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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Agreed. If it wouldnt be for Africa and Jamaica, then the US would completely dominate. If the american propaganda succeeds, then those nations will be banned and the US will achieve total control over athletics.
  2. Didn't Frerichs run 9.00.XX last year or in 2017?
  3. Amazing to see that the american cheater didnt win gold, sadly she still stole a medal. Still a great night for the US, 4 medals in the last 3 events, when only 1 medal (for Wilson) was expected. Already 3 medals for american cheaters: Wilson, Gatlin and Coleman Way to go!
  4. Looking at the countries of origin of most of the canadian athletes here i wouldn't be surprised if Canada tried to bought Chepkoech. Luckily she has enough pride to not switch nationalities for money.
  5. Yeah ... who knows when we will see something like that again. There are two world class kenyan runners who weren't here, because they want to compete for Kazakhstan in the future, so maybe in the near future all women in the top 10 will be from kenya competing for different nations. Möller might even be the best bet for a white woman to win a medal in Tokyo next year.
  6. Exactly, that is the problem on this forum. Innocent question get deleted, while personal attacks dont get deleted. Nowadays it is only about who can scream "I am the victim" the loudest, facts dont matter anymore.
  7. Exactly. People who think that they can definitely say what Farah/Ahmed would have done if they would have competed for their home countries are just plain stupid.
  8. I agree. With all the naturalizations it becomes kind of pointless to have a competition based on nationality. They should just have world championships for teams and not for nations.
  9. Who knows? I think there is a good chance that one of the ethiopians will get caught and then Norway would have a medal.
  10. Today it showed again that there is a clear lack of talent in men's distance running thanks to all the top talent instead competing on the road.
  11. Oh no ... another african sweep. I hope that Klosterhalfen will win a medal in the 5000, i don't see any other non-african who could win a medal at 5000/10000 m. On the one hand i am happy about Ingebrigtsen not winning a medal, given that he shouldn't even have been in the final, on the other hand i am sad for the somalian people. First GB stole all the medals that Farah won and now Canada steals the medal that Ahmed won. 3rd medal for a canadian guy, absolutely insane results for Canada so far.
  12. Nice performance by the guy from Niger, the track seems to be ultra quick. I think DAS could be around 21.7 or 21.8 in the final on this track.
  13. On the other hand you will end this competition with 2 golds, which is still crazy for a country like the Netherlands, so stop complaining!
  14. Can we agree that Asher-Smith is the clear favorite now? Really sad that SAFP and SMU won't compete, both would have been favorites to beat DAS. Sadly athletics is mostly ingnored by the betting sites, otherwise i think that you could make quite some money now by betting on DAS not winning an individual medal in Tokyo.
  15. Absolutely insane world championships for Spain. Slovenia and France also continue their once in a century year.
  16. Yes, i agree + there aren't enough crashes and there are only like 2 teams that are competitve.
  17. Exactly! When you know that they are spitting in your food, you can embrace it.
  18. Agreed, that is why i never eat outside, the only exception is my local McDonald's. You never know what is gonna be in your food ...
  19. Yeah, before i was trying to speak from the perspective of an average guy, who likes nothing more than fast cars, meat and naked women. I don't think that the german team is in decline + it is difficult to say what state the german team will be in come 2023, but if that keeps german fans away from Budapest, then i am fine with it. Many german people have made bad experiences with Hungary (for example Hungary was very hostile when german people wanted to visit them about 75 years ago), so i think most german people wont be very eager to go there again.
  20. Hopefully that will be enough. In Germany we have news about women being raped by immigrants almost every week. I also have to say that it is kind of disrespectful by all those women to walk the streets so late at night with almost nothing on. They are guests over there, so they should accept the dress code of the country that gave them such a warm welcome.
  21. Ok i get it. This is also the reason why i always hated Michelle Jenneke, Simone Biles and Katinka Hosszu.
  22. I honestly can't answer all those questions. I don't care about cars and think Formula 1 is boring + i think driving a car is bad for the climate, so i am boycotting everything that has to do with cars.
  23. I just recently discovered Kitchen Nightmares (there are full episodes on Youtube) and i have to say that in my opinion it is one of the top 10 TV shows of all times. I can only recommend this show to everyone.
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