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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. I don't see it getting any better for him next year ... There are too many talented runners, even without Amos and with Kenya being pretty weak. In the 1500 m he might have a chance for a medal in a slow race (like Lewandowski).
  2. What??? 6 girls cleared 4.80 m, the most 4.80 m clearance at world championships before today was 3. In 2017 4.65 m was enough for bronze ... The level of women's pole vault is absolutely insane!
  3. A bit disappointing by the polish guy, but i guess he is getting old, maybe he should also focus on the 1500 m.
  4. I fear that Morris will win a medal ... Stefanidi, Sidorova and Bengtsson would have been an amazing podium ... I think even after the opening round a medal is already safe for Cuba in men's triple jump. I am very happy for them, i think it is fair to call Cuba the homeland of triple jump.
  5. I was very skeptical about the height progression in women's pole vault, but the level in both pole vault events is just insane this year, so the organizers probably did nothing wrong.
  6. Could be a crazy night for GB with 2 medals! Not sure whether Asher-Smith can beat SAFP, but Thompson looks subpar and Ta Lou also doesn't look unbeatable, so i think there is a good chance for Asher-Smith to get silver at least. The british tank also looks impressive so far, i don't see her beating Sidorova or Morris, but maybe she can steal a bronze. The perfect podium for me would be Sidorova, ahead of Morris and Stefanidi, Canada already got lucky enough, so i hope that they won't win a medal here.
  7. What? You realize that this was exactly my point ... ? I said this after the men's discus final and BEFORE the following events: - Men's shot put final - Women's shot put final - Women's discus throw final So when i said that Germany still had 3 of the 6 events (that is 50 %) you mentioned before left. I am still waiting for the comment that proves that i said what i said BECAUSE Germany didn't win a medal. The lack of logical reasoning skills on this forum is beyond belief ...
  8. Quick explanation: Dunadan isn't very good at logical thinking, so he needs to make up nonsense claims to "support" his "arguments". 1) You have no clue why i am actually saying the things i am saying. 2) So if Germany won 0 medals in 2017, then why didn't i say what i said back then according to your logic? 3) Germany could win between 0 and 4 medals in throwing events (Hussong, 2 x men's javelin, Schwanitz), but that wouldn't have been in line with your narrative, so you had to leave javelin throw out. 4) So your way of criticizing me for calling obese people unhealthy is by calling skinny people (Klosterhalfen) unhealthy ... ? Interesting approach ... of shooting in your own foot. I would like to know though: What makes you think that a) Klosterhalfen is unhealthily skinny b) Kloserhalfen is the most evident exmaple of a top athlete who is extremely and unhealhily skinng? Could you maybe show me the metrics you used to come up with that claim? 5 ... 1.000.000) I could make many more points, for example like saying that i criticized athletes from other sports where Germany never was really successful (for example weightlifting) the same way, but that won't have any effect on you, because you clearly (as usual) aren't interested in a discussion and only wanted to jump on the bandwagon.
  9. Yes, reminds me of 2016 when Centrowitz won gold against Makhloufi. If doping isn't enough, they will also pay the referees.
  10. You are trying to make the point that someone who (in your opinion) attacks someone else is a loser by attacking that person yourself ... ? In addition to that you make up some nonsense claims (where did i say that skinny = healthy or that this has anything to do with gender?) just to "prove" them wrong, instead of actually trying to answer to what i actually said. It is also interesting to see that you apparently are able to read my thoughts and to tell my reasons for saying something ... Did i say what i said because i am concerned about her health? No, i don't care about her health, but that doesn't change the fact that being overweight by that much can't be healthy and i think that it is not a good development when the best "athletes" in certain "sports" are all massively overweight. This doesn't really line up with the idea of somethin you do to improve your health. Also you really can't tell how much i care about steroid abuse, smoking, drinking and so on, but still you think that you can make a claim about my amount of care for those problems, which clearly indicates to me that you don't have a very logical approach to this discussion which sadly makes any discussion with you pretty "difficult". If you would have actually done some "research" instead of making up some nonsense claims, you would have found out that i expressed equal "concerns" when Andrea Vergani (the italian swimmer) was banned for the use of marihuana. I could now quote you the exact page in the swimming thread where i wrote this, but i won't do this because you don't seem to be interested in a real discussion and actually it would have been up to you to check your facts before making random claims. I think the reason why you weren't willing to that is that you were sure that you could "win" this discussion by simply saying the opposite of what i said and "winning" this discussion was actually more important to you than being wright, so you couldn't be bothered to check your facts. In my opinion this is another problem of modern society, it isn't about being right or presenting logical arguments, but only about who is winning by screaming the loudest. Overall based on this discussion i have to say that you don't seem to be very good at leading a discussion, possibly because you are very emotional about this topic (for one reason or the other). I think you could really profit from taking a step back to look at this topic rationally. At her weight you can't be healthy and this nonsense that everyone has the right to be as fat as he/she wants and everyone else has to praise them for that has to stop. This idea has led to more than half of the american people being overweight and it is getting worse and worse. In the end it is not healthy to be overweight and in the long run many of those people will become a burden to society and it will be the normal weight people who will have to pay for those overweight people, because they aren't able to control themselves. Last of all thanks for caring about my health, but i am happy to inform you that i am in a very good shape, weighing around 69 kg at 177 cm with around 12 % body fat. I would be happy to show you pictures as a proof if you are willing to do the same?
