 millions € per minute
  9. also mister shoes's knowledges , european countries are not small : UK /france have thousands of islands /lands around the world , just the queen has half of southern pole ,Denmark has greonland ,Russia is enormous only Germany is small
  10. and Exactly , your economy that making you proud is based on robbery of resources and selling products of pollution ×100 the real price , i call that "dirty money "
  11. Even my shoes have more knowledges than you ...arabs were in yemen and little part of KSA , they conquested 3 continents with only horses your country tried to do that in 1900's with submarines /all those machines of pollution , they smashed you ...they divided your small country with a wall had one of strongest navy in the mediterranee That was a pact wih ottoman , not colonisation because they are muslims
  12. When arabs won wars on their conquests of thousands kilometers , your ancestors were doing the queue in Mcdonalds , dont tell me this fast food for dogs didn't exist yet Otherwise your conquests was limited to invade villages of this dark forest , that's why your country is very small
  13. They lost because of USA , they don't have equal weapons Brave Palestinians destroyed 200 german tanks with HANDS have to review your industry of metallic garbage
  14. if you go to Gaza you can see from the otherside of wall ,the stolen Palestinian houses transformed to castles with money of Mcdonalds/star bucks
  15. Millions here are ready to fight just they dont know how to fly there how to collect weapons ...Lebanon, Jordan,Egypt have to organize all that , no way with those shity governements afraid to USA like bitches only Yemen is acting for now << Patria o muerte >>
  16. good part of Palestinians are Christians , and jewish killed Jesus , not Romans like it is mentionning in some fake books of manipulation
  17. This is the entire video , he is saying the truth ...i support him
  18. They will kill everybody , subtitle in english
  19. Yemen is launching missiles , i hope will not crash on Gaza
  20. Because your media said that Hamas broke it
  21. is temporary leading Iqfoil men and women ...disaster in ilca
  22. They dont even know in Torah its mentionning "we have to kill people of idolatry " Christians are first in the list , they are helping their own killers to kill
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