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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. Not the churche forbid that , jewish refuse to enter in because of the idolatry ...they pray the cross instead god
  2. World champs of wheelchair volleyball in Egypt 3-0
  3. Trade of human you said , you see them like objects ,you are talking like if you were the king of the world , your country becomes prosperious cause you lick balls of USA this western system of roberry ,remember when you compare western/ eastern germany AND YES I WOULD HAPPILY cut any relation with germany ,i can survive without mercedes this machine of pollution made by the African raw materials
  4. Jewish religion is closer to islam than christianity ...ask any jew if he can enter to the church , he will say nooooo this is harshly prohibited , otherwise he will fasting for the rest of his life but yes he will accept the moske without any problem You are wrong by saying you accept them , UK gave them Palestine to get rid of them ...
  5. Their enemies are killing palestinians during 70 years and those people living around Gaza are new naturalized jewish used like a shield , their lifes are not important for natanyahu to compare with true jew
  6. israel should be created in Germany , because Palestinians are not the onces who commited the jewish genocide , and auschwitz is not located in the arabic area
  7. LOL millions of palestinians lives in Jordan,Kuwait,Syria,Lebanon,Algeria,Egypt ...etc , which is an enormous mistake because this immigration is making Palestine empty , so no one will fight to return back their land
  8. This dance of death becomes a trend
  9. But someone did a respectable effort French lawyer gathers “legal army” to file complaint against Israel
  10. France becomes the joke of the century , just you condamn dead civilians of gaza , they put you in jail Just like long dress of women is harshly prohibited They gonna host the olympic bedbugs 2069
  11. They know how to lie how to manipulate people via media , many things are fake even the flag was stolen from the karaman kingdom
  12. They were looking to create the new country in south america first or Uganda ...they picked palestine at the end for the religion reason and because they were peaceful "easy to colonise " , now they call them terrorists
  13. Guatemala serie , in final double men and mixed
  14. In usa people are boycotting banks funders of war against palestine
  15. The first time i see American people with Palestinians ...mostly they are mislead by media
  16. No , this is not photoshop The kid was playing with a balloon
  17. From Romania
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