  11. 1) You clearly don't know what the word "racism" means ... i think the word you were looking for is "discrimination" ... thank me later! 2) Most of the elite athletes aren't healthy, but apart from the super skinny distance runners everyone is far more healthy than someone who is overweight by a couple hundred of pounds ... If you are ultra skinny, you are maybe 20 pounds underweight, but dozens of the athletes in the throwing events are overweight by at least 100 pounds and for them it will be much more difficult to get back to normal weight. People who are overweight need help and sadly they won't take it as long as they can be successful in a sport while being obese.
  12. To be honest if i would be canadian i would be more worried about some no name 19 year old girl (MacNeil) dropping a crazy amount of time to win gold in a sport that is notorious for doping or guys (Dunfee, De Grasse) winning medals in events that have half a dozen doping cases every year than about a girl winning a medal in a sport that has like one doping case every decade ... but maybe that is just the german school system speaking out of me (i am not sure how familiar canadian people are with the concept of probability, but most educated people would agree that someone doing well in a sport with a huge doping tradition is more likely to be doped than someone who is doing well in a sport with almost no doping tradition)?
  13. Many things, but eating half a cow wasn't among them ... It is really sad to see people like her doing well in "sports", you just have to hope that no kids will take people like her or Stahl as a role model. I think it would be a smart move by IAAF to get rid of all throwing events. When morbidly obese people can be competitive, than those events can't be considered sports anymore and it would be really dangerous if kids would start to think that you as an individual can eat as much as a small city and still be an "athlete". Athletes should inspire people to start sports and get healthier and not to start eating as much as you can and to get yourself into a grave as fast as possible.
  14. Really crazy result for a 19 year old girl who is still going to school. Germany has a realistic shot at medalling in all events except men's K1 in Tokyo (if Anton qualifies).
  15. I know that you weren’t talking about the „sporting part“ ... I don’t think I actually wrote anything sport related in this thread so far ... I am not surprised that someone from Bulgaria gets my point. People in that part of the world are probably shaking their head when they hear western people complain about having too much too eat ... most people in the world would kill to have that „problem“. I guess Darwin was right after all and this is nature‘s way of picking out the (mentally) weak. About the other thing: I still think there is a difference between not caring about doping and fanboying over one of the most blatant dopers in history.
  16. For the overwhelming majority of people it actually is ... I have done extensive research on this topic and thanks to that I now can confirm that there is an ancient method to lose weight that it almost fool-proof ... JUST EAT LESS. It really is as simple as that, but most people just don’t have the discipline to do it.
  17. I am always the voice of reason, most of the times you are just to blind to see it, but I guess that is what should be expected from someone fanboying of a guy who was twice caught for doping and is still allowed to steal medals...
  18. Good. If you are fat, then lose weight, otherwise you will always be a burden for society.
  19. Ok, sad to hear that. I think you are still young? so it could still happen for you (if that is your goal), but I don’t get why people here are freaking out over half naked bodies they see on TV. Don’t you guys see something like that every day in real life (at least during the summer)?
  20. Wow the „girl“ who won the hammer throw is huge ... she probably ate the Swedish discus thrower ...
  21. Please speak for yourself! Why are people on here so desperate?
  22. Blake: Obvious Simbine: Obvious Gatlin: Lol Coleman: Lol 2 Canadian guys: Both are/were part of the American system -> dirty by default Hughes: Who is his coach ...? Tortu was robbed, I hope that at least the dwarf, grandpa, Simbine and DeGrasse will be caught (again) so that Tortu will at least get a medal.
  23. Agreed, Tortu is probably the only clean athlete in the final. Would be great to see Clownman doing a false start.
  24. Now it is time for one American cheater to take the reign from an other American cheater. Kind of reminds me of what happened in women’s road cycling time trial (Dygert taking over from Dopestrong). What are the odds that Tortu will be crowned world champion in a couple of years?
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