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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. At least in Asia things are normal , they didn't divide the continent to help countries having power to qualify
  2. Having the record of participation in the world cup means they are the best team in the world , is it normal ? ...fifa cheats with their system of qualification under the eyes of cows
  3. Mexico has the world record of participation ...what a joke , they profit from this disgusting system of qualif
  4. What about the misery of the next group: Argentina :has qualified from this system 5 teams/10 Mexico :got the benefit of dividing the American contient (they played vs Haiti) Poland qualified instead Russia only KSA looks normal in this group of scam
  5. 1-0 for Tunisia , the french goal cancelled
  6. Denmark got their ticket vs Foroe islands
  7. Woow Germany the first time i see that in a western country , they are saying america go home
  8. It's not about charging people to stop watching ...but the truth should be said How FIFA corrupted the World Cup
  9. The same thing will happen with England , a recent conflict with Qatar will push london to give up , otherwise billions $ will be lost
  10. Germany has abandonned europe for their own interrest
  11. Africa is the bestttttt .... the rest of world you will not sleep tonight
  12. Ghana will win this ...i bet my chocolate of 500 €
  13. Uruguy defeated portugal previously , revenge revenge
  14. not clowning , the system of qualification is wrong
  15. Ooooh runners of 100m what are you doing in football
  16. Brussels is burning under the Belgian supporters riots
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