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About bloodshy10

  • Birthday 08/13/1988

Personal Information

  • Nation
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  • Date of Birth
  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Rhytmic gymnastics
  • Favourite Athletes
    Laura Traats, Neviana Vladinova
  • Real Name
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  • Job
    FB: Adelina Milenova:

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  1. Thank you!
  2. We, all bulgarians, expect very much in the Rhytmic gymnastics, but not only.... I hope this pressure wil not cause stress over our athlets and they will show their best in Paris. Because when the top has been reached, it is always very difficult to Upgrade. For example our Rhytmic gymnastics group won the Gold in Tokyo and now everyone expects too much from the new group. All I can say and wish is good luck!
  3. Bulgaria - groups's compositions: Finally we got what we deserve!!! Golden medals - Simona Dyankova, Stefani Kiryakova, Laura Traats, Madlen Radukanova, Erika Zafirova.... Thank you, girls. Bulgaria celebrates! 3.webp
  4. I did not mean to be the first and the only to write here. Bulgaria, Italy, Russia!!!, Spain are now the top pretenders from this sport. But in such forums everything happens. The compositions of the teams - both in ''single'' and in ''groups - 5 girls" are so complicated, that one false step may cost droping the best performance and not taking a medal. Every team has worked a lot during the years, so not only the upper countries are ''in the battle'' for the prises. Let's wish every team to perform the best way and the most difficult and best-performed compositions to win.
  5. Summer 2021: Olympic games Tokyo 2020 - Bulgaria won 3 medals from the games by now. One silver - Antoaneta Boneva, shooting by pistol (10 metres woman), Taybe Usein (bronze medal) - wrestling, Stoyka Krusteva is also medalist from this forum. Tomorrow she will even fight for the gold! Success! It is not a secret that the girls from our Rhytmic gymnastics team are followed all over the world and they are pretenders to the top results. I do not want to comment much more. Good luck .....
  6. Surfing is very extreme, but also interesting and ..... exciting sport! Surfing also, I like the waves - except they are too big and dangerous!
  7. Sport climbing, probably because I am not a big fan of extreme sports such as scateboarding.
  8. Thank you for the moral support! I will not be surprised if the plan does not work, this is really big organization, but it will be wonderfull if it happens!
  9. Hello! This Easter I plan short trip to Hungary (Budapest) and to Prague in the Chechs' republlic. I have already reserved tickets for this holiday. I just wonder if anyone would like to see me in real and wander me and my mother to Prague's streets and Pub (or in Budapest also)? (Notice! - this is just an idea, we won't have too much free time there as we will have a guide from Bulgaria, this is organized group trip, not expected to free us in the capital cities for more then some hours). This is just an offer, but it would be nice to see someone of you in real, I will be with my mom and drink one beer during Easter...:) That is why if anyone is interested of this, contact me before Easter to have good organisation, the time of my stay there is short! If anyone is interested can write me in facebook! (Adelina Milenova is my Fb profile the picture of me is easy recognizable) ). Notice: I will not stay much in Budapest and Prague! Think of that and if anyone travells to Bulgaria, especially to the capital, contact me if you want to have an aquaintance in real and a good guide for Sofia visisting. If I am not duty on work, I really tollerate friendly hosting.
  10. Unfortunately our Grigor Dimitrov failed just at the beggining! This loss could happen to anyone, but it is not "suitable" for Worlds' top 5 player to act like losing from 117-th .... Such a pitty!
  11. Men tennis tournament in Dubai is beggining today after few hours! Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov is considered for favourite in the competition when Rodjer Federer (the legend) is not participating! What will happen? I wish we all watch good and interesting tennis, as this tournament is from ATP 500 and points gained are important (just like every big competition). Wish luck to all tennis-players as this tournament is going to be stormy!
  12. Respect about it! But this fact is due to ex-number 3 Grigor Dimitrov! The bulgarian first tennis player is talanted, but he must be more perpetual in his wins!
  13. Bulgaria went in group "C" in Euro 2020 lot! Which ''fate'' is your country?
  14. Interesting Quizz for the other members here: Which football superstars won't cast World Championship 2018?! (one of them is Gareth Bale)
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