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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Starting at 16:30 as far as i know, i read somewhere that polish TV will start their broadcast at 15:45 or something like that, but i am not sure about the channel it will be on.
  2. You really think him not picking Chipmunk is an option after buying that horse from Krajewski? I read somewhere that Jung competed in a jumping nations cup for Germany this year, did he use a different horse there? Would you say that Auffarth or Krajewski can get back into the german team next year, considering that both Dibowski and Rüder are far from reliable at this level?
  3. What do you mean with doping trouble? What did i miss?
  4. What a weird game for Germany ... 0:13 -> 17:21 -> 20:36 Horrible horrible offense, but at least a solid defense. Noone expected a victory, but this is just embarrassing. Thanks to the draw i didn't see a chance for Germany to qualify for the olympics here, but i thought they had a chance to make it out of the second group phase. The games against Lithuania and Australia should be closer, but now it will almost impossible to make it out of the 2nd group phase.
  5. Didn't you also just win a medal in men's judo? I think you should also look at it this way: You're men are maybe subpar for a country like Canada, but your women are for sure way better than it would be expected from a country like Canada.
  6. Absolutely horrible world championships for Germany, no medal in quadruple sculls is unacceptable. I thought that 3 golds (men's lightweight double sculls, men's eight and men's single sculls) were safe, but one of them completely messed up (men's lightweight double sculls) and the other two were also worse than expected. The only positive thing is that Zeidler will only get better if he stays injury-free and that the quadruple sculls usually peak at the olympics. Crazy performances by Ireland and especially the Netherlands, sadly i have no doubt anymore that they will be able to repeat those results next year.
  7. Not even a medal for Warner? It's not as if there are many guys currently who can score 8600 points or more ...
  8. 6 medals for the Netherlands in olympic events, more than at the last 4 editions combined. Saying that this isn't an insane improvement must be the most retarded thing i have read on this forum over the years.
  9. 2018: 2 medals for the Netherlands in olympic events 2017: 1 medal for the Netherlands in olympic events 2015: 2 medals for the Netherlands in olympic events 2014: 0 medals for the Netherlands in olympic events 2013: 2 medals for the Netherlands in olympic events ... 2019: 4 medals for the Netherlands in olympic events AFTER DAY 1 ... So AFTER DAY 1 of the 2019 world championships the Netherlands have ONLY ONE MEDAL LESS in olympic events THAN THEY HAD IN THE LAST 4 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS COMBINED! Edit: I think it is only 4 medals in olympic events so far, so the Netherlands this year won 1 medal less after day one than in the last 4 editions combined.
  10. Yeah, it would be better for me to stop watching sport. I think it is impossible to be a person who hates injustice and at the same time truly enjoy watching elite sport, but sadly i am kind of addicted ... Sports are my only drug (no alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, refined sugar or other drugs for me), hopefully i will be able to also withstand this temptation with time.
  11. Very good to hear, especially because it should shut up all those people who never can imagine that even in a country like Jamaice underage athletes are doping. Of course this also doesn't make Ato Bolden more trustable.
  12. Very glad to hear that, although it took way too long, i already called her out in 2015, but at that time i got a lot of hate for it.
  13. Yes, before the start of the competition this was considered a safe gold considering that they had been unbeaten the whole season. You have to ask yourself what happened here that they are suddenly beaten by 2 teams. Ireland even beat them comfortably and it is pretty suspicious that, as far as i can tell, the irish team only competed in one world cup. Athletics and cycling get the most heat concerning doping and thankfully it also seems to become a bigger topic in swimming, but there is absolutely no logical reason to think that rowing is any cleaner than those sports. I hope that someone will soon take a close look at the development of the Netherlands, China, Ireland, Poland and New Zealand (at least on the women's side). It makes absolutely no sense that GB, a country that completely dominated this sport just 7 years ago and has a bigger talents pool than for example the Netherlands, Ireland and New Zealand combined and Germany (who always used to be great in rowing too) are suddenly chanceless against a nation like the Netherlands. It is especially worrying because the Netherlands have also completely overtaken track cycling at the same time.
  14. I think the medal table in olympic events after day 1 looks like this: 2/1/0 1/2/1 1/2/0 1/1/0 1/0/0 1/0/0 1/0/0 0/1/1 0/1/0 0/0/2 0/0/1 0/0/1 0/0/1 Edit: It is 1/2/1 for the Netherlands instead of 1/3/1.
  15. Absolutely ridiculous results so far. Ireland, Poland and the Netherlands are suddenly powerhouses. Meanwhile the powerhouses Great Britain and Germany barely win any medals. The Netherlands have 5 medals in olympic events after the first day, more than Germany, GB, China and the US combined. No other nation has more than 3 medals. The Netherlands are making a complete mockery of this sport.
