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Khadidja Aisha

Totallympics World Class
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  1. i admit that i prefer a qulification system, who favours the weak nations, because the olympic ideal, is not to winng but faith ell, i am on Coubertain side, not the present mony driving side, and i knew where the eiropean nations are situated, and i dont nead to see rthem in olympic games to knew that, but how many in Europe, knew where Sao Tome are situated, so it is better fore Sao Tome than Germany to be in olympic games.
  2. the best solution sould be a singel qualificating group of the britsh island counthries u.s.a., anada, australia, new zwaland, south african and india.
  3. Hope South Korea, Uzibekistan, and Saudiarabia gets throuh, why are Australia stealing a asian place, Australia is not in Asia.
  4. I like the free outas, because i prefer universiality before that some one is good, because olympi games are not like other sporting events, i is about fighting well, btw i never care who vinns. Congrats to Angola. I am against that sould be a qualification to the olympi games, anyone who is inthrest could compet. Whit the maXIMUM OF ONE PER NATION.
  5. For being a arab and a muslim lady, i am generaly more intrested in sports, but i dont think many times i choose right intrests, because of al injuries i had. I have broken my left hand scafodium bone twicce, ones i had in cast fire 22 week. I played handbal thenl. I was 13 years old then. Less than two years later i broke the same bone again. This time the arm was in cast25 week..
  6. I dont knew, but what does you think about my name Khadidja Aisha.
  7. I hope jordan makes, because it will be there first this year.
  8. first peache and blessing to you The Pharoah, i have got it on IWF homepaged, that 7 of the Eguptian cases was under 18. the yungest a 14 year old girl, look at thweire webside, and i knew that some strang this was in the egyptian camp in the all african games i was there i was one in the medical staf there. Have a nice day.
  9. i saw the statosocs of it yesterday. Nobody spras of the thai stat sponsored doping.
  10. No Russia is yhe 6 most doped nation not number one it is Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbadjan and Thailand, thet dident punished them..
  11. Ofcourae the eussia ban has nothing to do whit doping, it is a way to punish Russia, as yjr punish England for huliganism, when worst huligans are GERMANS..
  12. If real intrest is banning the word Russia sows the intrest of this people
  13. You sould not punish Russsia at al, before you puish Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbasdjan and Thailand the four biggest doping nations. Tgw only keniyas you sould punish is the one who who swifches legeans and for just that.
  14. o real never cares who winns, beacuse i am more intrested to cry with losers.
  15. when i say it i dont think nationality, my first intrest in the olympic games seans that they started the stupid olympic qualificatiobs rules is that every nation qualifiece, and if Russia is not there it will be more relocalisations.
  16. Thailand , forinstans has a culture to doping youn atglets under 24, but they havent beean punshed, and of course if sport is a part of state, the doping is to
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