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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. This 3-0 will force belgium to play the maximum
  2. They have plan B , the ceremony will move to the stadium
  3. 80 boats in total for 205 delegations , so 3-4 delegation per boat
  4. and USA are sending ISIS to Lebanon , you will see the mess in Beirut soon
  5. Apparently athletes didn't find how to fly to kazan
  6. Botswana 0 athlete , Afghanistan 27
  7. How can be in with 0 athlete , the absolute 0....they cheated , this 88 countries is around 50
  8. For what reason they are looking for quota , the podium is known 6 months ago , the rest are just a decoration
  9. Its always like that with england , they have a strong league but the national team wins by luck
  10. Anyone in Paris , the rehealsal tomorrow 17 june , plz go take pics Les bateaux qui vont transporter les athlètes pendant la cérémonie d’ouverture des JO de Paris le 26 juillet 2024 vont effectuer deux tests sur la Seine ces prochains jours. Un premier est prévu lundi 17 juin
  11. How will they rehealsal scenes of ceremony in secret , anyone in the street will take pics+ videos
  12. some People think that sport is not related to politic , so why is Russia out even after loss ;RN will get more power , this Jordan bardella is a kid , will just increase the hate and divisions ...bad image few weeks before games
  13. Surprise ,françois Holland is back to face RN
  14. not only torture , that was a massacre like UK did in 5 continents even in ireland
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