  16. What a huge surprise in men's lightweight double sculls. Germany lost a safe gold medal thanks to the wind. Every year we see the same in rowing, Germany dominates all season long just for someone to completely explode at the world championships, i fear it will be the same in men's eight. Either Germany always gets their training wrong or some of the other nations have a magic way of hitting another level at the world championships.
  17. Everyone is a huge star over there ... probably even someone like Jeremy Lin.
  18. I agree, how many european teams have actually naturalized players? Probably not too many ...
  19. Netherlands and France are collecting medals like crazy + what the hell is going on with Kosovo? Japan already seems to fade a bit, will be interesting to see how many golds they will actually win next year. I expected them to be in a better position by now in sports like gymnastics or swimming. Wrestling and judo are the sports that could still get them a 3rd or 4th place in the medal table.
  20. For those of you who still dream about making the olympics ... , it is never too late to start: Oliver Zeidler only started rowing less than 3 years ago and now he could win the gold medal in men's single sculls at the world championships. Here is a link to a video that shows his first attempts in rowing (starting around 03:50, if it isn't geoblocked):
  21. Sadly i can't find full results for the world championships from 2003 and before that, but i think this is the first time since at least 2003 that only european rowers made the men's single sculls final. Unless Zeidler chokes again (like he did last year) he should definitely win gold here. Germany could also win a gold in men's lightweight double sculls, but in men's eight and women's quadruple sculls gold sadly would be a huge surprise at this point. Once again german rowing got their training completely wrong. They were great at the european championships and after that it only went downhill.
  22. Yes, when she improves her 3000 m time by 10 seconds and her 5000 m time by 25 seconds, then it is normal to be disappointed that she doesn’t improve on her favorite distance at all. The time is not the main reason I am disappointed, it is the fact that Hassan was more than 2 seconds faster on the last lap. Hassan is a great 1500 m runner, but girls like Muir, Kipyegon, Houlihan or Simpson (normally) have an even better kick than her, so when Hassan can outkick Klosterhalfen that easily, it is very hard to imagine Klosterhalfen winning a medal in the 1500 m. She undoubtedly made progress concerning her closing speed, but in my opinion she is still far worse than the girls I mentioned above and honestly I don’t see her ever reaching their level (given her very slim build, which is a clear difference compared to Muir, Kipyegon or Houlihan for example). In my opinion just by looking at her body you can tell that she is more suited for longer distances and she should focus on the 5000 m for Doha. I really don’t get why anyone thinks that she should pick the 1500 m over the 5000 m. If you look at Mo Farah‘s personal bests for example, his 1500 m PB is probably his best time, but there is a reason why he still always focused on the longer distances ... it is easier to do the 5000 m + 10000 m double and in order to be successful in the 1500 m you need a very good 400/600 m closing speed, something that neither Klosterhalfen nor Farah have/had. Edit: How is her beating Dibaba in one race a „proof“ for anything? 1) Apparently Dibaba is injured 2) Dibaba isn‘t in her 2015/2016 shape anymore 3) Hanna Klein beat Dibaba at the 2017 world championships ... does that make her the better runner? Also someone like Simpson, who almost always medals at big events, looked completely helpless yesterday ... does this mean that she has worse medal chances this year than all the girls that finished ahead of her yesterday? Another topic: I really hope that one day we will see the best German women’s 4 x 100 m relay. Pinto + Lückenkemper + Mayer + Mihambo would be a crazy relay, that could definitely run 41.5 seconds. Sadly I don’t see this ever happening, but I hope that ... a) Pinto will be in the same shape next year b) Lückenkemper will be in her 2017/2018 shape next year or even improve on it c) Mihambo will keep her shape next year and be part of the relay d) Müller gets fit soon and reaches her form from the early part of this season again next year Under those circumstances a quartet of Mihambo-Pinto-Müller-Lückenkemper should be able to run 41.7 or so and I am not sure that GB or the US (given their lack of world class girls this year) will be able to match that. I think with this golden generation it would be a real shame if Germany wouldn’t be able to win a medal at a global competition, there is just too much talent there.
  23. Absolutely insane results for France and Portugal so far. I feel like every year France has one freak world championships where they get results that they can never achieve again. I think a couple of years ago they won like half of the gold medals at the fencing world cjampionships ... It is not as crazy as the Netherlands in Track cycling this year, but still extremely unlikely that they will be able to repeat it. The Netherlands are also doing surprisingly good (i think this was their first world championship gold in 10 years?), while especially Russia is rather disappointing in my opinion.
  24. Nice time for the german women in the 4 x 100 m relay. Replace Kwadwo with Mihambo and you get a 41.9 seconds relay. Sadly Müller and Mayer are injured otherwise one of them would replace Kwayie and this would be a 41.7 or 41.6 relay.
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