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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Why are you so obsessed with Germany? Want to put your money where your mouth is? If GB finishes ahead of Germany in the athletics medal table in Tokyo i will give you 100 €, if it is the other way round, you will give me 100 €. Deal?
  2. Hoping for 2 german medals tomorrow, but it could as well be 0. Looking at how this event is going (bad attendance, bad conditions, bad schedule, too many dopers winning medals), i cant blame any of the athletes for already focusing on Tokyo.
  3. Sure ... no point in trying to lead a discussion with you.
  4. What an insane night for France, two medals out of nowhere! Somehow they always manage to win some miracle medals in athletics ... Glad to see Ortega without a medal. Holloway looks like a football player, especially because he doesnt seem to have a neck.
  5. Sure ... in reality 44.35 would mean a 9th place in the world this year
  6. Disgusting result in men's hammer throw. Another medal for a (confirmed) doper. I feel sorry for the french people that they are represented by someone like him. Also nice by Fajdek to set himself up for another monster choke at the olympics next year. Expected gold for DAS in the absence of SMU, SAFP, Ta Lou and Thompson. I don't see her winning more than a bronze medal next year, so this probably was a once in a lifetime chance for her. Looking at the other girls in the final i would say that she is the only one with a realistic chance to make the final in Tokyo next year. Absolutely ridiculous to see that 22.51 is enough for bronze, very hard to imagine this not being the worst medal winning performance here. Schippers will probably cry herself to sleep tonight, considering that she probably could have run 22.51 on one leg.
  7. Nice prelim run by Klosterhalfen. The field is very weak, if she can't at least win silver here, then she should be disappointed.
  8. Men's decathlon could get really interesting behind Mayer. LePage, Warner, Kaul, Shkurenyov and Victor all could win silver/bronze.
  9. Why ...? Coleman and Lyles are both better than him at both the 100 m and the 200 m and as far as i know they both plan to do the double next year. I think absolute perfect case for him would be to win 2 bronze medal. Realistically he should either not win any individual medal or only 1 bronze.
  10. The 2nd semifinal in women's 1500 m was much weaker. I think out of that heat only Houlihan has a medal chance.
  11. Sorry, but why do the biggest retards always have to be judges at athletics competitions? Kaul clearly jumped over 7 m and they measured 6.32 m. How can they not notice the difference?
  12. Maggie Ewen in women's shot put also with an ultra suspicious progression ... 16.82 m in 2016 and then 19.46 in 2018. If you follow athletics, you can't expect to see clean athletes, but when it is that blatantly obvious, it is just disrespectful.
  13. On the one hand i am happy that Mayer will probably prevent a canadian gold medal, on the other hand i am always sad to see an athlete with such an ultra suspicious progression. I think Canada could very well win two medals in men's decathlon.
  14. It says a lot that you have to specifically mention that a canadian athlete was actually born in Canada.
  15. Please tell me that Lyles isn't really seeing some Dragonball characters as his role models ... ?
  16. There are more athletes than spectators in the stadium ... Qatar should naturalize some fans ...
  17. Canadian men are on fire. How many medals would the US have if we would give them all the medals that basically belong to them anyways thanks to singlehandedly developing the canadian athletes or Duplantis for example?
  18. What? Maybe it would be easier for you to express your thoughts in german?
  19. Good to hear, i only follow olympic events, so i missed that. Congrats!
  20. Mayer is probably the biggest favorite here, so he should be safe. I wonder what happened with Diniz, did he shit himself again? I thought that he would win gold, but he had a stinker once again and i am not sure whether he will be able to handle the conditions better in Tokyo next year, especially given his age.
  21. Lol ... 1) Roleder won't win a medal 2) Kaul is the favorite for bronze in men's decathlon 3) Vetter is the favorite for gold in men's javelin + Hofmann and Weber could also win a medal 4) Schwanitz has a good chance to win silver or bronze 5) Linke could win a medal in men's 20 km race walking 6) Germany is the world leader in women's 4 x 100 m relay 7) Klosterhalfen is one of the favorites in women's 5000 m So ... there are a lot of medal chances left for Germany, even without Mihambo. Of course it didn't help that athletes like Gierisch, Jungfleisch, Dutkiewicz, Schäfer, Heß or Storl couldnt even be bothered to compete here.
  22. Or GB (unless Gemini pulls off the miracle) ... are you even british? It seems as if most of your comments are about Germany ...
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