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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Dnl

  1. I’m very happy with our results the women’s team did not compete since of COVID 19 case of one of the athletes. We are seriously close to ensure the participation of the Israeli team in Tokyo, Judo became very popular in the country due to the success(in our terms) over the years
  2. The mighty Gibraltar who frightened the continent with their attacking style football
  3. Gibraltar going to be there which is just to say that the system is really weird
  4. Nahh this time could not predict it
  5. I guess it’s time for me to conclude this contest in Memes
  6. Could not write it better
  7. but why?? just why?
  8. saw bits from the game, actually really enjoyed it
  9. And so we basically took the spanish gold
  10. @LDOG i'm starting to fear that it's going to be like last time when we hung up down the table..
  11. ISRAEL Malta 12 Spain 11 Indonesia 10 Canada 9 Poland 8 Brazil 7 Netherlands 6 India 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Germany 2 Italy 1 Concluding Comment: Once again it is a giant pleasure to participate and enjoy music with you Toda Netherlands Toda friends thank you
  12. ISRAEL Spain 11 Indonesia 10 Canada 9 Poland 8 Brazil 7 Netherlands 6 India 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Germany 2 Italy 1
  13. ISRAEL Greeting in national language: Greeting in national language: Shalom rav ve Boker tov Haverim/שלום רב ובוקר טוב חברים English translation: Hello and good morning friends Indonesia 10 Canada 9 Poland 8 Brazil 7 Netherlands 6 India 5 Croatia 4 Lithuania 3 Germany 2 Italy 1
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