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Everything posted by seb851

  1. FYI, World Judo Championships 2022 is held in August
  2. I believe that Nordic Canada is behind this request, Canada has 4 male and 3 female athletes, but no skiers are eligible due to lack of FIS Point
  3. RIP
  4. This is not true, the team events do not necessarily add quota sport program, the qualifications of team events are based on the individual results.
  5. The first IJF World Tours competition was the Zagreb Grand Prix is done Zagreb Grand Prix 2021 Result/ The Grand Slam Paris, is in 3 weeks, but also it is a competition with no big headliner on many division. The entries : Paris Grand Slam 2021 Entries List /
  6. I did some searches with this tool. I guess that it's a coach's membership, not an athlete membership. And it would explain why there are Antoine Valois-Fortier & Jessica Klimkait want to become national team coaches after judo career, same for Kelita Zupancic. But Christa Deguchi is listed in this database.
  7. IJF confirm the qualifications phase started in May 2022.
  8. Lol, belle argumentation ... La france est nul part dans les sports a haut bassin de médaille comme la natation, et les 80 médailles / Top 5 c'est irréaliste. C'est les sport co qui on sauvé vos jeux sinon ca aurais été pire
  9. Je suis tellement d'accord avec Riner, ca prendre 1 cycle et demi avent de voir le résultat ... et la régression de la France a Tokyo et les JO de Paris c'est dans 3 ans et non 4 ans sa annonce un ''fiasco'' pour la france pour 2024 Riner et les ambitions françaises de médailles à Paris 2024 : «Il fallait investir déjà sept ans en arrière dans le sport» (
  10. You are right, it is only in 2010 that we had sent the B team ..., And for 2022, it is the A team that will be sent
  11. I have news about the Commonwealth Games, Judo Canada is 100% confirmed, it will be a team formed by Judoka who will not be selected for the World Championships, the World Championships are held at the same time as the CG (Great ...) Athletics Canada, it's the same story, the world championships and the CG are too close. Swimming Canada, will probably send an mix of A and B team. Gymnastics Canada, as usual the B team at CG, and the A team at the World Championships
  12. You forget Kyle Reyes, he also in Canada Team A, he not participate Paris GS or Open Melega
  13. Stop say Klimkait go up in 63kg, is not true ...
  14. I forgot to mention : Antoine Valois Fortier is named coach of the senior team for the Paris Grand Slam and the Malaga Open, It's strange that it's not Cantin or Mehmedovic...
  15. Some news from Judo Canada Daniella Krukower from Argentina, 2003 World Champion; -63 kg was hired as an assistant national coach. Currently is Januz Pawlowski have this position. IHMO, Pawlowski will be Head Coach for women's team and Sasha Mehmedovic will Head Coach for men's team. Currently, Sasha was the coach of all the Canadian team except Jessica Klimkait (Pawlowshi) and Antoine Valois Fortier (Nicolas Gill)
  16. Do you believe in the possibility that Deguchi will drop the category?
  17. Usually the qualification period start at first Grand Slam after May 1, 2022
  18. Kazan, IJF Qualification start in may
  19. Update on this topics The IJF has published the first calendar draft for 2022 Master 2022 Host still to be confirmed but the 2022 Masters was awarded to china in 2019.
  20. ok, on other case, have a exemple a player drop weight category ?
  21. Sorry for the bump ... But this kind of comment makes me piss off ... Dechuchi didn't sacrifice anything, she even got alot exemptions from Judo Canada. She has nothing Canadian in her, except her father. FIY it is her fault that the selection policy has changed, because she trains and is based in Japan. Judo Canada asked Deguchi to come to Canada right after the Antalya GS, so that they could both do the quarantine and preparation time. And ... she refused, and Judo Canada proposed to both of them to use the World Championships as a qualifying event, both accept ... And the fact, the Deguchi's level is not top this year, his defeat against Eteri Liparteliani at GS Tbilisi year had put me in doubt about his level and not sure Deguchi would have won the 2 of 3, the last fight between the two is a DQ for Klimkait...
  22. Do you think his style fit in the 57kg division? because the -57 division is the most competitive female side.
  23. Very good editiorial on Bilodid situation if she move up on -52kg or stay on -48kg.
  24. No, they say that we will have 3 good girls in two divisions for the 2022 world championship, And Klimkait will have the momentum for the next year on Deguchi on H2H fight.
  25. I hadn't seen this news in June, Alpine Canada has a plan to rebuild their HPP in Ski Cross, Alpine and Para Alpine, since Sochi is very bad shape Alpine Canada | News | “Made For Canada” strategic plan launched to make Canada a world-leading ski racing nation
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