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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Not outclassed, robbed. Silver must have been theirs.
  2. Yeah, very iffy scoring. As always in Moscow apparently.
  3. Israeli pair skates to Schindler's List soundtrack. Can it get any more obvious than that?
  4. And of course Medvedeva is allowed to make mistakes and still be in front of Kostner... At least she isn't the leader.
  5. Kostner putting a huge pressure on the Russians.
  6. Commentator: "The one who left Bjoerndalen out of the team should at least go to jail."
  7. Eva Tofalvi suddenly pulls 0+0 out of the hat. Puts her into contention for the quota.
  8. There is actually a chance that two Lithuanians could have 0+0 shooting. Did this ever happen before?
  9. Two Koreans leading the way after shooting 1.
  10. Excellent FIS points for the guys today. Now we are basically guaranteed at least 4 additional places. So that's gonna be at least 16 athletes. Maybe 17-18 if really lucky.
  11. Prock competed at a grand total of 3 WC races this season, and entered top 15 only once. She hardly proved anything...
  12. What is not surprising considering that Israel is not a winter nation... It's the same for almost all exotic nations. Very similar to Ireland, whose home born athletes were a minority in 2014 and will be again in 2018. However, I don't see them getting bashed for this reasons...
  13. I guess they realized that banning the worst cyclist actually helps his team. Why is he the worst pro anyway?
  14. Markus Prock selected his daughter (what a shock). I wonder if he will also select one of the Gleirschers (sons of his long time team mate). Conflict of interest? What is that?!
  15. Switzerland selected Gilardoni and declined men's quota. This means that they already received a reallocation for the women's event (probably from the Netherlands). Also, their men's quota apparently already went to Israel (after a stop in Norway).
  16. Mostly Norway, Sweden and Germany. Norway - 22 quotas, currently 9 athletes selected (10 selected in 2014), will be at least 10 reallocations presumably Sweden - 13 quotas, currently 8 selected Germany - 16 quotas, 11 athletes reached internal standards And then we have the likes... Liechtenstein - 5 quotas, will not use more than 2 Netherlands - 2 quotas, will decline both Belgium - 2 quotas, will (likely) decline both Cayman Islands - 1 quota, both Travers brothers retired, nobody left Denmark - 2 quotas, will decline women's quota New Zealand - 2 quotas, will also likely decline women's quota Japan - 6 quotas, used only 2/8 quotas in 2014, so I expect something similar Mexico/Albania - 2 quotas, both of their female racers haven't entered a single race this season, it's questionable And I'm pretty sure that between CAN/FIN/FRA/GBR/SLO/USA at least 2-3 more will be found Maybe I missed some more... All this equals 30-40 reallocations.
  17. Now it's confirmed. Very happy for her. She was like the first reserve in both 2010 and 2014, and this time it almost finished in the same way. Thankfully it didn't!
  18. Vrdoljak 27th... So close to free skate. His tech score was right up there, but presentation score was one of the worst. Judges really don't like him...
  19. Interesting, this is becoming like one of those family shows where they reunite divorced parents.
  20. Swiss have made their selections in sliding sports. No Natalia Maag, as expected. Obratov's qualification is now just the question of formality.
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