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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. I am not sure why they didn’t cancel it rather than it be devalued by only having a few competitors who have previously won world or Olympic medals
  2. It’s not the international bodies but some countries have Governments who are hardline opposed to vaccine mandates and might well make it impossible for their NOC to participate under these rules. Possibly not but it’s the most common vaccine in Russia. China are not going to shut Russia out as they trying to build bridges with them.
  3. Be interesting to see if any NOC’s withdraw over mandatory vaccines. They are a few countries with enough hardline anti vaxers to make it somewhat awkward for their NOC to agree with it through most are hot weather countries not to be missed if there don’t compete.
  4. I imagine they would need actual proof - such as people being prosecuted for it. And even then I could see them promoting people but not stripping anyone unless they could prove the boxer themselves was involved in the fixing. Dual champions anyone ?
  5. Will World Athletics try and do long and short distances together or focus on probably the higher profile sprints first,
  6. I think that is why we have seen all the reports about how chaotic UK athletics is and athletes turning on them. They getting the blame from them - and I think with reports that those who friends with Ujah involved it’s not all because they think they let a doper in the squad.
  7. I am not sure how happy the Chinese Goverment will be as she is a big fan of Taiwanese entertainment.
  8. Wow. I literally can’t believe it. I have felt for a while the unpredictable WTA would see a qualifier win someday but I never thought it would be Emma Radacanu. Such a stunning result.
  9. There is also fairly high chance that if Mboma is banned some African nations will pull out of IAAF as it is clear many in Africa see it as racial issue.
  10. And will take at least two years for a case to survive CAS to be ready maybe longer.
  11. Perhaps part of the deal is they can keep their original citizenship and don’t have to bother with the rules anyone else would have to follow. Through Nina Schultz/Ninali Zheng has renounced her Canadian citizenship I believe.
  12. Must be a hell of a lot money being paid for those without Chinese roots to give up their original citizenship and be Chinese for ever more.
  13. I think for her the sponsor duties are exciting as she never has had much of a life outside of tennis and doesn’t have many friends.
  14. I think Osaka might not play for some or all of 2022. She seems to hinting at a much longer break.
  15. Still have to wait to see what effect the calls for boycott that keep growing in Canada and the USA have. The sponsors boycott movement could really affect the NHL if they get targeted for supporting the games.
  16. And it doesn’t seem as easy for World Atheltics as they could well see Semenya back after the evidence correction stuff will probably see another appeal over the 400-1600. And then trying to use those scientists for other distances is just asking for CAS to overturn them.
  17. Going to be close to see if makes the target of 100 medals or not. If if they do it’s still a massive drop from Rio and the presence of RPC won’t count for them.
  18. If this does become an issue then we might see a double gold like the pairs skating at Salt Lake City.
  19. How can they even send any athletes after saying they think it would be unsafe. I feel if they win the election a full boycott is likely.
  20. have had a great track cycling but a poor triathlon and looking like it might be poor athletics meet as well.
  21. It’s looking more likely to me Canada might boycott the Winter Olympics. Does that feel likely to the Canadians on here?
  22. Not really day in the pool. Not sure if in 2012/2016 only won 1 gold on any day of the games.
  23. First shocks of the Games for in the S14 events.
  24. Great start for and an incredible one for . Channel four predict 40 swimming medals maximum for with a notable drop in number of golds compared to Rio.
  25. I noticed that. Are they sending they own cameras to the non broadcast events?
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