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Everything posted by dcro

  1. I like how there is no bulshit with IPC. Russia doping - banned. Belarus protesting - banned. Wheelchair basketball irregulations - removed. If only IOC had a spine like that...
  2. Which is all the more reason for embracing continental representation tbh. There will be 1 out-of-place contitnent in the women's tournament, while there will be 2-3 in the men's.
  3. Croatia lost to both Germany and Romania at the 2012 Europeans, before becoming Olympic champions that same year. When was the last time France or Germany defeated anyone of the "big" six?
  4. Oh, finally I know why Marianne Vos went to El Salvador that time.
  5. I just can't understand how people expect to have everyone from the big six at the Olympics (even Greece). Just like that. Whatever happened to actually earning your Olympic qualification...? Like I said, even with 10 teams, women's water polo has it easier than most other team sports.
  6. Aaaand both are out. Two more quotas for the rankings (provisionally they would go to ).
  7. For some reason, St. Moritz always seems to be cloudy on Fridays.
  8. Greece lost all matches against consequential teams during the 2019 World League, 2019 World Championships *AND* 2020 European Championships. So, yes, it would have been a no-contest if 3/4 teams advanced from Trieste.
  9. South Africa getting a victory lap is terrible? However, Italy, Hungary and Netherlands getting near-free tickets would be good? Greeks have no chance either way. There will be literally two somewhat decent teams that miss out. Boohoo. All other team sports would be extremely lucky to find themselves in such situation.
  10. Still waiting for someone outside of affected nations (Italy, Netherlands, Greece, Hungary) to complain about this.
  11. Rumor has it you are only allowed to compete if you were member of the cool kids clique during your highschool days.
  12. Well, if that's the case, then they can already reallocate all quotas from German Open, Qatar Open and Japan Open. There is just no chance that someone outside of will be making the finals. In any case, if quarterfinals are enough, then and have qualified just now.
  13. Looks like the quotas are going to + whoever wins vs match?
  14. All of a sudden there seem to be 20k infected. 12k of which are classified under "suspected" though.
  15. Can anyone imagine Japan banning China from the Olympics because of this? China banned Liberia and Sierra Leone from competing at the 2014 YOG...
  16. Dujardin continues to be as arrogant as ever it seems. Apparently, while in Amsterdam, she met the same steward who eliminated her at last year's European Championships. Only this time they hugged (as you do?). Not only that, but Dujardin also claims that the steward felt bad for eliminating her (for, you know, finding bloody spur marks on her horse). Yeah, I'm sure the steward felt TERRIBLE for doing her job, following the regulations and putting animal welfare first. This is all a very convenient hearsay, ofc. But also very much in line with Dujardin's behaviour over the years...
  17. I'm actually fine with what the Winter Olympics are. I just don't like its fake globality label. They will never be truly global - IOC should accept it. Hell, with climate change, it's bound to become even more exclusive. And, this whole indoor idea just doesn't work for me. It's not like you need to be out in the Sun for your activity to be called a summer sport. It doesn't really matter when handball gets played, you still need to recreate summer conditions indoors for the competition to be held. For the same reason figure skating is a Winter sport rather than an indoor one.
  18. Exotic nations are at issue though. Whole bunch of nations are competing, seemingly, just so the IOC can call it a global event. These nations tend to be represented by athletes who: a) Have very questionable (if any) connection with the nation they represent, b) Usually don't give a damn about developing the sport in their new nation, what results in their nation disappearing as soon as they retire from sport.
  19. Same reason why sailing used Miami WC and why canoeing is going to use WC stage 2.
  20. Granted, this could have been decided prior to the race as no women's team was entered.
  21. African qualifier was also mixed race. Let's just hope they didn't reinterpret the rules in a discriminatory fashion like IHF did when they kicked Australia out for no good reason and replaced it with an European team.
  22. It doesn't help that majority of selection policies are yet to be published... Though I personally don't expect it to be true. Sending WP teams would be pushing it even for more relaxed standards, as they have already said no to way more competitive athletes (including London 2012 medalist Hartley).
  23. Beatriz Ferrer-Salat fractured her pelvis in a riding accident. Tokyo participation is now under suspection.
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