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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. France officialy qualified and Tunisia out
  2. this is what Qatari people are saying in social media : you didn't stop to critisize (we are out competition) then LEAVE QATAR , don't stay here , each team go play your matchs at home
  3. Iran needs 1 point's possible , usa is not strong
  4. Animals of world turn around ...this is the sign
  5. Ecuador will play with 12 today , the referee is the number 12 poor opponents
  6. The match of 17h , the referee is he will help Ecuador
  7. Japanese clean the area ... this act is impossible to see with europeans supporters
  8. This is the 2nd qualif of Wales in wc , this trick of 5 teams looks like a scam but i'll support them ...4 points
  9. Russia will not supply oil and gas to countries supporting price cap, Kremlin says
  10. They are 1 country in the Olympic games and 5 in the World cup
  11. No , America is 1 continent not 2 ...they have to make groupes just like the rest of planet ...they divided the continent to ensure the qualification of -----> america first
  12. The next Rule : put 4 known teams having celebrities + strong politic directly in semi
  13. Serbia...because the system of qualification in american continent is a joke , 5 teams qualified from 10 ...
  14. and you are the owner of internet , the level you have sure
  15. 5 north African teams vs 60 , count full trophies then talk
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