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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. Btw italy is against any military assault in Niger
  2. Kazakhstan the 2nd which is under the hands of Russia
  3. l’uranium nigérien représentait encore le premier importateur d'uranium, avec 34,72% de l'uranium naturel fourni à la France, d’après le comité technique Euratom (CTE) à Libération et franceinfo. Juste devant le Kazakhstan (28,95%), l'Ouzbékistan (26,43%) et l'Australie (9,91%). Translate : Niger is the first supplier of Uranium to France
  4. You are at 180° that's a robbery not a partenariat , they help the most corrupted person to reach the seat of president and steale the richness together, thats why Africa didn't improve Besides you can't find cheap metals like in Africa where employees of mines are paid 20€ per month from where they will replace it ? Canada ? Australia? Will cost them x10 One thing is sure , french people will pay the electricity more expensive soon
  5. 60% of tge electricity comes from Nucleaire ,this is enormous Things are serious ,Russia is helping Niger , also discretly USA under the ground , Macron is in a bad situation
  6. 60% of tge electricity comes from Nucleaire ,this is enormous Things are serious ,Russia is helping Niger , also discretly USA under the ground , Macron is in a bad situation
  7. No , its 60% Aujourd'hui, le nucléaire fournit environ 60 % de la production d'électricité en France - et près de 75 % quand toutes les centrales tournent à plein régime - or la loi fixait jusqu'à présent l'objectif de ramener cette part à 50 % à l'horizon 2035, dans un souci de réduire la dépendance de la France au nucléaire.18 janv. 2023
  8. and no electricity = no Olympic games except if they lite the stadium with candles
  9. Niger is very important for france , no Uranium = no electricity
  10. Finally the world will know who created those groups of terrorists in this area
  11. Cedeao are preparing their army against Niger while Mali+Burkina faso said we are ready to fight Cedeao+france Senegal plays the role of neutral but people are burning the embassy of france in dakar is puting an armada of militaries in the border with Niger to avoid any mess
  12. The situation is complicated in Niger , helped by Russia they try yo kick france from the area , more Uranium The olympic games will be held without electricity
  13. Sinéad O'Connor has died today ,56yo
  14. This fake president tries to change some laws of the constitution to avoid the jail
  15. our best swimmer "Sayoud" missed this edition cause he didn't get the visa at time , they always destroy our athletes in one way or another ..anyway no one needs the embassy of Japan here , but the good thing is : he certainly avoided the contamination of Fukushima
  16. anyone from denmark !!! I need to translate what the girl said
  17. Yes this is paris the host of the olympic games
  18. LOL the Police in france shooted another innocent man ...this is the 5th incident in 1 month ..police is here to catch the guilty not to make the justice instead the tribunal , what a mess This bloody place is not able to host the olympic games except if they change the appelation to " games of: i shoot you because i can "
  19. KSA will just refuse the visa to Syrians
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