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ChandlerMne got a reaction from rafalgorka in Summer Olympic Games 2024 Replay Videos
Yeah, but not long ago account wasnt needed. I created it, piece of cake. Great platform indeed.
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Anja Lukić državni rekord na 60m prepone 8.07
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Bludenz Evropski Kup
Lazar Mikić 32 mesto +1.46
Marko Vinčić 34 mesto +1.49
Bogdan Despotović 38 mesto +2.25
Najbolji 40 dobivaju IBSF bodove
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Ovo je njegov treći nastup ove godine,
Nije medju najboljima, ali nije naj lošiji.
Mlade je i može da napreduje
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Vrlo zanimljivo, ne sjecam se da je iko ikada, na bilo kom nivou, osvojio bod u skeletonu.
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Nade za Milan 2026:
Lazar Mikić (Skeleton) i Hanna Jelena Braun (Biathlon)
Lazar je osvojio 40 mesto na Evropskom Kupu za Seniore. (Prvi IBSF bod)
Dok je Hanna osvojila 36 mesto na IBU Kupu za Juniore.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from Grassmarket in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
One of the strongest proves that contemporary politicans all over the world are just plain braindead is their welcoming of this ousting.
Asad wasnt the nicecest politican but he is replaced by hardcore islamists.
I am sad that in just few months another wave of Syrians will overflow Europe.
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Od toliko lepih momenta, dulpo zlato na SP, medalja iz Tokija, i sa sade se ovako završava njegova priča.
Sramota da nije niko ništa objavio
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Ono povlacenje, operacija, ocigledno da nije bilo sve transparentno. Tj, postoji nesto sto je precutano. A izgleda da je to ovo.
Pri tome, NIJEDAN medij, pa cak ni rvacki savez nije naveo ovu epohalno vaznu vijest.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Zurabi ce ostati bez medalje iz Tokija.
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Nisam ni znao da se takmiči dok nije osvojila zlatnu medalju.
Ali mislim da neće ostati i dalje, jel tako je isto prošle godine se takmičila jedan put i nije do sade opet.
Ali ovo za nju je odličan rezutat, i nadam se da ako ostane biće još ovakvi iznenadjenja.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Ovo je bas sokantan povratak. Zna li se da li ce se takmiciti i dalje?
ChandlerMne reacted to Fly_like_a_don in Alpine Skiing FIS World Cup 2024 - 2025
Such a nice one for Colturi ! That was fun. It almost looked like a script with the cameras focusing on Colturi a couple of times before her first run and showcasing the potential of youngster and she didn't disappoint.
I hope Colturi skis for Albania forever. So much fun to cheer her with the Albanian flag.
I don't get it why everyone is being so critical of Colturi, you got no right to criticize a personal decision, as most European nations use imported athletes in many sports like wrestling and cheer them on like their.
Would you spend hours criticizing Frank Chamizo for switching to Italy rather than playing for Cuba?
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Emilija Djurović je debitovala na svetskom kupu u alpskom skijanju, ali nažalost nije završila trku
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Vec je uveliko jesen.
Inace, kosarkasice lagano idu kroz kvalifikacije za EP, dok su rukometasi izgubili. Od Italije.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from konig in Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 News
I still remember that travesty from oppening of Paris 24.
If anyone could turn the games (oppening and closing included) back into sport thing rather than some travesty of all sorts (political, woke culture, religious blasphemies), i could only approve that.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from Biathlonfan in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
Vast majority of Americans will disagree with you. That's all that counts.
I dont see many differences in so called fascism between democrats and republicans. Both were bombing any country they picked, both were ruining systems they wanted to.
I prefer reds more because they are at least honest about it.
Also, i dont like what this ultraliberalism brought to our whole Earth.
Whoever opposes this level of insanity will have my vote.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from opruh in Boxing at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
As long as LGBT community is happy...
Sport is obviously irrelevant here.
Long live ultraliberalism.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
Its so funny and amusing to read hate comments from "democrats" on web.
Celebrities especially.
Just read some stupidity from Cara Delevingne. Of course, typical lingo - fascists and so on. Without a single decent sentence.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Mada je odmah ispao, cestitke.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from konig in [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread
This is a great news.
Always a nice thing to have a conservative winning.
ChandlerMne got a reaction from dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
Radmila Zagorac osvojila srebro u totalu na EP U23.
ChandlerMne reacted to dobar_73 in Postolimpijsko leto 2024.
„Razvoj zimskih sportova na putu ka Milano & Kortina 2026“
Razvojni program OKS
Olimpijski program „Los Anđeles 2028“
„Mladi perspektivni sportisti – kandidati za visok plasman na OI“
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