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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. As usual I'm listening to TISC songs during the final and now I really grew to like one song that didn't even come close to scoring points from me.
  2. are now left alone with their record streaks. Venezuela is already making huge streaks at their debut.
  3. Thank you @carivan for the bronze! Wow, that's 3 medals now and only 5 other points. Are we joining the Marmite club?
  4. Gramado is on a bad patch, Brasilia is already 33 points in front. Salvador received a useful 10 points PP score.
  5. still scoreless since the Brazilian votes. is scoreless since the second, German, votes.
  6. And Azerbaijan is on board too! 15 votes were needed for everyone to score.
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